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《美国新闻与世界报道》是美国三大新闻周刊之一 ,在美国社会有着较大的影响。本文分析了该周刊 2 0 0 0年的 3 5篇涉华报道 ,并与以往的涉华报道和该杂志对其他国家如日本和俄罗斯的报道进行比较 ,试图找到该杂志以及美国主流媒体在涉华报道上的议题设置、报道用词与技巧 ,及其最近的一些新变化。这些变化有助于我们正确认识美国媒体及其涉华报道的态度和方法。  相似文献   

1999年5月8日中国驻南联盟使馆遭以美国为首的北约轰炸后,全国上下群情激愤,掀起了抗议浪潮。一向以客观公正自居的美国媒体对这两个事件是如何报道的呢?笔者对5月8日至5月15日一周内的美国主流媒体如《纽约时报》、《华盛顿邮报》、《洛杉矶时报》、CNN、ABC等的相关报道进行了整理分析,从中可以看出美国媒体———民意塑造者对该事件的立场和观点。一、美国媒体报道的几个聚焦点美国主流媒体对中国驻南联盟使馆被炸事件以及由此引发的中国各地的抗议浪潮,都进行了集中报道。通过分析发现,美国主流媒体这次似乎贯…  相似文献   

本文对上世纪90年代以来有关美国媒体怎样报道国际新闻的研究成果进行整理,描述国际新闻在美国媒体中的地位和报道内容特征,认为美国外交政策和主导性意识形态是影响美国媒体国际新闻报道的最主要因素。本文还对美国媒体国际新闻报道最新发展状况进行分析。  相似文献   

殷航 《中国传媒科技》2013,(9X):111-111
<正>美国媒体是全球最具代表性的自由化的商业媒体,不管是其内部运营还是在新闻选择与报道上都完全的遵循着商业化的运转。本文首先展示了美国现如今政治报道所出现的一系列变化,其政治报道越来越娱乐化、区域化和表面化。随后从美国选举法案的改变和媒体之间竞争日益激烈化上来分析政治报道商业化出现的原因。最后,本文着眼于美国公众对政治商业化报道的态度,美国民众对待政治新闻日益趋于理性进行分析。  相似文献   

国内众多新闻传媒专家的研究显示,美国主流媒体对中国的报道存在丑化中国的倾向。而针对中国学者对美媒体的批判,美国相关学者也进行了相应的反击。基于新闻界学者的研究现状,本文拟从语言学角度,运用批评话语分析的语篇分析方法,以美国最大的有线电视网络媒体CNN对中国的新闻报道为例,探析美国媒体对中国报道的典型语言手段,以及由此体现的美国媒体对中国报道的主观倾向。  相似文献   

20 0 4年美国总统大选中 ,福克斯新闻网摒弃“客观”报道方针 ,提出“公正而平衡”的原则 ,凸现了美国分别代表民主党和共和党的新闻媒体在政治上的分歧。使美国媒体古老的政党色彩重现新时代的光芒。其各种现实表现正是对美国新闻自由观念的新诠释。对美国电视媒体的影响也极其深远。最严重的是如果电视媒体为了党派人士的”信任率”而去主导政治 ,对之进行巧妙包装 ,将政治变成“为电视而制作”的政治 ,政治运作难免趋于迎合商业娱乐体系的需求 ,不仅对政治损害巨大 ,也埋下危害媒体公信力的炸弹  相似文献   

江泽民主席最近接受了美国哥伦比亚广播公司“60分钟”节目主持人麦克 ·华莱士的专访,在回答关于新闻自由问题时说:“我们是要有选择性,正如美国同样有选择性。关于中国的新闻,美国的报道是很少的。美国在这方面的技术水平比我们要高得多,美国的媒体在新闻选择方面要求也是很高的。” 根据我们多年来对美国媒体的观察和研究,江泽民主席的论断是极其正确的。在美国媒体新闻中,选择性可以说是无处不在,特别是关于中国问题的报道,更是如此。 美国媒体近期中国报道选择性分析 让我们先系统地观察一下美国媒体近期有关中国的报道。 …  相似文献   

美军在伊拉克的虐囚丑闻,受到了美国国内媒体的密切关注。本文通过 对《国际先驱论坛报》相关报道的分析,探求美国媒体对该事件的主要报道框架。从中 发现,美国媒体一方面严厉批评政府的管理混乱,显示出其监督政府的强大力量;另一 方面,这种指责又仅仅停留在对政府具体政策的批评层面上,并未触及美国基本价值观 乃至制度,显示出其新闻自由的局促性。  相似文献   

郑越 《新闻知识》2007,(6):65-66
在美国媒体的新闻报道中,人物报道占有相当大的比例。但与中国媒体的人物报道相比,美国媒体对人物报道并没有正面或负面人物的明确划分,而是偏重于人物或事件本身所包含新闻价值和传播价值。2007年初美国头号新闻人物不是政界要人也不是商贾名流,  相似文献   

伊拉克危机吸引了全世界媒体的眼光。无论结果如何,媒体都要做好充分的报道准备。 本期视点推出“关注战事报道”,其中,既有不同类型媒体的报道策划方案和实施情况介绍,也有对军事记者素质的理性思考以及对美国舆论的冷静分析。从不同侧面展现了业界、学界对战事报道的思考。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to explore whether the US media overemphasized recalled Chinese products in 2007 and, if so, how news coverage in the US media differed from that of the Chinese media. By using a framing analysis of the coverage in two US media and two Chinese media, this study pursues answers to these questions. After comparing the news coverage of the recalled Chinese products and a real world indictor, this study found that neither US nor Chinese media mirrored the real world phenomenon as it was. By comparing news coverage of the issue in The New York Times and The Associated Press with China Daily, and The Xinhua News Agency, the study found that news coverage of the recalled issues differed significantly in terms of the sources used, the nationality of the source, the dominant frames employed, and the attribution of responsibility for the problems. In particular, Chinese media more frequently employed government officials as their main sources, which inherently increased the use of thematic frames. By contrast, US media often used episodic frames. Likewise, American media approached the issues using ‘Customers' Worries’ and ‘Broken System’ frames, whereas Chinese media often attempted to defend the quality of Chinese products and criticized Western media for exaggerating the issues. Owing to the news framing process, US audiences might have acquired more negative images of Chinese products and China in general. By contrast, their Chinese counterparts might have experienced increased antipathy and distrust concerning the American media.  相似文献   

This study compared newspaper frames of the 2013 Asiana Airlines crash in the three countries involved: the USA, Korea, and China. The results revealed distinct patterns of news coverage under the particular influence of national interests. The responsibility frame was the most frequently used, but the attribution of responsibility varied across the three countries. US newspapers overwhelmingly attributed the causation to pilot error, Korean media framed the causation as being open to multiple explanations, and Chinese newspapers were less likely to speculate about causation before the final official conclusion was reached. US and Korean media maintained a negative tone toward each other, while Chinese newspapers took a similar standpoint as the US media but were slightly less negative toward Korea. Further, divergence of news frames used across countries was associated with the different use of sources by different newspapers across countries. In particular, Korean media indicated reluctance to use US officials and a preference to cite alternative sources which offered diverse opinions regarding the attribution of responsibility. Finally, emotions of the crash stories varied by attributions of causation in Korean but not in the other countries’ news reports.  相似文献   

This study analyzes US and South Korean news coverage of the H1N1 pandemic to examine cross-cultural variations in attention cycle patterns, cited sources, and news frames. A content analysis was conducted on 630 articles from US and Korean newspapers during the period of April to October 2009. It found that attention cycle patterns, news frames, and sources varied across the two countries according to professional norms, cultural values, social ideologies, and occurrences of relevant events. While US news coverage showed two phases of waxing and waning attention, Korean news coverage showed five phases. The frames used in US news stories placed more emphasis on attribution of responsibility, action, and reassurance. Other framing variations were found as news attention in each country rose and fell. Regarding sources used, Korean news stories relied more on governmental sources, while US news stories used a greater diversity of sources. This study advances research on variations in the attention cycle for transnational issues by specifying how journalists’ framing of social problems can differ according to the following: cultural factors, the shape of the news attention cycle, and the occurrence of events related to the issue at hand.  相似文献   

This article assesses the potential for US news coverage offoreign affairs to influence US public opinion about foreigncountries during the latter part of 1989 and early 1990, a timeof dramatic changes in central Europe. The study draws on twosources of data: content analysis of US network news and wireservice coverage of nine countries (West Germany, East Germany,the Soviet Union, Hungary, Poland, Great Britain, France, Japan,and Israel) over a six month period, and a nationally representativesurvey of 1,117 US adults which measured opinions about thesecountries, conducted in early 1990. The study shows that thereis an important relationship between the visibility of foreigncountries in TV news and US public opinion about these countries.TV is more important than newspapers for influencing publicopinion about foreign countries. And attention to foreign affairsnews, rather than simple exposure to news, best predicts generalliking of a country. Finally, attention to television news coveragehad a positive and significant influence on sympathy with Westand East Germany in 1990, even if one had German friends, relativesor ancestors, or had visited Europe.  相似文献   

An analysis spanning 10 years of news reports about Muslims and Islam in Chinese state news media (N?=?15,427) demonstrates that Chinese news reports project an overall negative view of Muslims. An implicit association test performed in the non-Muslim Chinese population (N?=?1479) reveals negative stereotypes of Muslims. In addition, a survey of Chinese Muslims (N?=?384) shows that they perceive negative coverage of Muslims and Islam in Chinese media, and that real-life discrimination might be a consequence of such negative stereotyping. This study reveals that (1) there is an overall negative framing of news coverage of Muslims and Islam; (2) non-Muslim Chinese hold a negative stereotype of Muslims and Islam; (3) Chinese Muslims are cognizant of a negative media portrayal of Islam and of themselves; and (4) some Muslim Chinese experience discrimination in their daily lives. The present study contributes to the literature on global Islamophobia, a phenomenon that is understudied in China.  相似文献   

本文运用西方新闻学研究的框架和符码理论对美国媒体有关中共“十六大”的报道进行定性和定量分析 ,旨在揭示美国媒体与主流意识形态间的互动关系 ,加深我们对美国媒体国际新闻报道运作规律的认识  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(5):636-651
This study explores whether the US media, particularly television, radio, and newspapers, met the expectations of international journalism educators concerning the coverage of world news. Four focus groups with 34 journalism educators from 29 countries were conducted in the United States. A critical discourse analysis shows that most journalism educators' expectations were not met because they found world news coverage to be deviant from the reality in their respective countries or regions. Discussion focuses on how the discourse could help us to understand how to coalesce international journalistic practices and information gathering in a new global hi-tech era, not only for the US media, but for other media systems around the world.  相似文献   

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