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据《南方都市报》,针对大量农民工无工可做返乡的现象,成都市出台一项新政策,对3个月内还没找到工作且家庭困难的成都户籍返乡农民工提供救助,他们可享受最长6个月的失业救助。按照如此条件,能够享受到这一失业救助的返乡农民工不会有多少人,但从该政策可以看到一种可取的政策取向:不把农民当成“农”民看,而当成一般国民看。  相似文献   

山东省委书记李建国同志到青岛调研期间,在视察社区工作、观看青岛市档案局等部门开发的"社区一点通"管理系统时,详细地了解了社区低保、残疾、失业等弱势群体人员的救助情况,这说明关心弱势群体,是建设和谐社会的一个重要问题。  相似文献   

虽然1970年就已经参加工作,但家住北京市西城区佟麟阁路的朱静元在1984年至2008年的24年间,一直为自己的劳动档案担心着.二十几年来,由于没有档案,他不能像其他下岗职工或无业人员一样享受失业保障救助.  相似文献   

虽然1970年就已经参加工作,但家住北京市西城区佟麟阁路的朱静元在1984年至2008年的24年间,一直为自己的劳动档案担心着.二十几年来,由于没有档案,他不能像其他下岗职工或无业人员一样享受失业保障救助.  相似文献   

上海社会保障网(SSS——SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM)是上海信息港五项骨干工程之一,它覆盖养老、医疗、工伤、失业、生育等五大保险和农村养老保险、社会救助、社会优抚等社会福利领域,并同政府、银行等有关机构的计算机网络系统协同,实现社会保险制度运作和管理的自动化。  相似文献   

前不久,<长春日报>策划实施的"救助营城矿区"活动,在社会上产生很大反响,共为矿区捐送年货、衣物及现金达400多万元,安置下岗失业人员3600多名,不仅扩大了党报影响力,提升了党报公信力,更重要的是为政府破解了一个难题,为弱势群体与百姓之间架起了爱心之桥.  相似文献   

省委书记李建国同志在青岛调研期间,视察了市南区金门路街道山游路社区.在社区工作人员的办公室里,李建国书记现场观看了工作人员演示“社区一点通“管理系统.观看期间,李建国书记不断提出问题,要求工作人员将社区低保户信息、残疾人信息、失业人员等信息--演示,并对社区弱势群体人员的救助情况进行了详细的了解.……  相似文献   

在新的形势下,党报如何践行“三个代表”,前不久,《长春日报》策划实施的“救助营城矿区”活动,找到了很好的答案。这个活动历时半年之久,春节前,共为矿区捐送年货、衣物及现金达400多万元,安置下岗失业人员3600多名,为政府破解了一个难题,为弱势群体与百姓之间架起了爱心之桥。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的进一步发展,社会贫困群体问题日益突出,引起社会各界的广泛关注.党的十六大报告提出全面建设小康社会的宏伟蓝图,令人鼓舞、催人奋进,但只有把贫困人口减少到最低数量,让那些失掉工作能力、因疾病和暂时失业的人能够得到救助,使其生活得到基本保障,才能真正进入全面小康社会.  相似文献   

范贤昱 《大观周刊》2013,(10):152-152
高校贫困生的救助问题受到了国家、社会等各方的重视,救助工作也在高校有序的进行,但是在开展救助的过程中,救助主体更多的是关注贫困生物质层面的救助而忽视了精神层面的救助,本文在社会工作的视角下,运用其理论方法来探讨对高校贫困生的精神救助。  相似文献   

Western economies have seen a shift away from a model of job security to a model of work precarity. Cycles of unemployment are a defining feature of the new precarious economy. Given these cycles of unemployment, it becomes imperative to explore the barriers to reemployment. The present study uses stigma communication to explore the intersection of two barriers to reemployment: the stigmatization of unemployment and social class position. Analysis of 40 interviews revealed that the meaning of unemployment changed depending on the perceived social class of an unemployed person. Participants described typical unemployed people as pathologically lazy and unmotivated. Upper class unemployed people were stigmatized as a product of privilege. Middle class unemployed people were relatively unstigmatized. The typical unemployed person merged with the typical unemployed lower class person, suggesting that the dominant meaning of unemployment assumes that unemployment is a lower class phenomenon that is preventable if the lower class person would work harder.  相似文献   


This research explores the hypothesis that social stress, as indexed by rising unemployment in society, leads to increased preference for crime drama on TV. This hypothesis is tested by relating the unemployment rates in the U.S., Canada, and Germany over several years with national trends for the relative popularity of crime drama (i. e., as compared to the popularity of other program categories). Support for this hypothesis is found in the U.S. and in Canada.  相似文献   

With the advent of the Internet, many U.S. metropolitan areas have seen newspaper closures due to declining revenues. This provides the researcher with an opportunity to analyze the microeconomic sources of media bias. This article uses a large panel dataset of newspaper archives for 99 newspapers over 240 months (1990–2009). The author found that, after controlling for the unemployment rate, the change in unemployment rate, and the political preferences of surrounding metropolitan area, conservative newspapers report 17.4% more unemployment news when the President is a Democrat rather than a Republican, before the closure of a rival newspaper in the same media market. This effect is 12.8% for liberal newspapers. After the closure, these numbers are 3.5% and 1.1%, respectively. This moderation of media bias after closure of a rival newspaper is robust to the inclusion of newspaper size, newspaper fixed-effects or metropolitan area fixed-effects as controls. The author also found that newspapers in smaller metropolitan areas have a larger moderation in their bias. Findings provide support for theories in which media bias is demand-driven, as surviving newspapers aim to increase their sales by gaining the former readers of a closed newspaper in the same media market.  相似文献   

澳大利亚的图书馆自动化网络、数据库和情报服务   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
澳大利亚的图书馆自动化网络、数据库和情报服务何洋Abstract:Inthe1960s,Australiatookherfirststepoflibraryautomation.TheFederalGovernmentgaveanofficialap...  相似文献   

[目的/意义]回顾新中国成立以来图书情报事业发展的历史轨迹,为新时代图书情报事业建设提供新鲜经验。[方法/过程]从7个方面概括70年来图书情报事业建设的主要成就;从社会文献信息需求、宏观社会环境、图书情报机构内在因素3个维度,探讨新中国图书情报事业发展动因;以CALIS、NSTL、NCPSSD等文献信息保障体系建设为例,介绍中国图书情报事业建设的标志性成果。[结果/结论]对国家文献信息保障体系的进一步建设提出构想。  相似文献   

[目的 /意义]针对党史学习教育中高校图书馆红色文化推广的现状及存在问题,寻找一条将党史学习教育与红色文化推户有机融合、充分发挥图书馆红色文化资源优势、助力实现高校立德树人根本目标的新路径.[方法/过程]高校图书馆以开展党史学习教育为抓手,以提高服务效能为目标,运用调查法、比较分析法、例证法,探究彰显图书馆红色文化推广...  相似文献   

The role of libraries is changing to focus more on users rather than the collection of information. Community building and connecting people with shared interests represents a social role for libraries in the information age. Their role adds a new dimension to the traditional domains for libraries. Developing and implementing an integrated medical curriculum became the primary focus of basic sciences faculty at a new medical school. Scholarly teaching and connecting teaching with educational research presented a great challenge for the faculty. In response to the learning, teaching, and developmental needs of faculty members, a librarian established a faculty learning community as an approach to supporting faculty development and growth as teaching scholars and scholars of educational research. The article provides a case to illustrate how a librarian spanned boundaries and took up the responsibilities of establishing a faculty learning community and developing a year-long program in light of different developmental needs of faculty members at the new medical school. It also describes the process of developing the faculty learning community program, its components, and the many roles that the librarian took in implementing the program.  相似文献   

出版社图书营销面临很多问题,有宏观环境层面的,也有企业自身管理层面的.其中比较重要的一个问题是企业经营管理如何与读者需求有效地结合起来,多数出版社都做了很多尝试,但效果不是很明显.本文引入整合营销策略理论,以某家外语图书出版社为例,研究如何将出版社营销运作和读者需求有效结合在一起,建立以整合营销中心为核心的营销运作模型.  相似文献   

魏瑞斌 《图书情报工作》2016,60(24):107-114
[目的/意义] 从微观层面对某种研究方法的期刊论文进行内容分析,从创新视角分析研究方法的研究成果,以期为研究图书情报学领域的论文研究方法的创新提供参考。[方法/过程] 对国内外相关研究成果梳理的基础上,提出一个研究方法创新的分类体系和分析流程。利用内容分析方法,选取国内181篇共词分析论文进行实证研究。[结果/结论] 研究发现:国内学者对共词方法改进性研究的成果相对较少,而在共词方法应用方面的研究较多。在共词分析改进性研究中,国内学者的创新性研究主要体现在共词分析某个过程的创新,原理性创新缺乏。在共词方法应用研究文献,国内学者在数据源、数据分析或数据可视化工具等方面有一定的创新。  相似文献   

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