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最佳的室内设计是空间、形状、质地与色彩的和谐搭配。如果设计师能对色彩有更深的认识,注重色彩语言与人的情感交流的反应,才能创造出良好、宜人的室内空间环境。  相似文献   

色彩原理与色彩管理自从桌上排版被广泛应用后,设计师都爱用电脑来配搭色彩,因为可以即时看到试验的效果。可是,常常在屏幕上看来漂亮的色彩,在印刷后却晦暗混浊,黯然失色,与屏幕所见的全是两回事。应用电脑进行配色虽然方便,但同时给设计工作带来困扰,甚至加重设...  相似文献   

何雪冰 《大观周刊》2011,(20):73-73
作者针对住宅小区景观的色彩设计与应用做了一些理论和实践的探讨,包括色彩的生理与心理功能,并对色彩在住宅小区景观设计中的应用进行了全面的介绍。  相似文献   

早期的照相制版与电分制版,其色彩控制方法都是建立在以密度控制为核心的色彩属性定义与描述的理论基础上,并通过一个封闭的体系来进行色彩的识别与校正,在CMYK色彩空间中完成原稿分色到印刷成品的全部工作,并且对不同原稿的复制均具有针对性。所以在印刷生产相对封闭的情况下,依据作业人员的熟练程度和经验积累,结合科学规范的方法和数据(如灰平衡、彩色校正、最佳印刷密度控制、网点增大等等),传统色彩控制方法也取得了相当满意的结果。  相似文献   

夏文英  田少煦 《传媒》2023,(20):88-90
色彩是动画影像中不可缺少的视觉语言,它在情感塑造和信息传递上具有重要作用。以色彩与情感的关系为切入点,可以发现色彩的情绪诱导是形成动画色彩情感的基本条件。动画影像通过色彩的视觉刺激引导观者的心理活动和情感参与;观者可以通过色彩联想与动画内容进行意义关联和情感交互;色彩营造的意象和意境,既能表达创作者的思想情绪与审美旨趣,也能促成观者对自我进行审视,对动画所揭示的社会现象、人性道德进行反思。  相似文献   

本文对动画人物造型与传统戏曲人物造型图谱资源整合进行了分析.  相似文献   

在印前工艺制作过程中,经常会出现设计效果与打印或印刷结果不相符的现象,达不到理想的成像效果。究其原由,除打印与印刷工序产生了特殊的错误外,主要是色彩管理与显示效果的问题。一、彩色显示技术与色彩显示  相似文献   

在我的记者生涯中,曾有一位素不相识的人,先后4次给我写信. 这个人是谁?他为什么要给我写信?落款的名字前又为什么先冠上"一个真诚求助者"、后冠上"一个不该忘记您的人"、再后冠上"一个知恩难报的人"这类感情色彩浓烈的字眼?时间已过去10多年了,至今我与这位"真诚求助者"也尚未谋面,但他的一次次来信宛如发生在昨天.他的每一次来信,都是对我心灵的一次震撼,都促使我考虑该如何做人,如何当记者.  相似文献   

园林景观设计中色彩学的运用与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
园林设计中对植物的色彩的掌握是一个重要的课题,对植物色彩的构想来源于对色彩植物的认识和掌握。对园景设计的色彩美要靠色彩植物与周围环境合理的应用,要靠人对植物色彩的和谐感受。对园景色彩的合理应用是评价园林设计质量的一个标准。  相似文献   

在影视中,光与色彩是作为语言而存在的。这些语言是刻画人物、创造人物形象、创造画面气氛、创造画面基调甚至剧情基调的重要手段。光与色彩表达出作品的情感与思想、主题与意蕴。在影视中,光与色彩不是中性之象,它带有剧情的倾向性甚至是社会性。它是影视艺术中特有的语法结构和修辞策略。  相似文献   

高校图书馆的影视文化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
潘雪华 《图书馆》2005,(4):90-91
影视服务开展是图书馆服务时空的延续。影视文化丰富了读者的校园生活。影视服务只是一种尝试,需要把握住影视文化的导向,引导读者的审美意识。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 利用社会化标签对电影资源进行标注已成为新网络环境下电影资源组织的新方式,构建电影资源本体对规范电影标签语义、提高电影资源检索效率具有重要现实意义。[方法/过程] 针对目前电影资源本体构建方法及构建过程存在的问题,提出利用社会化标签构建电影资源本体的思路,在深入剖析电影标签与电影资源本体映射关系的基础上,揭示一种基于社会化标签的电影资源本体构建方法,并给出利用该法构建电影资源本体的详细流程。[结果/结论] 利用豆瓣电影中的标签数据集构建一个电影资源本体,并分析基于社会化标签电影资源本体构建方法的科学性和优越性。  相似文献   

介绍了微电影的概念,调查了微电影在我国图书馆的应用实践、宣传内容和制作方式。目前,微电影在国内图书馆的应用实践有十余家。其中在图书馆界极具影响力的主要是清华大学的《爱上图书馆》和北京大学的《天堂图书馆》。文章以《天堂图书馆》为例对用户观后的评价进行梳理总结,分析提出了微电影在图书馆领域的未来发展。  相似文献   

Despite its glamour and elevated social status, the movie industry receives much assistance from governments around the world. Governments mainly use both direct (subsidies and tax credits) and indirect (screen quotas or censorship) tools to help their own domestic motion picture industries. This article presents evidence of an indirect government intervention in the Spanish movie industry. In 1999, the Spanish government mandated that operating TV networks invest 3% of their receipts on the production of movies in the Spanish language. Using a new dataset of Spanish movies produced between 2000 and 2008, this article studies the empirical relation between TV network participation on movie production and box office success. Private TV network participation (as opposed to public networks) through production (and not distribution) was found to be associated with higher box office revenues and gross profitability rates, even after controlling for movie production budgets.  相似文献   

Although the Internet features excess demand for media, especially movie downloads, the motion picture industry lacks sustainable business models for this market. An enriched form of the theory of planned behavior can identify drivers of consumer intentions to adopt a legal movie download service. Using a large data set, this study estimates structural equation model parameters. The magnitude of specific influences is subject to unobserved heterogeneity, according to a finite mixture approach with partial least squares estimation. Not only attitude, but also social influence, perceived technical feasibility, innovativeness, compatibility, and past behavior drive adoption decisions.  相似文献   

Audiences’ movie evaluations have often been explored as effects of experiencing movies. However, little attention has been paid to the criteria viewers use when they evaluate a movie or its specific features. Adding to this, the present research introduces the idea of subjective movie evaluation criteria (SMEC), conceptualizes SMEC as the mental representation of important attitudes toward specific film features, and describes the scale construction for their measurement and its validation process. Findings from pilot work and 2 studies including over 1,500 participants provide first evidence that 8 dimensions—Story Verisimilitude, Story Innovation, Cinematography, Special Effects, Recommendation, Innocuousness, Light-heartedness, and Cognitive Stimulation—are largely determined by stable individual differences, substantially but differentially related to film-specific constructs and personality traits, and that the SMEC scales are reliable and valid instruments for measuring subjective movie evaluation criteria.  相似文献   

黄宝富 《新闻界》2007,(6):84-85
本文通过对电影文本《云水谣》影像符码的局部解读,分析电影媒介在社会传播中独特而深刻的意义播撒.  相似文献   

1990年代以来,大众传媒和商业意识的崛起,彻底瓦解了传统的读者群,阅读成为一个分化的小部落行为,阅读趣味也发生了巨大的分裂。强大的大众传媒力量构建了一个权利的话语体系,读者的阅读行为也被纳入到这一强大的媒介话语的生产结构之中。在以电视传媒为代表的大众文化日益渗透的影响下,受众的阅读心理呈现出一种娱乐化的特征,读者的阶层呈现全面的分化。在电视的强大影响下,阅读开始以家庭或小群体为单位,随着电视的指针而选择同一种阅读类型。当影视文化建构起的消费主义意识形态深刻地引导着受众的消费——购买影视图书的时候,读者就成为马尔库塞所说的“单向度的人”.  相似文献   

本文以《芙蓉镇》为个案,从时间、空间、身体等影像语言角度来解读电影的文化传播意义。  相似文献   

Films have become an essential asset to transnational media corporations (TNMCs) such as Sony, Time Warner, or Disney. Since the 1990s these and other corporations have utilized a strategy called event movie. The central goal of this marketing strategy is to ensure the success of a film, as well as to provide content for the many different divisions owned or controlled by TNMCs, for example home entertainment, cable, and pay-television. The event movie strategy takes advantage of the film industry's macro structure and combines established concepts (blockbuster, high-concept marketing) with new business models, turning the value chain into a value cycle. This article describes an analytical framework for the event movie strategy that is used by the world's leading TNMCs. As a conclusion, the framework of the event movie strategy can be applied to better understand the success of individual films. The concept can also be expanded to describe the individual TNMC's strategy within the field of audiovisual content.  相似文献   

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