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赞比亚的新闻业与其他非洲国家一样,也是由殖民者带来的。独立后该国的新闻业发展缓慢,除了国家经济落后外,当权者强化对新闻业的控制也是主要原因。本文论述了该国新闻业的曲折发展历程,谈到该国新闻业存在的专业化和职业道德诸问题。2012年,该国出现独立的新闻业组织,政府承诺部分国营私有化。作者认为,赞比亚新闻业的独立和自由发展,尚需时日。  相似文献   

报业集团化自本世纪初出现以来,在西方新闻业中不断发展壮大,已形成很大规模。在美国、欧洲等的主要西方发达国家中,报业集团掌握和控制了绝大多数的报纸,在新闻业和政治、经济和社会生活中发挥着重实影响。新加坡、马来西亚等亚洲国家的报业集团化也有了较大发展。了解和研究当今世界报业集团的发展原因,对改革和探索中的我国报业有一定的启发意义。报业集团化的发端.开始于本世纪初期。随着西方政治、经济和社会的发展,以及新闻业自身规律的作用,报业集团有了长足的发展。美国的新闻业十分发达,报业集团的规模十分庞大。全国前12…  相似文献   

19世纪末,一场变革使日本摆脱了闭关自守、封建落后的局面,维护了国家和民族的独立,一跃成为近代亚洲第一强国,这就是被称为"日本历史上最惊心动魄的一页"①的明治维新.这一时期,新的传播媒介--报纸出现并蓬勃发展,迎来了日本舆论"最初的激烈论战的年代"②."在政治论争、向西方学习的过程中,国民整体处于兴奋状态,新闻业在这种大环境的刺激下,发展极为迅猛,很短的时间内,日本的现代新闻业形式上走过了西方国家官报-党报的发展阶段,转向商报时期."③因此明治维新被看做日本现代新闻蓬勃发展的开始,是日本现代报业舆论传播的开端.  相似文献   

何兰 《现代传播》2005,(3):34-36
在中国东北沦陷的14年中,日本帝国主义为了巩固其领土占领、政治统治和经济掠夺的成果,在思想文化领域诸部门中,把新闻业作为其侵略喉舌,通过颁布各种法令,成立由日本控制的通讯社、报业垄断组织等,从精神上奴役东北人民,弱化其民族意识,极大地摧残了东北地区的新闻事业。本文对日本侵略者的上述罪行进行了揭露和论证。  相似文献   

本文以数据驱动新闻的新闻业实践为背景,结合对于政治新闻博客"538"的个案分析,讨论大数据以及数据化思维对传统新闻业在新闻报道形态、新闻组织形态、新闻记者和组织角色等方面产生的冲击,并在此基础上尝试提出新闻行业在大数据时代需要直面的问题与挑战。  相似文献   

即便在当前新闻业危机的背景下,国家干预新闻业的举措在美国也难有进展,原因何在?本文从社会想象的角度将此视为文化变迁的问题,以传媒的社会责任理论为中心,从话语和行动两个层面考察美国新闻业从1890年代至1940年代的发展过程。美国现代新闻业从1890年代的矛盾状态里起步,蕴含未来的多样可能性,到新政年代,“国家干预新闻业”作为传媒新观念变得清晰,但制度改革的可能性却悉数消失。本文认为,在新观念被制度化之前,新闻业已形成强大的利益集团,成为制度变革的重要阻力,而美国左翼政治力量一直比较薄弱,则是制度变革在社会结构上的深层限制。但是,新观念起源于社会结构和社会关系的重大变迁,并不会因受挫而消失,而是一个有待实现的社会想象。  相似文献   

美国新闻学教授伦纳德.道尼和迈克尔.舒德森最近发表在《哥伦比亚新闻学评论》的报告《重构美国新闻业》引发巨大反响。该报告对美国新闻业在金融危机后面临的种种新局面进行了详细调查分析,重点分析了美国新闻业中本地性独立新闻报道的生存问题。该报告所展现的美国新闻业发展的新趋势对我们也具有很强的现实参考意义。  相似文献   

一个时期以来,日本新闻界里存在着一个能导致新闻业“自我毁灭”的特殊的组织体系——“新闻俱乐部”,这是一些由大众传播媒介机构中的特殊人物组成的帮会。这些组织的排他性和封闭性,妨碍着日本新闻业的发展。限制性的措施  相似文献   

美国是一个由清教徒创建并以清教意识形态为基础的基督教国家,清教在美国历史进程中发挥了基调和底色的作用。目前,学术界尚未对美国新闻业的宗教渊源展开系统性研究。本文采用历史发生学方法,分析清教传统与美国早期新闻业的互动,在清教的视野下关照美国新闻业的起源,目标是呈现出美国早期新闻业的宗教底色,进而揭示出早期新闻业清教传统的变迁和上帝角色转型的深层原因。经梳理发现,现代新闻并不是个彻底理性化的、世俗化的产品,而是有着鲜明的清教渊源,从17世纪-18世纪中后期,美国新闻业中的宗教观经历了从"唯上帝论"到"理性宗教论"的转型。  相似文献   

迈克尔·舒德森所著的《发掘新闻:美国报业的社会史》是美国新闻史上第一部运用社会学的视角来研究新闻史的著作,将新闻史研究成功地从人文科学转向社会科学领域,他认为新闻业的发展并不是单向的,而是一个复杂的、与社会互动的过程,它既是导致社会变化的一部分原因,同时也承载了社会变化的结果。本书以社会学的方法来研究美国新闻业的发展变迁,围绕客观性这一概念的从无到有,将美国新闻业的发展置于城市和社会的发展之中,并结合当时社会的政治、经济、文化生活等背景进行深入剖析。  相似文献   

American newsrooms are adopting social media as an innovation for greater engagement. However, several organizational and individual factors may affect the extent to which news outlets adopt social media innovations. In particular, there is assumed to be a divide among different age groups of journalists in embracing social media. Utilizing a structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis, the study seeks to understand how social media culture in newsrooms affects journalists’ strategies of taking social media as an innovation, and how journalists of different age groups differ in the SEM model fit. The analyses indicated Twitter engagement mediates social media culture and journalists’ attitude toward social media. However, that was not the case with Facebook. Additionally, while younger journalists favored Twitter, older journalists embraced Facebook and middle-aged journalists adopted both Facebook and Twitter. The analyses showed the more that middle-aged journalists interacted on Twitter, the more they tended to have a positive attitude toward social media. However, the more that younger and older journalists engaged on Twitter, the more they tended to have a negative attitude toward social media. Journalists from all three age groups tended to hold a negative attitude toward social media if they engaged more on Facebook.  相似文献   

The city of Ishinomaki in Miyagi prefecture was devastated by the tsunami that struck Japan’s North East Coast on 11 March 2011. Drawing on fieldwork conducted in Ishinomaki, which included interviews with senior journalists from the city’s two local newspapers, the Ishinomaki Hibi Shimbun and the Ishinomaki Kahoku, this paper presents an intrinsic case study of the role a local newspaper in Ishinomaki after the Great East Japan Disaster. The evidence reveals that in the immediate aftermath of the tsunami journalists recognised how their newspaper could serve the immediate information-needs of the local community by providing essential lifeline information, describing a duty to report, despite the operational difficulties that their newspapers faced. In the longer term recovery phase, interviewees acknowledged how their newspapers have attempted to communicate a message of hope to the city and provide an alternative perspective to the national media, which sometimes gave a false impression of the state of Ishinomaki’s recovery. This paper offers some insights into journalistic role conceptions, illustrating how journalists from the two newspapers embraced the role of information-disseminator after the disaster, and also identifies avenues for further research.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to probe into the social media use by Chinese climate journalists through the examination of their professional practices on social media. Taking COP21 as a case, the study conducted a survey from Chinese COP21 journalists and analyzed WeChat and Weibo posts from Chinese journalists and tweets from their UK and US colleagues. The results show the prevalent use of WeChat among Chinese journalists and the personalization of the social media content accordingly. Compared to their Western counterparts, the use of social media for professional purposes by Chinese COP21 journalists was relatively limited. Nevertheless, several patterns of using social media were identified. Specifically, Chinese journalists tended to more frequently express personal opinions, discuss work experience and favor conventional news sources of authority than UK and US journalists. The results also suggest that climate change in Chinese media discourse will remain more a policy-related issue instead of an environmental or scientific issue, with Chinese government playing a central role.  相似文献   

During the past decade, great changes have occurred in journalism, many of them due to the rapid rise of social media. What has happened to American journalists in the decade since the early 2000s, a time of tumultuous changes in society, economics, and technology? What impact have the many cutbacks and the dramatic growth of the internet had on US journalists’ attitudes, and behaviors—and even on the definition of who is a journalist? To answer the questions raised above, in late 2013 we conducted a national online survey of 1080 US journalists. The survey is part of the American Journalist project, which conducted similar surveys of US journalists in 1982, 1992, and 2002. We found that US journalists use social media mainly to check on what other news organizations are doing and to look for breaking news events. A majority also use social media to find ideas for stories, keep in touch with their readers and viewers, and find additional information. Thus, journalists use social media predominantly as information-gathering tools and much less to interview sources or to validate information. Our findings also indicate that most journalists consider social media to have a positive impact on their work. Of particular value, it seems, was the fact that social media make journalism more accountable to the public. However, only about a third of the journalists also think that social media have a positive influence on the journalistic profession overall. One of the most common negative perceptions was that online journalism has sacrificed accuracy for speed. Overall, then, it appears that most journalists do see the benefits of social media, but fewer are convinced that these new forms of digital communication will benefit journalistic professionalism.  相似文献   

The verification of social media content and sources are increasingly critical to journalists and news organisations. In this study, we report on findings from qualitative interviews conducted with 24 journalists working with social media in major news organisations in Europe. Our findings contribute to new knowledge on journalists' social media working practices. We find that social media content are often used as the primary news source, and journalists use several different verification strategies to verify social media content and sources. Journalists are also found to have various competences in verifying social media content, in particular visual content. Moreover, our study suggests user requirements for future innovations in tools to support the verification of social media content. To avoid trade-offs between verification and fast-paced publishing, journalists will need efficient and easy-to-use support both in the verification process and in structuring and organising an overwhelming amount of social media content.  相似文献   

With the increasing penetration of mobile phones and the internet in India, citizen journalism has experienced a steady growth in recent years. This paper adds to the growing scholarship on citizen journalism by exploring the motivations of Indian citizen journalists to produce online news content. Through a Web-based survey of citizen journalists (N?=?134) contributing to the leading news portals in India, this study addresses the role of traditional media experience among citizen journalists’ reporting practices. One of the key findings of this study is that, unlike American citizen journalists, Indian citizen journalists who have not worked in traditional media are less likely to work collaboratively than those with traditional media experience.  相似文献   

The internet and social media sites are used extensively by violent extremist actors, providing new areas of inquiry for journalists reporting violent extremism. Based on 26 in-depth interviews with Norwegian media professionals, the present article describes how journalists monitor, assess, and make use of online information in investigative reporting of violent extremist groups in today’s networked media environment, characterized by complex interaction patterns, a plurality of voices, and blurred boundaries between private and public communication. While existing research on journalists’ use of social media as a source has tended to emphasize breaking news, the present article focuses on longer-term investigative efforts of journalists. The article gives insights into journalistic investigative practices in the networked media environment, in general, and in reporting violent extremism, in particular.  相似文献   


This study examines the individual and organizational level factors shaping Brazilian journalists’ use of social media. Results from a survey of 774 reporters show that individual factors influence awareness and reporting uses, while organizational factors are associated with branding. Results suggest no difference between groups of journalists, when it comes to incorporating social media for reporting; but online reporters engage in branding and use social media as an awareness system more than their counterparts. Findings also reveal that journalists have not fully embraced the participatory potential of social media, as only trust in information posted by other journalists relates to adoption.  相似文献   

本文从媒介系统依赖理论出发,调查并比较了中国新闻工作者及未来新闻工作者(新闻专业学生)对BBS信息和报纸信息的信任度。结果显示,由网民提供的信息正日益受到信任,这一趋势在学生群体中表现更为明显。  相似文献   

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