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张建梅 《档案》2011,(1):57-59
本文针对信息时代档案工作呈现出的新特点,分析了档案从业者在工作中出现的有悖于信息伦理道德的现象,提出了通过信息伦理建设培养和提升档案人员职业素养的途径。  相似文献   

档案职业伦理的基本内涵是:保真求实、主动服务和着重权益。当前档案职业伦理的问题是:信息失真、安全失范、隐私问题、价值歪曲。加强档案职业伦理建设的途径是:以社会主义核心价值观引领档案职业伦理、以法规强化档案伦理、以提高档案管理者素质落实档案伦理。  相似文献   

随着信息技术和档案信息化的深入发展,由此带来了许多新的档案信息伦理问题.文章从信息伦理概念的引入出发,围绕档案信息伦理建设中涉及的几个基本问题进行了阐述,并进一步探讨研究了解决上述问题的对策.  相似文献   

信息技术的迅速发展和广泛应用加快了信息社会前进的步伐,促进了社会道德的开放性和多元化,也给传统的伦理观带来了不小的冲击.在这场变革中,档案信息化迎合了现代档案事业自身发展的需要,但随之而来,其衍生出的伦理失范现象也最为错综复杂.面对信息化时代带来的新的伦理问题,如何完善网络环境下档案信息伦理建设从而促进档案信息化建设,已成为当今档案理论与实践界广为关注的一项重要课题.  相似文献   

档案信息化过程中的信息伦理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在档案学理论研究和实践探索中,必须开辟信息伦理研究的新视野,通过借鉴国内外信息伦理学的最新成果,系统探讨信息化背景下档案从业者和档案用户在档案活动中的伦理关系,分析档案信息化过程中的道德失范现象及成因,提出档案信息伦理的原则和规范.目前,档案信息伦理主要研究信息公开与档案公平利用的伦理问题、个人信息管理与利用的伦理问题、隐私权和知情权的伦理问题、档案知识产权保护的伦理问题等方面.  相似文献   

<正>档案是对人类社会活动中形成的有价值信息的真实记录,是人类的一笔宝贵财富,档案安全监管是档案部门工作的重点。本文从档案安全监管工作中存在的问题入手,浅析档案安全监管的必要性,并提出档案安全监管的手段、路径和方法。一、档案安全监管工作中存在的问题1.部分档案管理人员对档案安全监管工作重要性认识不足,职业素质不高。档案管理工作虽然重要,但是长期以来并没有带来切实的经济利益,一些档案管理人员对档  相似文献   

社会转型期,档案工作不断向信息化与网络化发展,随着信息化建设的不断深入,档案信息伦理问题不断涌现.文章针对档案信息伦理建设问题指出社会转型期档案信息伦理建设过程中出现的信息失范现象,分析信息伦理失范现象的起因,并针对其提出解决措施.  相似文献   

下岗失业人员档案管理中存在的问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、下岗失业人员档案管理工作存在的问题. 1、职工档案由多个部门管理,职责分工交叉重叠.企业改制后,原工人身份的下岗失业人员档案已移交县职业介绍服务中心托管,实行社会化管理.但原干部身份的下岗失业人员档案仍滞留在县人事局,这样不利于下岗失业人员养老保险关系接续,给将来办理退休手续,领取养老保险金等带来不必要的麻烦.  相似文献   

在新的历史时期,档案工作要与时代同步,这就给档案工作提出了更高的要求,同时也给档案业务指导人员带来了更大的挑战.作为档案管理工作前沿的业务指导人员,不但要有良好的政治素质,而且要进一步增强运用现代高科技、档案信息的能力以及要有敏锐的档案信息意识,具体应体现在以下几个方面.  相似文献   

档案信息资源共享性、档案信息控制灵活性及海量存储性等特点给档案信息管理利用带来了极大的变化,在充分体验这种变化的同时,档案信息管理利用中的道德失范和伦理冲突也在逐渐显现.本文针对这些失范和冲突,分析其产生的原因,探究档案信息伦理与档案信息法律同构路径,以确保档案信息管理利用的公平、公正、公开、准确、安全及高效.  相似文献   

随着档案服务社会化意识的增强,档案管理质量高低一方面取决于作为基础与核心的内部控制,另一方面也要接受来自外部的客观监督,基于此,现代档案管理需实现管理与伦理的协调同构。管理与伦理皆为协调主体关系的有效方式,在相互作用间,管理表现为带有伦理属性的群体道德约束,而伦理则体现为能够规范个体道德的管理方式,二者具有趋同发展的价值导向,即档案管理主体道德存在着向档案管理伦理发展的趋势,档案管理伦理与主体的自我管理也呈现趋同性。  相似文献   

Codes of ethics around the globe exhort archivists to neutrality so that they and their repositories will be trusted by records creators, the general public, and posterity to be impartial in their actions. However, archival neutrality is increasingly viewed as a controversial stance for a profession that is situated in the midst of the politics of memory. Archival educators have been prominent among those calling for the profession to address more directly the cultural and ethical dimensions of the role played by archives and records in society. This paper contemplates how archival neutrality and social justice concerns can surface within the context of archival education. Drawing upon experiences of the Department of Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), it suggests pedagogical approaches for raising and addressing ethics and diversity issues within a social justice framework, and for encouraging students, as future practitioners and scholars, to engage critically, reflexively, and meaningfully with these issues in ways that support the public trust in archives and the archival profession.  相似文献   

档案学与信息技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息技术(Information Technologies)影响了档案管理的观念和;方法。并要求它们要适应IT的发展,许多信息技术专家认为,档案学的方法,原则甚至概念都过时了,作者在本文中,则论证档案学能帮助我们回答IT给档案管理带来的问题,强调了档案工作者与信息技术或电子归档专家的合作。  相似文献   

Archivists in North America have described, discussed, and debated the necessary and optimal content, configuration, and venue for archival education for close to a century but have given little consideration to integrating technology within archival curricula. Increasingly, archivists are faced with a high tech world in which they must understand issues including information systems, the nature of electronic records and databases, record migration, digitization, and web design and creation for provision of access. This paper explores the nature and extent of information technology and information science coursework and knowledge discussed in the Society of American Archivists’ Guidelines for a Graduate Program in Archival Studies and that students have available to them while in archival programs. It concludes with a proposal for Library and Information Science education programs that prepare archivists to explore developing Certificate of Advanced Studies programs in archival management on top of master’s degrees to allow for additional information science coursework.  相似文献   

本文对澳大利亚、爱尔兰、比利时和法国档案法律中涉及档案工作人员的规定进行总结和分析,提出明确档案工作人员的实际指向与法律身份、夯实档案机构领导人或责任人的主体责任、充实有关档案工作人员的法规内容等三点启示,为学术界开展相关研究和立法者制定档案工作人员法律规定提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

The quantity of government records has grown dramatically since the rapid development of information technology starting in the mid-twentieth century. This ever-expanding body of records has challenged the limited resources of government archives. Though U.S. government archivists constantly try to identify valuable government records among the geometrically increasing total, in order to justify spending public money on their preservation, little is known about how U.S. state archives and records management programs go about the process. The study discussed in this paper is the first to empirically investigate nationwide archival appraisal practice in U.S. state archives and records management programs. The study answered two research questions: How do U.S. state archivists and records managers conceptually define archival appraisal? How do U.S. state archivists and records managers practice archival appraisal of state government records? The study used an online survey and interviews for data collection and SPSS software and NVivo8 software for data analysis. This paper discusses the research topic and concludes with recommendations for practitioners and further studies.  相似文献   

The profession of digital archivist is crystallising, fundamentally challenging traditional archival roles. The very nature of digital records also challenges the sustainability of archival systems and collections. Records that used to stay stable for decades in an analogue world now risk being lost or damaged within moments of creation. How should archivists react to these changes? Archivists have to lift ourselves out of our analogue environment and focus more effort on forging a new path, to reposition archives, archival institutions and archival practitioners more strategically for the future. To do this, archivists must resist the temptation to think that we and we alone – as people, as archivists or as today’s archivists as opposed to yesterday’s archivists – can come up with the ultimate solution to the world’s recordkeeping problems. Archivists must keep innovating, absolutely. But we also need to be agile and flexible, remembering that anything we come up with today will be superseded at some point in the future – increasingly, in the very near future. Archivists need to forge links with archives, systems and people in order to come up with approaches to records and archives care that remain usable now and flexible well into the future.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(56):185-202

The archival profession is dynamic, adaptive, and undergoing continual change. This is particularly true in the areas of reference (or researcher) services and outreach. This article advocates reexamination of these functions, relating them more closely to each other. It maintains that archival records are underutilized and that archivists should address this issue by proactively reaching out to researchers and encouraging research use. Special skills are required to assist researchers to ensure that their use of archival records meets their information needs. The increasing creation and use of electronic records occasions even more attention to archivists' relations with researchers. Finally, there are several areas where archivists and researchers can and should work together to address common needs.  相似文献   

网络环境下档案信息一系列信息伦理问题的产生,主要缘于虚拟网络环境易导致档案信息行为失范、档案部门应对网络环境准备不足、网络与计算机系统存在安全隐患、网络信息立法不健全。解决当前网络环境下档案信息伦理问题,应结合产生问题的原因采取相应的对策,具体包括加强信息伦理教育、增强档案信息伦理意识,完善伦理决策机制、规范档案信息伦理行为,加强信息立法、正确引导档案信息合法行为,加强网络监控技术攻关、预防不道德档案信息行为发生。  相似文献   

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