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吴瑞  史文武 《情报学报》2006,25(5):629-633
基于用户访问网页的不同序列反映了用户特定的兴趣,提出了Web日志中用户存取模式的聚类算法。利用传统的Leader算法只扫描数据集一遍的优点,以及粗糙理论在处理含有不确定信息问题上的优势,给出了结合粗糙理论的改进Leader算法对用户存取模式进行聚类方法,使得同一类中的用户存取模式尽可能的相近或相似,不同类中的模式尽可能的相异。实验结果表明,该算法在可承受的计算时间内可对Web日志中的用户存取模式进行有效聚类。  相似文献   

肖强  钱晓东 《图书情报工作》2011,55(16):136-139
针对传统关联规则算法中事务扫描的重复性以及最小支持度设定的不确定性,导致关联规则挖掘算法扫描事务数据库运行效率低下的问题,提出一种基于K-means的Web访问用户关联规则挖掘算法,该算法利用K-means算法聚类的效果,将Web访问用户数据集聚类为不同的小数据集,采用不同的最小支持度,分别对Web访问用户聚类小数据集进行关联规则挖掘。分析和实验结果证明,该算法可有效提高传统关联规则挖掘算法的效率,同时也可有效避免传统关联算法中扫描中的重复性。  相似文献   

大多数传统的数据挖掘算法,通常是在二进制值的事务数据库中在单一层次上发现属性之间的关联关系即关联规则,但是大多数的数据库包含有大量量化的值。通常人们采用分区的方法处理量化值,然而这种处理方法带来分区过硬的问题。本文使用模糊的方法从Web日志中发现模糊泛化的Web网页之间的关联规则,它们能够体现出带模糊浏览时间的网页之间的关联关系。通过实例分析表明,该算法在可承受的计算时间内可对Web日志中的用户存取模式进行有效的模糊泛化关联规则的提取。  相似文献   

社会化标签系统中基于密度聚类的Web 用户兴趣建模方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Web用户兴趣模型在个性化信息服务中有着非常重要的作用。本文利用社会化标签的独特优势,针对传统社会化标签聚类方法的局限性,提出了一种基于密度聚类的Web用户兴趣建模方法。首先建立基于社会化标签的向量空间模型,并将社会化标签表示为Web资源及其权重的形式,以此为基础利用DBSCAN算法对其进行聚类,进而依据所有Web用户的标注行为以每个聚类为中介计算特定Web用户对Web资源的兴趣度来构建Web用户兴趣模型。实验结果表明了该方法的优越性。  相似文献   

随着Internet和电子商务的迅猛发展,聚类技术在Web用户划分方面的作用越来越明显.Web用户聚类的难度在于有成千上万的用户需要聚类,而且每个用户的偏好向量是高维稀疏的.对于处理大规模的数据集,近邻传播算法是一种快速、有效的聚类方法.但面对高维稀疏的数据,近邻传播算法往往不能得到很好的聚类结果,而且该方法不能产生指定类数的聚类.本文提出一种改进的近邻传播算法,使用该方法对Web用户进行聚类.根据灰关系等级和Jaccard系数定义用户相似度矩阵,对算法产生的初始聚类进行重新分配,获得指定类数的聚类.实验结果表明新算法是有效的,与原始近邻传播算法相比,新算法在个性化推荐的应用中具有更好的性能.  相似文献   

基于蚁群算法与K-means算法相结合的Web用户聚类   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Web用户聚类是指用聚类算法产生用户会话的聚类,是电子商务中的一个重要问题.该问题的难度在于有成千上万的会话需要聚类,而且每个会话都可描述为一个高维向量.此外,该问题就聚类的数目而言具有指数的复杂性,是一个NP-难的问题.本文提出一种新的聚类方法,该方法将蚁群算法与K-means算法相结合对用户会话进行优化聚类.实验结果表明,与K-means算法相比,该方法在Web导航推荐的应用中具有更好的性能.  相似文献   

Web挖掘技术在电子商务中的应用研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
刘培刚 《情报学报》2002,21(6):680-685
本文基于国内外最新研究成果对电子商务中应用的Web挖掘技术进行了研究。对于个性化电子商务网站中难以发现用户行为特征问题 ,给出了基于Web日志的客户群体聚类算法及Web页面聚类算法。利用这些Web挖掘技术可有效挖掘用户个性特征 ,从而指导电子商务网站资源的组织和分配。  相似文献   

基于WEB日志挖掘的网站个性化服务研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了基于Web日志挖掘的网站个性化服务,提出了利用Web日志挖掘的个性化服务中频繁访问路径的挖掘及用户聚类和页面聚类。利用这些算法推动Web站点从“站点为中心”向“用户为中心”的发展,即站点不但要针对用户共同感兴趣的信息服务,更要有针对每个用户的个性化服务。  相似文献   

聚类检索述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍聚类和聚类检索的概念以及聚类检索在数据库与Web上的应用现状,对聚类检索目前存在的问题,如聚类效果不突出、用户无法 参与聚类过程等进行分析,认为将聚类检索作为数据库或搜索引擎的一种检索功能,是对信息的一种增值性开发利用,会更加完善检索系统;提 出聚类检索应基于个性化用户模式来发展,要将聚类结果可视化,设置允许用户参与操作的检索界面等建议,以期将聚类功能向个性化、智能 化方向推进,更好地满足用户检索需求  相似文献   

通过对使用基于关联规则挖掘方法和聚类用户事务方法进行分析、比较,总结它们的优缺点,认为这两种获取用户个性化模式的方法都可实现提供个性化主动信息服务的目的。  相似文献   

Since the 1930s, the Library Bill of Rights has acknowledged the ethical responsibility of librarians to provide access to information in all formats to all people. Librarians are charged with selecting, organizing, and instructing patrons on how to locate and use the resources, and preserving information regardless of format or technology. The information revolution and the pervasive thinking that everything is available on the Web have created new challenges to these traditional professional ethics. Acquiring and providing dependable access to electronic resources require librarians to learn and apply new skills such as negotiating license agreements and understanding evolving technologies. Print publications provide a degree of permanence, but e-information, if it is not properly managed, can be highly transient. Internet services provide large, uncontrolled, unregulated collection of resources. If the very nature of the Internet makes it nearly if not completely impossible to evaluate the content of web-sites, how does the librarian protect the integrity of the information the library provides? Along with traditional ethical conflicts, librarians in the virtual library are faced with new challenges to provide equitable access to usefully organized resources, to address petitions to deselect or filter, to negotiate less-restrictive licensing policies, and to maintain the anonymity of individual users within electronic transactions.  相似文献   

Since the 1930s, the Library Bill of Rights has acknowledged the ethical responsibility of librarians to provide access to information in all formats to all people. Librarians are charged with selecting, organizing, and instructing patrons on how to locate and use the resources, and preserving information regardless of format or technology. The information revolution and the pervasive thinking that everything is available on the Web have created new challenges to these traditional professional ethics. Acquiring and providing dependable access to electronic resources require librarians to learn and apply new skills such as negotiating license agreements and understanding evolving technologies. Print publications provide a degree of permanence, but e-information, if it is not properly managed, can be highly transient. Internet services provide large, uncontrolled, unregulated collection of resources. If the very nature of the Internet makes it nearly if not completely impossible to evaluate the content of web-sites, how does the librarian protect the integrity of the information the library provides? Along with traditional ethical conflicts, librarians in the virtual library are faced with new challenges to provide equitable access to usefully organized resources, to address petitions to deselect or filter, to negotiate less-restrictive licensing policies, and to maintain the anonymity of individual users within electronic transactions.  相似文献   

提高图书馆Web服务器的访问速度成为提高图书馆服务质量的重要一环.文章通过对提高Web服务器访问速度影响因素和现有加速技术的分析,提出采用综合性的方法来提高Web服务器的访问速度.  相似文献   

本文分析了万维网在科学研究中的局限性,指出其虽然能补充传统图书馆和数字图书馆的一些服务功能,但决不可能替代图书馆。为了应对科学文献爆炸性的增长,万维网和图书馆事业都必须迅速地加以改进和建设。  相似文献   

Since the late 1990s, governments at all levels have launched electronic government projects aimed at providing electronic information and services to citizens and businesses. Although Web sites are becoming essential elements of modern public administration, little is known about their effectiveness. The objective of this paper is to study the quality and usage of public e-services to citizens in Europe.According to the results of this study, e-government seems to be following a more or less predictable development pattern ranging from a stage in which interaction is limited to what is shown on the screen to stages in which there is two-way communication and service and financial transactions can be completed with a satisfactory level of protection of personal privacy. At present, e-government in almost all the cities studied is merely an extension of the government, with potential benefits in speed and accessibility 24/7. Despite the limited degree of development observed, online access has advantages that are impossible to replicate offline. Even though few expect e-government to completely replace traditional methods of information, e-government is becoming a powerful tool of transformation that has become embedded in the culture and in the agenda of the public sector.  相似文献   


A well-designed and user-friendly Web site is essential with the large and rapid increase in the number of off-campus users. Web site usability studies can help ensure that libraries provide effective and efficient access to their Web site for both on-and off-campus users. Formal usability studies, focus groups, and cognitive walkthroughs are usability techniques that can be incorporated into a Web site study. These three techniques will be discussed with real life experiences added in to provide the reader with suggestions of how to and how not to use the techniques.  相似文献   

Web 用户访问模式挖掘技术可以从服务器、浏览器端的日志记录中自动发现用户的访问偏好、兴趣和趋势等 信息,目前已经成为web 挖掘领域的一个研究热点。文章首先给出Web 访问模式挖掘系统的一般框架模型,然后介绍了 框架模型中主要组成部分的工作原理,在此基础上,对Web 访问模式挖掘系统中的一些关键技术的最新研究进展状况作 了阐述和分析,其中包括数据采集、数据预处理、模式发现、用户可视化界面等,最后分析了未来该领域的研究重点作 了展望。  相似文献   

User experience is immeasurably important for your patrons as they access your Web site. This article presents tips and strategies for testing user experience, suggests a number of different popular technologies and tools that are used in the UX field, and lays out a plan for sharing and utilizing data to make improvements on your Web site. It is the goal of this article to present a model for improving Web site usability that can be scaled up or down depending on the resources available at your institution.  相似文献   

Web 2.0 refers to an emerging social environment that uses various tools to create, aggregate, and share dynamic content in ways that are more creative and interactive than transactions previously conducted on the Internet. The extension of this social environment to libraries, sometimes called Library 2.0, has profound implications for how librarians will work, collaborate, and deliver content. Medical librarians can connect with present and future generations of users by learning more about the social dynamics of Web 2.0's vast ecosystem, and incorporating some of its interactive tools and technologies (tagging, peer production, and syndication) into routine library practice. doi: 10.1300/J115v26n01_01.  相似文献   

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