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日本是世界上漫画文化最为发达的国家,该国一些图书馆已经尝试收藏漫画,向普通读者提供借阅服务,并逐渐发展成专门的漫画图书馆或公共图书馆中的漫画专藏.根据日本《图书馆法》和《图书馆自由宣言》的精神,该国公共图书馆收藏漫画具有法律依据和理念基础;图书馆收藏漫画的优势在于藏与用结合,保存的同时充分利用漫画.随着对漫画收藏的重视,日本图书馆的漫画收藏体系正在构建.日本图书馆对漫画收藏的经验对我国图书馆做好相关工作具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the current status of health sciences libraries in Kuwait in terms of their staff, collections, facilities, use of information technology, information services, and cooperation. Seventeen libraries participated in the study. Results show that the majority of health sciences libraries were established during the 1980s. Their collections are relatively small. The majority of their staff is nonprofessional. The majority of libraries provide only basic information services. Cooperation among libraries is limited. Survey results also indicate that a significant number of health sciences libraries are not automated. Some recommendations for the improvement of existing resources, facilities, and services are made.  相似文献   


The author surveyed four university libraries in southwest Nigeria regarding access to their serials collections. It was found that in the libraries surveyed, undergraduates not in their final year often had at most limited access to the collections. This can be attributed to a variety of reasons including security and a lack of space; however, of more importance still is the fact that the collections are intended to cater mainly to researchers. In addition, it was found that the libraries usually provide open access to their serials collections, the collections are generally understaffed and suffer from a shortage of current, relvant journals.  相似文献   

Microforms collections are at a crossroads and how effective libraries are in increasing the visibility and usability of these collections will determine whether they endure. In the last decade many libraries have made significant changes in how they process, catalog, and provide access to their traditional book and journal collections, even in how they view their library's physical spaces and the role of library services in providing support for their collections. This article will suggest changes libraries will need to make if they expect to mainstream the most useful and valuable parts of their microforms collections by applying some of the same innovative and change-oriented approaches they have used in other areas of their libraries.  相似文献   

特藏资源是图书馆最可珍视的资源。特藏推广的独特价值在于,以"有形"资源之推广,促"无形"文化之传播。以特藏推广为载体,不仅可以促进特藏资源的利用,而且有利于图书馆服务品牌的塑造和文化价值的传播,特藏推广可以成为带动图书馆全局工作的战略。特藏推广要以高质量的资源建设为基础,通过制定完善的推广计划,辅以专业的服务以及多样化的推广方式,并以制度作保障,将深度整合图书馆的资源,带动图书馆整体服务水平的发展,而实现特藏资源的共建共享则是特藏推广的终极目标。  相似文献   

This study examined the use of academic libraries by academic sponsored researchers in the social sciences at five universities in the greater Boston area. It provides information about researchers use of the library during the proposal development and research stages; it inquires into other information sources employed by the researchers; and it collects data about the types and ages of information materials used in support of the respondent's research projects. Analysis of the responses indicates that for the majority of the researchers, the library was used between one and five times during their proposal development work but that the resources of the library were not a factor in the development of their research proposals. While the researchers indicated that they had used or expected to use their campus libraries as well as other libraries during the course of their research, they also expected to obtain research related information from other sources. They ranked their personal collections first in importance as the place they turned to for information materials in support of their research activity, with their campus library or libraries ranked second.  相似文献   

Weeding or deselection of materials has become an integral part of library management. Based on a nineteen-question survey about weeding practices in public libraries, this article discusses the personal perspectives of public librarians on weeding as well as the weeding practices of their institutions. The three most common criteria for weeding are circulation, physical condition, and accuracy of information. Librarians overwhelmingly believe that weeding increases use of books and patron satisfaction. In addition, the public library was framed as a venue that offers safe, clean, and fresh “product lines” with various natural life cycles and expiry dates. This discursive formation raises questions about the extent to which public libraries and their collections are becoming commodified, homogenized, and ephemeral, and whether such ephemeralness and homogenization serve the interests of all community members.  相似文献   

清代商人鲍廷博酷爱图籍,他集收藏、校勘、刻印于一身,收藏图书上万卷,内中多宋元精品。四库全书开馆,他拣选宋元善本呈献,受到朝廷的嘉奖。而他用毕生之力刊刻的《知不足斋丛书》,收书广,刊刻精,为清代最有名的大型丛书之一。与一般的私家刻书不同,他的刻书思想主要体现在对皇帝顾眷的感恩,秉承先志,不是从刻书中获利,而是注重刻书品质,为乾嘉学者服务,创造图书精品。  相似文献   

Academic libraries’ graphic novel and comic book collections hold a wide appeal for both scholarly study and personal reading. Programming around these materials can attract diverse audiences to promote library services and resources in a distinctive way. Wichita State University Libraries hosted their first Halloween ComicFest in 2017 and it has grown into an annual event from the success of this initial endeavor. In this article, the authors discuss the challenges of planning and hosting a comic convention in an academic library as well as the potential benefits such events hold for both libraries and their patrons.  相似文献   


This article discusses the theory of exhibition presentation as a genre, the specific issues of curatorial styles, and the distinct features of exhibitions in libraries. Based on my personal reflections on taking part in curating the Russin Revolution: Hope, Tragedy, Myths exhibition at the British Library, the article discusses the tension between the nature of collections held in libraries and their transformation when turned into an exhibition display, as well as the tension between the purpose of collecting for libraries and collecting for displays. It also presents the author’s experience of the challenges and solutions that exhibitions in libraries normally face. As the number of exhibition projects in all kinds of libraries is growing, the library communities are looking toward a better understanding of how libraries’ special and general collections can function in an exhibition environment and how information professionals can contribute to curatorial practices. Sharing experience about library exhibitions in the wider framework of art and museum curation will help to recognize exhibition curating as a requisite part of librarianship, which might change our perception of libraries and their relations with users now and in the future.  相似文献   

A study is made of developments in serials librarianship in Nigeria during the past decade. Evidence shows that serials collections in Nigerian acadamic and special libraries are generally small. However there was considerable growth in the collections during the period. Efforts are made through current awareness services to assist users to exploit the collections. There is adequate arrangement for bibliographic control of serials though this is impaired by the ignorance of publishers. Various efforts at interlibrary cooperation, production of union lists of serials and automation have not yielded very fruitful results.  相似文献   


Law librarians are well aware that it is difficult to maintain print and electronic collections in today's law library. The author of this article compares his personal experience in reference assistance and collection development with findings from the literature and from responses to an open-ended questionnaire. The author looks for trends and differences in reference assistance and collection development among academic, firm, and government law libraries.  相似文献   

Although a literature search yields much data on validity, reliability and construction of educational and psychological tests, little information on test collection management in libraries is available. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign initiated a survey of selected test collections in order to verify that their practices conformed with those of other institutions. An attempt was also made to rank collections and compare staff and budget allocations. The fact that two other institutions were found during the distribution and compilation of the survey to be engaged in a similar activity indicates that there is currently great interest in the management of test collections in libraries.  相似文献   

已故教授的私人藏书具有很高的利用价值,是馆藏文献的有益补充。高校图书馆为已故教授的私人藏书设立书架、对这些藏书进行开发与利用不仅必要而且可行。高校图书馆应打破放在图书馆的已故教授藏书便是图书馆财产这一观念,吸引已故教授家属将教授生前藏书存放于图书馆;建立管理工作细则对已故教授藏书征集工作进行管理;对已故教授私人藏书进行合理的分类排架。  相似文献   

随着数字资源的迅速增加,有关数字资源的馆藏控制进入了各图书馆的议事日程。如何对数字馆藏实施有效的控制?该文首先回顾了传统馆藏控制理论,接着介绍了数字馆藏控制的基本概念和内容,并从数字资源保存、备份、信息生命周期、控制数字资源采集量、数字资源的分级与剔除四个方面具体地介绍了数字馆藏控制的主要范畴。于论文的最后部分,作者还从建立数字资源存储图书馆、建立数字资源评估体系、设备更新、与其他有关厂商协作、建立专门的研究队伍等五个方面简介了与数字馆藏控制相关的问题。  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a survey undertaken by the World Health Organization of health sciences libraries in Southeast Asia. It includes information on clientele, budget, personnel, collections, lending policy, dissemination of information, and reference services. The survey indicates that the collections in most of the health sciences libraries in Southeast Asia are deficient and that services provided to readers are inadequate. Recommendations for improvement are outlined.  相似文献   

一流大学不仅要国际化和标准化,而且要特色化和个性化。特藏是体现图书馆及所在高校文化传统和特色的重要指标。文章通过分析和论述境内外四所具有代表性的大学图书馆的特藏建设,较为全面地观察和总结了近年来特藏发展的方向和流变:许多图书馆或创建内容丰富、形式活跃的“新特藏”,以凸现本校本馆特色,支持重点学科发展;或致力于发掘传统的“老特藏”,以梳理馆藏流变,彰显人文内涵和历史传统,传统意义上以“善本”为核心的特藏概念被扩大了。特藏建设已经成为图书馆揭示和打造其文化传统的一个重要方面。  相似文献   

From the time the Reverend John Harvard donated his collection of books in 1638 to start the library at the newly established Harvard University [1], gifts have played an important role in the development of collections in U.S. academic and special libraries. Today, gifts are still vital to most libraries as publication costs rise and book budgets shrink. Over the years, much has been written on material gifts to libraries, from their use in collection building to the practical points of handling gifts and donors in the technical services area. Culled from the pool of literature, this annotated bibliography is a collection of many of the most useful and informative sources written on the various aspects of gifts in libraries.  相似文献   

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