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论"疑问式"审稿   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
周爱琴 《编辑学报》2007,19(4):259-260
在科技学术期刊的质量主要决定于专家审稿的今天,变审稿过程中简单结论式问答为"疑问式"层次问答,是提高审稿质量的关键举措.要做好"疑问式"审稿工作,编辑者必须对稿件进行深层次了解,做到向审稿者提出的问题个个都涉及论文的实质和核心.为此,作者必须撰写出规范的论文摘要;编辑者初审时必须认真细致阅读稿件,必须准确选择审稿专家;编辑部必须适量提高审稿酬金.  相似文献   

文史类图书历来是图书编辑的重要内容,相较于科学技术类和文学文艺类,文史类图书编辑在精确度和编辑者个人素质方面都有较高的要求.编辑者不仅要有丰富的积累,同时能够在编辑的过程中准确地发现问题.本文将根据文史类图书编辑自身的特点和要求进一步分析在加工中应该注意的问题.  相似文献   

基于基金论文信息著录的重要性,提出基金项目的管理部门、承担者和编辑者应重视基金项目著录。  相似文献   

在当前环境中,科技的进步促进了新媒体时代的到来,为新闻编辑工作者带来新的机遇,但同时也为其带来巨大挑战.在此情况下,新闻编辑工作者需正视自身工作,以高效、准确真实、客观的工作方式做好采访报道工作.就当前新闻编辑工作者工作现状而言,新媒体时代下做好采访报道工作还需从多方面精进.如何充分抓住新媒体时代,提升自身工作水平是诸多新闻编辑工作者思考重点.本文将浅谈新媒体时代下新闻编辑者工作特点,从而提出提升其采访报道工作能力的有效策略,以期使其充分适应新媒体时代.  相似文献   

校对者及其上下左右   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
罗原 《编辑之友》2001,(5):43-44
校对在出版工艺流程中,处于编辑和排版的结合部.于是,校对者就有了左邻右舍.编辑者在校对者的左边,排版者在校对者的右边.编辑者把齐、清、定的原稿发到排版者那里(有的在承印厂,有的就在本单位),排版者照原稿录入、排版,打出毛样后连同原稿交给校对者.校对者与排版者的关系是双向的、互动的.你校一遍,他改一遍;他改一遍,你再校一遍,三番五次,直到清样为止.如果只"校异同",校对者与编辑者就可以不发生直接关系了,服从原稿就是服从编辑者.服从和被服从是单向的,也不互动.因为"校是非",校对者与编辑者也在某种程度上是双向互助的关系.  相似文献   

大数据时代的到来,使得新闻资讯的信息获得渠道、方式发生了巨大变化,增加了编辑者的工作难度。为了更好地顺应变化,编辑者需要不断丰富自身的知识体系,重构编辑能力,从而为新闻行业的发展贡献力量。本文首先分析了大数据时代对新闻编辑行业的影响,然后分析了新闻编辑能力的现状,最后探讨了新闻编辑能力的重构策略。  相似文献   

《经济学科论文数据库》(以下简称《经济学科论文库》)发展至今,历经7个春秋.它发展的每一步都凝聚着创建者、编辑者无数的辛劳和汗水.如今,它已成为全国仅有的几家经济类数据库之一.用户已遍及全国,且新用户以每年30%递增,它正以蓬勃的姿态向前发展着.  相似文献   

编辑加工行为凝集了编辑者的创造和劳动,其中并不乏具有独创性的部分,因此,有必要承认编辑者享有作品的汇编权和作品的共有著作权。鉴于多数编辑作品的单位归属性和编辑加工行为的举证困难性,有必要通过编辑者与作者签署书面协议的方式,明确编辑者权益与作者著作权的界限,以实现编辑者和作者利益的和谐共生。  相似文献   

编辑是出版领域的核心元素,编辑者存在感与获得感是出版理论界与实务界发展的内在源动力组成。学术编辑者的存在感和获得感意蕴悠远,既是对学术编辑者的人文关怀,又是唤起学术编辑者的潜在动力。  相似文献   

意大利作者编辑者协会 意大利作者编辑者协会成立于1882年,简称SIAE,是世界上历史最悠久、实力和影响较大的版权组织之一。它的主要宗旨是团结作家、艺术家和出版界人士,共同保护自身正当权益,并为国家收取税收。其主要职能有:1)经管作家、艺术家、出版商的版权,其中主要是音乐作品、摄影作品、歌  相似文献   

This study is part of a larger research project dedicated to digital print preservation issues – the Digital Print Preservation Portal (DP3). This work quantifies the potential of glazing materials to mitigate different types of light-induced damage – colorant fade, paper yellowing, changes in paper gloss, and loss of optical brightening agent (OBA) function – that occur to digitally printed photographs and documents when on display. Prints were subjected to xenon lighting to simulate daylight through window glass in a series of arrangements: without glazing, with plain framing glass (soda-lime) in a sealed or unsealed package, and with UV blocking glass in a sealed or unsealed package. Sealed packages served the purpose of isolating the samples from atmospheric pollutants, known to contribute to the deterioration of certain print types. In this study, the use of UV-filtering glass protected prints from colorant fade, paper yellowing, and paper gloss change to an extent. Protection conveyed by plain glass was less comprehensive and less effective than UV glass. Neither type of glazing was able to keep the OBAs functional by the end of the light exposure. It was also seen that light-induced damage to digital prints is due not only to UV radiation, but also to visible light, and that different digital prints may be more vulnerable to one or the other. Protecting sensitive prints from UV radiation and budgeting the amount of light they may be exposed to should be essential to any print display policy in order to ensure longevity.  相似文献   

互联网思维下图书馆服务变革探讨   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
冯国权 《图书情报工作》2015,59(2):25-30,16
[目的/意义]互联网颠覆了物质世界的思维基础,引发的改变是观念,对图书馆服务的思考必须转变为互联网思维这一重要思考方式。[方法/过程]梳理互联网思维产生的背景、概念,总结互联网思维特征,论述其对图书馆服务的意义及其对图书馆服务的影响。提出改变观念,深度解读用户;免费开放,促进信息公平;以数字化形式,实现用户的普遍获取;以信息专家的角色,嵌入用户过程;借力新媒体,提供方便、快捷的服务等图书馆服务理念。[结果/结论]应从变革思维、与虚拟空间相连接、营销推广图书馆服务、发挥技术驱动作用4个方面拓展图书馆服务的互联网思维。以数字化、网络为基础,围绕用户需求,把用户体验做到极致,以期推动图书馆服务创新发展。  相似文献   

杨冬  蔡斐  张丽辉 《编辑学报》2009,21(5):436-438
为了在利用Photoshop进行插图处理时使图中复杂公式的植字更加方便和快捷,使植入公式字体的大小、字符的分辨率符合出版要求,介绍如何利用Word软件中的MathType将公式转换到插图中的基本步骤,并指出了在转换过程中的注意事项.  相似文献   

论兼听权   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
兼听权是一项古老的动物性权利 ,因其太古老而不易被伤害 ,因其不易被伤害而被忽视。广播媒介产生以后 ,加之东西意识形态的对立 ,国际传播领域形成一座座信息围城 ;围城内公众的兼听权遭遇到从未有过的侵害。近年全球范围的恐怖主义泛滥与兼听权的丧失息息相关。兼听权到了写进世界人权委员会文件中的时候了  相似文献   

The large number of conservation and restoration works recently completed in Qatar show that there exists a need to enhance appreciation of the local architectural and building traditions, as a way of bringing to light the historical memory of these local places, using local techniques and materials to conserve existing buildings and to typologically integrate them. This paper offers an update on the status of some recent conservation projects in Qatar, analysing and comparing a number of completed restorations of historic buildings on the basis of the categories into which they can be organised; the extent to which they had deteriorated before restoration; the methods that were adopted; the construction materials and techniques used; the philosophical approach taken to restoration; and the various proposals for reusing the restored buildings. Comparison and analysis of the data make it possible to classify these methods and techniques in ways that could be applied to other conservation projects in future. The aim is to define a philosophy and methodologies that are consistent, and will be able to give expression to the specific local culture in matters of conservation, while respecting shared international rules.  相似文献   

客观评价审稿贡献 消除同行评议瓶颈   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
代小秋 《编辑学报》2017,29(5):416-419
为了应对专业期刊审稿工作的困境,对国外平台审稿工作的奖励方法进行分析,旨在使审稿人的审稿工作得到经济或学术的认可.认为应建立合理的度量审稿工作的指标,寻找有效的方法来激励审稿人积极参与期刊的审稿工作,以调动审稿人审稿的积极性,从而促进期刊学术水平的提高.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a research agenda to explore the intersection of e-government implementation and the key federal programs – Medicaid, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, a.k.a. food stamps), (SSI), and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF, a.k.a. welfare) – that provide assistance to low-income citizens in the United States. To lay the groundwork for on-going research, this paper focuses on the implementing statutes that require different levels of automation for delivering these programs to the public. It discusses the programs in terms of their breadth, impacts to recipients, and the effects of automation as implemented for each. It identifies some of the consequences of automation, such as potentially faster service delivery, different approaches to information access, and issues of privacy. It then suggests some points to consider for policymakers and for future research to more deeply understand this unique and little-studied aspect of e-government implementation. By understanding the impacts of implementing statutes on the poor, policymakers can develop a deliberately inclusive strategy that leverages technology to support access to assistance in measurable models that can be implemented at the federal, state, and county levels. This can further democratize the government-to-citizen relationship and support greater accountability to taxpayers.  相似文献   

The article discusses the need for initiatives to be undertaken by the King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Library administration to acquire archives of and perpetual access to its subscribed electronic journals. It also reports the findings of a survey conducted to ascertain the publishers' positions on archiving services and the right to permanently access licensed materials paid for during the period of a license agreement. The findings are expected to help the library to plan for securing the right over a three-year period to ongoing access to the back files of journals from fifteen commercial and society publisher platforms.  相似文献   

The medium-sized public library has an important role to play in providing information to local officials. This role can be achieved on a minimal levcl by development of the collections, contacts with municipal leaders. and the use of specialized databases. The provision of such a service to local governments has two primary objectives: first, to heighten the visibility of the public library in the community, particularly among those controuing tax dollars; second, and most importantly, to provide information services to a level of government closest to the people.  相似文献   

高校图书馆读者服务必须从宏观改革,微观创新方面做起,才能调动图书馆人和图书馆读者的积极性,才能实现图书馆的功能。  相似文献   

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