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高校图书馆学生读者权利的缺失与保障   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校学生读者的权利体系不同程度地受到侵害。从法理的角度来看,其原因主要是权利意识薄弱、法律制度缺位、监督机制缺乏、救济途径不畅。因此,应从事前预防和事后救济两方面入手,采取加强立法、完善相关管理制度、培育读者权利意识、引入申诉制度、建立仲裁制度、实行听证制度等措施,构建一个完整的学生读者权利保障体系。  相似文献   

读者权利就是自由、平等、合法地利用图书馆。从读者利用图书馆权利保护的立法价值导向角度看,《公共图书馆法》立法对读者权利的保护,应从应然权利角度界定读者权利的范围和种类,从法定权利角度规范依法保障读者权益的种种方法和途径,从实然权利角度预测并完成读者权利的实现和救济,凡发生危害读者权利、侵犯读者权益事件时,应依法救济。可见,《公共图书馆法》立法是实现读者权利法律保护的根本价值追求。  相似文献   

读者权利的法理解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
读者权利是公民的一项基本权利,也是图书馆文明的核心。作者从法理角度阐释了读者权利的基本含义和我国读者权利法律化的条件与基础。对在法律范围内如何正确认识和行使读者权利,提出:(1)读者权利和读者义务是不可分割的统一体;(2)读者权利受一定经济文化发展水平的制约;(3)读者权利受到侵害后要给予必要救济。  相似文献   

曾婧 《图书馆界》2010,(1):9-11
目前,我国《公共图书馆法》已经进入立法程序,依据“权利本位”的法律原则,读者权利是《公共图书馆法》保障的首要权利。本文通过对读者权利这一概念进行法学分析,明确读者应享有的法律权利的内容以及权利被侵害后的救济途径。  相似文献   

刘澍 《图书馆论坛》2016,(4):44-49,27
读者与公共图书馆之间的法律关系属于行政合同法律关系。从现行立法与草案看,公共图书馆与读者之间的权利义务关系失衡,读者图书馆权利保障与救济机制缺位。文章建议《公共图书馆法(征求意见稿)》应当着重提高读者图书馆权利的保障力度,并建立权利救济机制。  相似文献   

信息权利救济:信息权利实现的程序化保障   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
信息权利的实现有赖于信息权利救济程度;信息权利救济是信息权利践行过程的制度设置,是信息权利实现的程序化保障;对信息权利救济的审视与定位,已成为信息时代对信息权利发展的内在要求。  相似文献   

读者权利:冲突与限制   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
我国对读者权利的法律化不明确也小系统。读者权利是指公民依法平等、自由地利用图书馆,满足文献信息需求的权利,需要专门的图书馆法给予明确、全面的规定。平等权、保障权、知情权、使用权、尊重权足读者权利的主要内容。解决读者权利冲突应该遵循总体差异和有限功利啄则,限制读者权利应该遵循正当性、最低性和不贬损原则。  相似文献   

关于图书馆权利冲突学界存在着许多错误认识。文章认为图书馆权利冲突应当只包括权利本身的冲突和权利行使中的冲突两种形式;图书馆权利冲突的内容不外乎利益冲突和义务冲突;解决图书馆权利冲突应当通过完善相关制度、保障读者个人利益、规范公权力的运行和畅通权利救济等方式实现。  相似文献   

林沁 《大观周刊》2012,(48):47-47
本文讨论我国公务员权利救济制度进行,研究该制度的现状,从特别权力关系理论的起源及变演角度,研究该理论对我国公务员权利救济制度的影响和启示,提出构想,更好地完善我国公务员权利救济制度。  相似文献   

我国现行新闻传播法具有相当丰富的法律渊源.在新闻传播活动的许多问题上已经拥有明确的法律规范:我国制定专门性的新闻传播法的主要难点正是保障新闻传播权利方面:“没有救济就没有权利”,新闻传播活动权利的实现就必须完善新闻自由权利救济制度。在专门的新闻传播法尚未出台的情况下,宪法司法化为我们提供了一种较为可行的权利救济方式。  相似文献   

In summer 2000, the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library at Yale University began a demonstration project to digitize classic articles in neurosurgery from the late 1800s and early 1900s. The objective of the first phase of the project was to measure the time and costs involved in digitization, and those results are reported here. In the second phase, metadata will be added to the digitized articles, and the project will be publicized. Thirteen articles were scanned using optical character recognition (OCR) software, and the resulting text files were carefully proofread. Time for photocopying, scanning, and proofreading were recorded. This project achieved an average cost per item (total pages plus images) of $4.12, a figure at the high end of average costs found in other studies. This project experienced high costs for two reasons. First, the articles contained many images, which required extra processing. Second, the older fonts and the poor condition of many of these articles complicated the OCR process. The average article cost $84.46 to digitize. Although costs were high, the selection of historically important articles maximized the benefit gained from the investment in digitization.  相似文献   


ARL interlibrary loan statistics and most other interlibrary loan cost studies provide only the mean and median unit cost. The author suggests that future statistical survey include marginal cost in addition to unit cost. Another important factor that is not included in the current interlibrary loan cost studies is the copyright fee, or royalty fee. When the sixth article from a journal is requested for copying by a library in the same year, a copyright fee is incurred, and it can be more than $50 per article. However, the copyright fee is not listed as a separate category in any of the current interlibrary loan cost studies. Since the copyright fee is an additional cost to the borrowing library, it is a marginal cost, not a fixed cost (such as staff salaries). Zhou's formula to include the copyright fee into the marginal cost study is presented, and the marginal analysis and the copyright fee are incorporated into the interlibrary loan cost study for the first time.  相似文献   

为了节省有限的建设经费,很多图书馆的业务外包范围不断扩大,图书馆的主业务和非主业务内容均被涉及。委托管理是一种具有管理和服务成本控制优势的管理模式,它逐渐引起了政府和高校管理者的兴趣,他们可能将它运用到图书馆的管理工作中去,这客观上促使图书馆员职业危机的产生,图书馆员将面临再次被边缘化的危险。  相似文献   

浅议网络隐私权的法律保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计算机和网络技术的发展,使得我国公民网络隐私权的法律保护受到了严峻的挑战,这也严重阻碍了我国网络经济的发展。近年来侵犯网络隐私权已成为一个突出的社会问题并受到国际社会的关注。笔者立足于我国国情,对我国网络隐私权的法律保护现状以及完善我国网络隐私权的相关对策作了论述。  相似文献   

The purchase price of a computer and its software is but a part of the cost of any automated system. There are many additional costs, including one-time costs of terminals, printers, multiplexors, microcomputers, consultants, workstations and retrospective conversion, and ongoing costs of maintenance and maintenance contracts for the equipment and software, telecommunications, and supplies. This paper examines those costs in an effort to produce a more realistic picture of an automated system.  相似文献   

对图书馆文献资源的成本组成进行了分析,并提出了降低文献资源成本的具体措施。  相似文献   

刘卫武  刘亮 《图书馆杂志》2011,(3):88-91,113
明代坊间印书成本包括纸张、墨、胶、匠人工食、版头银等。本文通过对明代坊间印书成本的考察,认为明代坊间印书成本是很低的,每百叶平均综合成本不超过银3分。  相似文献   

行使版权及相关知识产权保护,旨在防止权利所有人经济价值的损失。本文探讨了盗窃、侵权和盗版对受保护作品造成的损失以及这些损失反映在实物作品和虚拟作品上的差异。作者分析非法使用带来的成本和供求关系变化,揭示其导致的经济损失。同时考察对实物作品和虚拟作品的盗窃、侵权和盗版所产生的不同影响,认为这些损失的负面影响完全有可能避免,虚拟产品由于盗窃、侵权和盗版遭受的损失要小于实物产品。  相似文献   

Seven thousand five hundred current periodical titles are housed in the Current Periodicals Department (CPD) of the Sterling C. Evans Library at Texas A&M University. Before 1987 a door guard was posted at the CPD exit to prevent users from leaving the room with periodical issues. When the room was remodeled, security precautions were rescinded for the collection, and users were permitted to take current issues from the CPD proper to read in other locations in the library. A cost analysis is presented of the decision to allow use of current periodicals outside of the CPD. The cost of two alternative security measures is compared to the cost of reshelving, searching, binding and ordering lost and missing issues. Results indicate that the decision to discontinue security in the CPD was a valid one.  相似文献   

数据库系统的总拥有成本   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
数据作为信息行业的一种特殊商品 ,其生产和流通过程已受到较多的关注。本文通过分析数据的收集、交换、发布和查询以及数据库设计等过程 ,提出应用TCO模型来衡量数据库系统的成本 ,使其更加符合工业化生产的要求。本文并根据实际应用的特点 ,给出一些控制数据库系统成本的具体做法  相似文献   

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