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黄维廉是民国时期毕业于上海圣约翰大学,且两次赴美留学学习图书馆学专业的图书馆学家,他一生主要供职于上海圣约翰大学罗氏图书馆以及华东化工学院(今华东理工大学)图书馆,是民国图书馆史上不可忽略的人物。由于其论文大多数以英文撰写,且大半生时间工作于图书馆学界研究较为薄弱的教会大学图书馆,致使中国图书馆学人对其生平及图书馆学成就知之甚少。文章首先介绍了其求学、工作经历,重点考察了其两次赴美留学的情况;然后通过研读其著作,总结了其图书馆学思想及成就,包括对圣约翰大学罗氏图书馆的管理、参与图书馆业界的组织与活动、对图书馆史的研究、对图书馆学三要素的研究、对专题图书目录的研究及其所写的书评和介绍性文章等。  相似文献   

比较美国和日本的图书馆法律体系,其共同点包括图书馆相关法律法规的完备、图书馆行业自律规范对图书馆事业发展的作用、图书馆立法与教育立法的同步性等,其不同点包括两国图书馆法律体系的发展道路、两国图书馆法律体系的结构等;研究两国图书馆法律体系,对完善我国图书馆法律保障体系有很大参考作用.  相似文献   

国内外高校图书馆2.0应用调查对比分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对高校图书馆网站和文献调研,对图书馆2.0相关技术在国内外高校图书馆中的应用现状和具体应用形式进行调查,将其结果分类列表,并以此为基础,将国内外高校图书馆应用图书馆2.0服务的实际情况进行了对比分析,指出其相互差异.  相似文献   

图书馆恩格尔系数初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从文献资源配置状况的角度进行图书馆绩效评价,深度挖掘图书馆内在的恩格尔定律,并推导出图书馆恩格尔系数,将其用于图书馆绩效水平的评价;以我国高校图书馆为例,对其合理性进行了分析验证。  相似文献   

蒋梦麟把图书馆视作学术研究的“工具”,主张划定图书馆经费、藏书兼收并蓄,并以美国图书馆为榜样改革图书馆管理.其图书馆思想对发展近代图书馆事业、对推动图书馆现代化转型产生了重要影响.  相似文献   

谭卓垣是20世纪早期中国著名的图书馆学家,但因其于20世纪30年代末后定居美国,远离中国图书馆界,目前学界对其生平事迹了解甚少。本文对谭卓垣的生平活动及其图书馆学成就进行了考察,以便更好地认识其对中国图书馆事业与图书馆学研究做出的贡献。谭卓垣认为图书馆在文化与教育方面的作用是“便利研究”,并特别强调索引的作用,其思想对中国图书馆的发展产生重要影响。所撰《清代图书馆发展史》是中国第一部图书馆藏书史专著,具有较高的学术价值。参考文献27。  相似文献   

晚清至民国时期私立图书馆研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对晚清至民国时期图书馆法令中有关私立图书馆条款的考察,揭示作为图书馆事业一部分的私立图书馆不断发展的原因;通过对文华公书林、东方图书馆等当时具有代表性的私立图书馆的考察,反映私立图书馆对图书馆实践和理论的贡献;最后从私立图书馆的宗旨出发,揭示其折射的时代精神。  相似文献   

知识转移与共享是图书馆组织实现其服务本质的核心活动内容,图书馆评估对其发展有强大的推动作用.文章在分析国内图书馆评估指标的基础上,结合图书馆知识转移与共享的体系框架,探讨了图书馆评估对知识转移与共享的推进作用.  相似文献   

图书馆进行特色化建设,要从图书馆宿舍、藏书以及对其的管理等多方面进行,同时还要保持图书馆的独特个性,对其的定位要准,观念要新,人才要具有高技能和高素质,以便打造全方位的图书馆管理和服务体系。  相似文献   

图书馆核心员工对于图书馆的发展具有关键作用,其离职行为会对图书馆创新能力造成很大负面影响.文章从图书馆核心员工离职这一现象出发,结合管理学中对离职原因的多路径"展开"模型理论及工作嵌入理论,进行了图书馆核心员工界定、其主动离职行为对图书馆创新能力的影响、主动离职行为的原因、以及削弱这种影响的员工保持策略的研究.  相似文献   

图书馆的查收查引服务,有助于学者及其单位客观认识自身科研成果产出和学术发展。论文结合查收查引工作实践,从数据、算法、交互3个层面分析构建了他引区分策略,并对其进行系统实现。通过随机抽取样本报告做对比验证,实验得出该策略在时间效率和操作便捷性上更具优势,最后针对影响因素进行探讨,希望为学者唯一身份标识领域的研究提供思路参考。  相似文献   

This study utilizes global digitalized books and articles to examine the scientific fame of the most influential physicists. Our research reveals that the greatest minds are gone but not forgotten. Their scientific impacts on human history have persisted for centuries. We also find evidence in support of own-group fame preference, i.e., that the scientists have greater reputations in their home countries or among scholars sharing the same languages. We argue that, when applied appropriately, Google Books and Ngram Viewer can serve as promising tools for altmetrics, providing a more comprehensive picture of the impacts scholars and their achievements have made beyond academia.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 从人文学者的角度出发,探讨人文学者如何看待数字人文,他们又如何被数字人文的浪潮所影响。通过对人文学者数字学术认知与数字学术需求的考察,为数字人文服务和系统设计奠定基础。[方法/过程] 采用质性研究方法,对文学、历史、哲学和艺术4个领域展开比较研究,并以访谈素材进行饱和度检验,构建起"认知-预判-担忧-需求与应对"的质性主线。[结果/结论] 研究发现,不同领域人文学者对数字学术的认知并不完全相同,但对其影响的预判也存在共性之处,他们普遍认同数字化对人文的研究素材、研究方法、知识传播和研究问题都会产生一定影响;面对数字化浪潮,人文学者的担忧主要包括对数字学术研究深度的担忧、对学科主体地位的担忧和对技术环境下学术伦理问题的担忧;最后,人文学者在自身能力提升、数据、技术、科研评价体系方面存在许多需求,其中对"基础设施"和"数字项目"的需求最为迫切。  相似文献   

This paper examines factors motivating Chinese communication scholars to publish in international journals and how these factors shape their knowledge production. We also investigate these scholars’ treatment of particularity, which is central to debates on Asian approaches to communication scholarship. Based on in-depth interviews with 22 Chinese communication scholars, this study finds that Chinese scholars choose to publish overseas both as a result of institutional incentives and an attempt to relieve themselves from institutional and sociopolitical constraints in China. While promoting international publications, these institutional and sociopolitical factors also markedly influence the knowledge production process, leading to the segregation of international and local knowledge production; scholars’ active self-censorship; and their efforts to subject to perceived international biases. The study also demonstrates that while adopting an eclectic and pragmatic attitude toward particularity, Chinese communication scholars are generally cautious of advocating particularity. The attitudinal and behavioral eclecticism and institutional and sociopolitical constraints jointly result in a fragmented particularity in the international publication of Chinese communication scholars. The findings’ implications for Asian approaches to communication studies are discussed.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]图书馆出版服务受到广泛的关注且不断地发展,国内外学者纷纷开始研究其对旧图书出版服务和单一的图书馆场所服务模式的挑战及影响。通过对国内外学者研究方向和主题进行归纳总结,对比分析中外学者的关注热点,旨在引进思路并为我国图书馆出版服务提供借鉴。[方法/过程]采用LDA文档主题提取方法,并在提取出来的数据中绘制主题分布热点图。[结果/结论]通过对比国内外研究热点,发现由于国外图书馆较早开展出版服务,很多高校会根据自己的情况来制定出版服务的模式,因此国外学者的研究更多集中在分析图书馆的角色定位、线上服务、数字化趋势和战略性创新等方面;而国内学者主要是通过借鉴国外案例,并结合国内的实际情况,如经费问题、体制问题等,指出我国当前图书馆出版服务中所面临的挑战和新机遇,同时提出符合国内发展状况的模式和内外结合的创新性思路。  相似文献   

While self-archiving gains more traction as a means for scholars to make their research freely available, a perception persists that certain disciplines in the humanities lag behind the sciences in this regard. This article investigates the rate of self-archiving by scholars contributing to the top journals in the field of music, a discipline that traditionally falls within the humanities, although research in the field is highly interdisciplinary and draws heavily on multiple scientific fields. The contributors to these journals come from a range of background and interests, and represent colleges and universities from six continents.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to report the findings of a study of scholarly communication behaviour among Arab scholars. The main objective of this study is to determine how Egyptian and Saudi Arabian social sciences and humanities scholars engage in scholarly communication practices. The study used a mixed‐methods approach. A questionnaire was answered by a sample of 104 participants, followed by interviews with 36 participants to gain insight into the scholarly communication behaviour of the Arab scholars. The analysis demonstrated that participants use different styles of scholarly communication approaches. Most of the participants do use informal (social media) channels to communicate their research findings (particularly ResearchGate and Facebook), although priority is given to formal over informal publication in peer reviewed journals. Responses showed that the promotional systems of both countries dictate publication choices of scholars, reducing the amount of collaboration by ranking co‐publications lower than sole publications and favouring printed journals over online‐only journals.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to report the findings of a study of publishing behaviour among a group of Arab scholars in social science and humanities disciplines. The paper also investigated the number of Arab scholars who are publishing in predatory journals and the reasons that drive them to select these journals to share their scholarly findings. The study adopted a mixed methods approach. Eighteen journals that were categorized as predatory journals were scanned to find the number of Arab scholars who published in them. Then, a questionnaire was sent to Egyptian and Saudi scholars as they were found to be the top Arab contributors in these journals. The questionnaire was followed by semi‐structured interviews to gain an in‐depth understanding of the publishing behaviour. The data showed that many Arab scholars prefer publishing in predatory journals as these journals are easier and faster. The results also indicate that there is a need to raise the awareness of the harm that predatory journals can cause to the scholars and how they can avoid these journals. This study was conducted with social science and humanities scholars in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The publishing behaviour may differ in other scholarly disciplines and other Arabic countries.  相似文献   

以人为本科学构建学者知识库   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍学者知识库是根据学术资源产生的规律,提出以学者为主线来进行机构库的建设,同时以学者及其学术成果分别为学术交流的对象与内容,来构建学术交流平台,是机构库建设的一种创新模式,具有较高的价值与可操作性。并分别从学者及读者的角度,论述以人为本建设学者知识库的方法,提出学者知识库模型应包括资源存储、学术交流、学者空间、读者空间、综合应用平台等部分。  相似文献   

论文介绍了清末明初我国学者及清政府官员对日本和欧美一些国家的藏书及其藏书机构的考察情况,并简要论述了其主要成就。  相似文献   

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