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Depending upon the context and how institutions employ it, the term document delivery can mean several things. In some cases, it refers to access of articles via commercial vendors or via full-text databases. Yet for others, it may be a delivery of physical items (such as library books) directly to the faculty member's department or office. For the University of Florida Smathers Libraries, document delivery is a unique service unit administered under the Interlibrary Loan operation, and it is through this element that the distance learning service component was created. The intent of this article is to present a view of a distance learning service model that interlibrary loan and other librarian practitioners may find beneficial when considering the establishment of such a service.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(32):155-162
Technical reports are a valuable information resource for faculty and students in engineering and the sciences. Academic libraries should have service plans designed to handle requests for these materials. This paper reviews some of the options available for providing reference services and document delivery for the technical report literature.  相似文献   

高校图书馆文献传递服务思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文献传递服务是对图书馆馆藏资源的延伸和补充,是实现资源共享的重要方式。在阐述我国图书馆文献传递服务主要模式的基础上,分析了高校图书馆在文献传递服务过程中所面临的问题,提出了改进文献传递服务工作的措施。  相似文献   

试论文献传递服务   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过对文献传递服务必要性及国内外文献传递服务的介绍,结合我国的实际情况,对我国文献传递服务提出几点建议。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 理清"互联网+"文献传递服务转型思路,构建"互联网+"文献传递服务升级新业态,应对网络资源建设商迅速拓张的文献服务的挑战,提升图书馆行业竞争力。[方法/过程] 利用互联网简约价值观、物联网RFID技术、云计算技术、资源信息共享规则、网络电子结算平台等带来的启发,对文献传递中亟待解决的文献配送、馆藏地确定、灰色文献共享、费用结算等突出问题进行深入剖析。[结果/结论] 提出并论证文献物流智慧化、服务引导数据化、版权管理弹性化、费用结算自助化是"互联网+"文献传递服务升级的可行性构想。  相似文献   

区域性文献传递网服务模式探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
区域性文献传递网是全国性文献传递网的重要组成部分。研究区域性文献传递网服务模式的演变有助于厘清文献传递服务的发展脉络和发展趋势。通过对文献传递服务之中介与非中介模式、手工与自动模式、集中与分散模式的分析,探讨目前区域性文献传递服务存在的主要问题。结合国内外文献传递服务的相关经验,为区域性文献传递服务提供优化对策。  相似文献   

A study conducted at Montana State University compared telefacsimile service with mail delivery. Recipients of telefax materials who answered questions about the purpose, timeliness, and quality of the materials were generally well pleased. Telefacsimile was found to be a cost-effective and efficient method of document delivery over long distances.  相似文献   

图书馆文献传递服务评价体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学完善的服务评价体系有助于规范和推动文献传递服务的发展。文献传递服务的评价包括文献资源保障体系建设、服务内容建设、服务设施建设和服务效果四个方面的评价。依据四项内容中的评价指标,文章采用层次分析法及其计算软件yaahp构建出图书馆文献传递服务评价体系。  相似文献   

文献传递服务,是把用户需要的文献从文献源提供给用户的一种服务。文章对我国两个大型文献中心CASHL与NSTL的文献传递服务,根据华东师范大学图书馆多年的实践经验,从用户体验的角度,从文献传递服务所依托的资源、获取步骤、检索方式、服务承诺等方面人手,进行全方位的比较分析与探讨,并提出相应的发展建议。  相似文献   

图书馆文献传递服务工作的现状、问题与对策   总被引:40,自引:3,他引:37  
通过对我国各类图书馆文献传递服务工作现状的调查,概述了我国文献传递服务工作的时代特点,指出目前文献传递服务中存在的问题,并提出相应的建议和完善措施。  相似文献   

网络文献传递服务:面向最终用户的资源共享   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
论述了网络文献传递服务正在变革着图书馆服务和资源共享的行为方式、生存与发展,并且引发资源共享和文献资源建设在理念和实践上的变化。对建设我国的网络文献传递服务系统提出了几点建议。  相似文献   


Interlibrary loan (ILL) services receive requests for resources that are available locally and form a major portion of canceled requests. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between requests canceled due to local availability and three aspects to identify impacts on ILL. The authors explored library service aspects such as collection format, the link resolver knowledge base, and discovery system functionality for potential influence on requests for locally available resources. Quantitative methods were used to identify evidence of different aspects’ impact through analysis of ILL borrowing request data. The most important finding was that the discovery system had impact on ILL services by improving retrievability of locally available resources published recently. The results suggest that a modern discovery system can efficiently provide more relevant results sourced from a carefully curated set of authoritative resources, save users’ time to access available materials, and reduce library staff members’ time and effort. This study will be helpful to libraries through its analysis of library services that impact the cancelation of ILL requests due to local availability and how those services may influence service improvement.  相似文献   

国际科技医药出版商联盟(STM)2011年发布了《STM文献传递声明》,给出了文献传递工作的五条指导原则,从版权豁免、跨境文献传递、出版商提供单篇文献订购、尽职调查和传递给终端读者的方式等方面对图书馆非返还型馆际互借(文献传递)服务进行了限制。《STM文献传递声明》的实施将大幅增加馆际互借双方的成本,致使一些图书馆放弃或缩减这项服务,同时出版商推出的PPV(Pay Per View)服务将在文献传递中占有一定的位置,馆际互借现有格局将被改变。参考文献10。  相似文献   

广东省高校图书馆文献传递服务状况调查研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
羊照生 《图书馆论坛》2008,28(2):175-178
文献传递服务被公认为是资源共享的有效手段.文章对广东省高校图书馆的文献传递服务情况进行了调查,通过现状分析总结出其中存在的一些问题,最后有针对性地提出了解决这些问题的对策和建议.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 江苏省高校数字图书馆(JALIS)馆际互借与文献传递服务网已开通有10余年,为保证JALIS文献信息保障系统未来的健康发展,通过横向与纵向的比较,对系统的现状及内外部制约因素做出客观的、多维度的评估,为制定未来的发展规划提供参考依据。[方法/过程] 依据多个来源的基础数据汇总与归纳,运用SWOT分析法对JALIS馆际互借与文献传递服务网存在的优势、劣势、机会和威胁进行分析。[结果/结论] 研究表明:JALIS馆际互借与文献传递服务虽在组织管理、服务推广、用户体验、效益与质量等方面存在明显的缺陷,但其服务仍有较大的提升空间。  相似文献   

匹兹堡大学东亚图书馆的文献传递服务的调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用较为详实的统计数据,介绍了匹兹堡大学东亚图书馆开展的文献传递的国际合作业务,并论述了匹兹堡大学东亚图书馆文献传递的几个特点:服务成本低,传递速度快,实现了文献资源的国际共享。  相似文献   

王莲  汪传雷 《图书馆论坛》2012,32(1):134-136,125
随着文献传递服务的迅速发展,进一步优化用户的网络行为日益重要。文章在阐述文献传递服务定义及其对科研重要性的基础上,结合文献传递服务模式,分析用户——知识型员工的网络行为优化对文献传递服务系统发展的重要性,最后指出网络行为优化的途径。  相似文献   

文章从电子文献传递的服务模式和流程中分析得出数字图书馆在提供此项服务时存在着著作权风险。通过探讨国内外相关立法发展和有关合理使用、法定许可和技术保护措施方面的研究现状,提出应完善著作权合理使用范围、补充法定许可规定和使用技术手段来保护电子文献传递服务中作品著作权的策略。  相似文献   

以提高基于中介式文献传递的用户馆服务效率为目的,采用ASP技术构建网络化、个性化的文献传递系统。该系统针对本馆文献传递工作实际,实现用户端和管理端的自动化。用户端具有申请表单提交、表单结果查询与下载、用户密码修改3个功能;管理端用于文献传递馆员的事务处理,具有文献请求处理、账户信息管理、数据查询修改3大功能。应用结果表明,该系统能有效提高本馆原文传递工作效率。  相似文献   


Providing electronic document delivery (EDD) services to off-campus students can be a challenge. Methods of delivery that work well for one group of users might not work at all for another group. Knowing and using the different EDD service options to accomplish the goal of providing quality service to students results in a win-win situation. Student expectations of timely delivery of material are met and the department develops a reputation of dependable quality service. Library users have raised expectations from the 24/7 services available through the World Wide Web. Providing EDD of information to the researcher's desktop helps the library meet these needs and expectations. However, the options for desktop delivery can also be overwhelming, so knowing how and why different software and delivery methods work enables the practitioner to control the outcome of the transaction. This control over the service also ensures that quality service expectations are met by the library since the practitioner has the ability to use a variety of delivery options to the user's desktop.  相似文献   

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