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随着我国科技出版事业的发展,青年编辑的人数不断增加,青年编辑已逐步成为编辑工作中的骨干力量。高质量的期刊必须有高素质的编辑人才,青年编辑素质的高低,将直接影响科技期刊的质量。1思想道德素质我国科技期刊的出版工作是建设有中国特色社会主义事业的一个组成部...  相似文献   

出版社青年编辑自我健康意识的■田红塑造出版工作的中心环节是编辑。提高编辑素质,培养编辑人才,是跨世纪出版战略的重中之重。青年编辑作为出版社的新生力量和参与出版社竞争的主力军,还必须加强青年编辑自我健康意识的塑造。塑造健康的编辑工作意识,需要增强以下九...  相似文献   

21世纪医学期刊青年编辑应具备的素质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷怀明  郭建秀 《编辑学报》2001,13(Z1):103-104
在知识经济时代,医学期刊青年编辑应具备3个方面的素质:1)在意识方面应具有创新意识,竞争意识,读者意识和法律意识;2)在思想品德方面应具备高尚的编辑职业道德;3)在知识结构体系方面应具备专深的生物医学知识和广博的科普知识,扎实的语言学知识,全面的信息学、统计学、流行病学和循证医学知识,以及精湛的编辑出版业务知识.医学期刊青年编辑只有具备了上述综合素质,才能成为一流的编辑人才.  相似文献   

论科技期刊编辑必备的素质   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
刘根林  孙体如 《编辑学报》2006,18(5):384-386
科技期刊质量的优劣与编辑的素质密不可分.编辑应具备良好的思想道德素质、专业素质、人文素质、编辑学素质、外文与信息技术素质以及经营素质.这些素质的具备是科技期刊成为"双效""双爱"期刊的必要条件.  相似文献   

程翠  王静  胡世莲 《出版广角》2018,(15):53-55
青年科技期刊编辑是科技期刊编辑团队的新生力量,只有立足本职工作、提高工作热情、勇于追求、提升自身综合素质,才能适应行业发展,成长为编辑队伍的主力军.目前,有些青年科技期刊编辑只是应付工作,缺乏责任感和勇于追求的使命感.文章阐述了青年科技期刊编辑实现自我价值的必要性,并提出了青年编辑实现自我价值的方法.  相似文献   

青年编辑应防止素质弱化●邱方青年编辑是出版社的未来和希望。当前,整个教育出版界青年编辑的主流是向上的,他们兢兢业业,编了不少好书,为繁荣我国的社会主义出版事业和教育事业作出了自己的努力。但是,也出现了某种素质弱化的潜流,如选题策划空间狭小,缺乏对图书...  相似文献   

文章在克雷默和霍夫曼的职业认同量表的理论探索视角下,从向心性、价值、团结、自我表现四个维度分析青年图书编辑职业认同的困惑,提出提升青年图书编辑职业认同度的对策,从而帮助青年图书编辑提升素质,助力其对编辑角色和编辑职业从"认同"到"坚守"的情感成长.  相似文献   

陆宜新 《编辑学报》2015,27(1):92-93
根据时代的发展以及科技学术期刊的要求,认为:科技期刊青年编辑应当在编辑工作中做到“有心、用心、细心”,要具有一定的学习意识、沟通意识、协作意识、服务意识和经营意识;只有做到有“心”有“意”,才能不断提高自身的素质和编辑业务水平.  相似文献   

知识经济时代,要求科技期刊编辑具有较高的综合素质,而目前科技期刊编辑的自身素质还存在许多方面的问题,诸如青年编辑编龄较短,接受继续教育的机会少,业务素质不高。要解决编辑素质上的缺陷,应加大培养力度,提高对科技期刊编辑业务的培养,使其具有创新意识和竞争意识,渊博的基础知识和精深的专业知识,掌握现代化的编辑出版手段,成为高素质、复合型的编辑人才。  相似文献   

许玲 《记者摇篮》2014,(8):27-28
编辑工作是期刊出版的关键环节,是出版业整个经营活动的龙头。一份杂志能否引起读者的关注和好评,很大程度上取决于编辑素质的高低。而学术期刊编辑人员不仅要承担着政治思想、社会效益、传播导向、桥梁纽带等重要职责,还要成为专业文章的"把关人"和"控制者",稿件的"加工者"和"整合者",其策划、整合、取舍的能力和作用,以及各项沟通协调能力都非常重要。那么,作为一名学术期刊编辑究竟应该具有哪些素质和角色意识呢?  相似文献   

图书馆为未成年人思想道德建设服务的实践与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
未成年人是祖国的未来,他们的思想道德水准,将直接关系到中华民族的整体素质,关系到国家前途和民族命运。为了吸引少儿读者走进图书馆、认识图书馆、从而利用图书馆,充分发挥图书馆对未成年人的社会教育职能,结合桐乡市图书馆工作实际,探讨图书馆为未成年人思想道德建设服务的实践与探索。  相似文献   

结合2006年管理学会颁布的编辑伦理标准和我国医学编辑经常遇到的伦理问题,对医学期刊编辑的伦理要求进行了剖析。编辑工作的伦理标准包括:公正对待每一篇稿件,不能带有个人恩怨和意识偏见;保证审稿过程的机密性和审稿者的匿名权;及时送审每一篇稿件,对已录用的稿件无特殊原因必须发表;合理的初审直接退稿;选择恰当的审稿者;尽量避免HAR-King现象的出现;确保研究方法的有效性;敢于纠正学术歪风;平衡学科发展与杂志发展的关系,以推动医学发展为首要目标。  相似文献   

田恬  陈广仁 《编辑学报》2017,29(3):205-209
评述国内外编辑团体出版的各项道德规范,从重复发表、一稿多投、剽窃、未公开的利益冲突、作者署名、数据造假、研究伦理7个方面,比较国际出版道德委员会(COPE)、国际医学期刊编辑委员会(ICMJE)、欧洲科学编辑学会(EASE)制定的道德规范的异同.分析表明:3家机构制定的学术道德规范形式不同,内容各有侧重,但影响力还有提升空间;中国制订科技期刊编辑出版道德规范时应借鉴国内外的成功经验,甄别出期刊编辑关心的核心问题,采用适合的内容和形式,制订符合中国学术出版生态的编辑实践指南;在指南出台后,应积极进行推广培训,切实应用于学术出版中.  相似文献   

浅谈文献资源对大学生思想政治教育的作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文献资源不仅是高校重要的物质基础,同时也是大学生思想政治教育的一种重要资源.文章结合当代大学生思想政治素质现状,指出了文献资源在帮助大学生坚定理想信念、增强爱国情怀、形成基本道德规范、全面提高自身素质等方面的作用,并提出了加强文献资源对大学生进行思想政治教育的具体措施.参考文献2.  相似文献   

以往对图书馆伦理的研究,大多侧重于现实活动中的道德问题,而忽视了对图书馆活动内在价值的探讨。把握图书馆活动的伦理维度是图书馆伦理研究的认识前提,有助于现实道德问题的解决。文章从内在道德价值和外在道德规范两个方面对其进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Conflicts can occur between the principle of freedom of information treasured by librarians and ethical standards of scientific research involving the propriety of using data derived from immoral or dishonorable experimentation. A prime example of this conflict was brought to the attention of the medical and library communities in 1995 when articles claiming that the subjects of the illustrations in the classic anatomy atlas, Eduard Pernkopf's Topographische Anatomie des Menschen, were victims of the Nazi holocaust. While few have disputed the accuracy, artistic, or educational value of the Pernkopf atlas, some have argued that the use of such subjects violates standards of medical ethics involving inhuman and degrading treatment of subjects or disrespect of a human corpse. Efforts were made to remove the book from medical libraries. In this article, the history of the Pernkopf atlas and the controversy surrounding it are reviewed. The results of a survey of academic medical libraries concerning their treatment of the Pernkopf atlas are reported, and the ethical implications of these issues as they affect the responsibilities of librarians is discussed.  相似文献   

While the study of the ethical use of new technologies in journalistic work is imperative given the widespread use of such technology, such studies are few and far between, particularly for the developing world. This paper provides results of an exploratory, qualitative study of Indian journalists’ views about the ethical use of new computer and Internet-based technologies for news gathering and reporting in India. New digital technology was widely accessible to the respondents, but not all journalists were given the tools by their employers. Opinions about ethical news practices using new technology were mixed and revealed a few grey areas. English language national newspapers tended to indicate that their standards were strict and that ethical violations, exacerbated by new technology, occurred mostly in vernacular newspapers. On the whole, respondents had not heard often of other organizations or individuals committing unethical practices such as plagiarism and lack of attribution using new technology. Still, some beliefs indicated uncertainty about ethical practice or breach of ethical principles. The findings of this study have implications for journalism education and on-the-job training of Indian journalists, as well as for formulating ethical codes of journalism, particularly with regard to new media. Indian codes focus more on the roles journalists should play in society and do not provide very specific tactical guidance for everyday news gathering. Coupled with lack of training, this creates a situation where perceptions about journalistic ethics are sometimes vague and variant.  相似文献   



The investigation provides recommendations for establishing institutional collection guidelines and policies that protect the integrity of the historical record, while upholding the privacy and confidentiality of those who are protected by Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) or professional ethical standards.


The authors completed a systematic historical investigation of the concepts of collection integrity, privacy, and confidentiality in the formal and informal legal and professional ethics literature and applied these standards to create best practices for institutional policies in these areas.


Through an in-depth examination of the historical concepts of privacy and confidentiality in the legal and professional ethics literature, the authors were able to create recommendations that would allow institutions to provide access to important, yet sensitive, materials, while complying with the standards set by HIPAA regulations and professional ethical expectations.


With thoughtful planning, it is possible to balance the integrity of and access to the historical record of sensitive documents, while supporting the privacy protections of HIPAA and professional ethical standards. Although it is theorized that collection development polices of institutions have changed due to HIPAA legislation, additional research is suggested to see how various legal interpretations have affected the integrity of the historical record in actuality.


  • Ethical standards call upon special collections professionals to collect and provide access openly, while protecting individual privacy.
  • A systematic historical investigation of legal and professional ethics literature can lead to standard best practices that address issues of privacy and access.


  • Special collections professionals can establish guidelines that preserve the historical record and maintain collection integrity and access, while adhering to privacy legislation and ethical concerns.
  • The framework suggested here can be used to write a collection development and access policy that complies with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
  • Librarians who interact regularly with hospital administrators or researchers using patient data need to be aware of the ethical and legal issues involved in patient data retention.

王晓晓 《大观周刊》2012,(6):153-153,160
新时期的高校德育工作给高校辅导员提出了更高的要求,要求辅导员必须不断提高自身的综合素养,具备良好的思想政治素养,科学文化素养,心理素养,实际工作能力及强烈的工作责任感。  相似文献   

马恩经典著作的引用对于学术规范及学术活动具有现实意义。结合马恩等经典著作在思想政治教育学术文本中的引用实际,探讨学术研究的学术性和规范性,加强学术研究者与学术出版者的信息对接,集中讨论强调引用规范的必要性及其内涵,并从学术研究者、学术出版者和建立标准的角度,提出引用规范之策。  相似文献   

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