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在分析Google桌面搜索工具(GDS)运行机制的基础上,提出一种基于GDS开发站内全文搜索引擎的方法:开发一个专用的Web代理GDSProxy,采用接受与转发机制支持用户对GDS搜索服务的远程访问,转发过程中增加用户IP地址限定、身份认证、日志处理和信息过滤等功能,站内信息的挖掘、索引和本地搜索服务由GDS承担。最后,通过开发实例介绍具体实现步骤。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于桌面云的高校实验室多媒体设备管理系统。桌面云平台是一种以C/S为中心的体系结构,其主要目的在于能够为多种虚拟化工具提供一个稳定、便捷的网络环境。通过对用户的资源访问行为进行限制和管理,来阻止非法用户的未经授权访问和合法用户的跨权限访问。通过对桌面数据进行拦截,可以实现与客户机之间的软件和硬件的无缝连接。经过多次试验,验证了该方案的可行性。  相似文献   

文章从图书馆业务需求及云桌面概念出发,阐述了国内外相关研究现状,介绍了云桌面系统架构、虚拟机技术、桌面传输协议以及高可用性技术等关键技术内容;对检索终端服务、电子阅览服务、授权访问数字资源服务、读者云服务和馆员工作桌面服务等应用模式展开了讨论;并建议图书馆从可用性、易用性、可扩展性及性价比等四个方面去考察和选择云桌面应用系统,对图书馆云桌面应用进行了评价和展望。  相似文献   

冯磊 《晋图学刊》2011,(1):38-40,44
高校图书馆的计算机数量庞大,工作人员电脑水平参差不齐,如何科学、高效地对电脑进行管理,为图书馆服务师生提供强有力的保障,成为技术部门工作人员面临的一个难题。文章结合实际,对桌面虚拟化技术在图书馆的应用前景进行了探讨。希望能为图书馆界同仁提供一点参考。  相似文献   

随着新媒体业务的飞速发展,推动媒体融合发展已成为新华社战略转型的目标。移动化、轻量化、专业化的媒体业务对业务流程、工作环境、用户体验都提出了新的要求。在实际工作中,随着用户终端数量的增加和专业化分工的发展,终端应用的单元化、个性化需求快速增长;故障响应处理时间需求高等,都增加了终端运维管理的难度,也对终端技术保障工作提出新的挑战和要求。  相似文献   

桌面安全系统具有网络管理、上网行为审计、应用服务和资产管理等功能,对于大型网络,系统组织架构需要实行分级管理,目前桌面安全系统在非法接入阻断、安装部署方式和用户分组管理等方面还普遍存在技术缺陷,另外,在法律层面也存在瑕疵。  相似文献   

电子出版的现状及展望格力凯旋“电子出版”早在七十年代初期就已提出。主要是通过远程通讯,将不同的数据信息,如:新闻、天气、财经、娱乐声像、报刊杂志等传送给用户,用户可以对上述信息有选择地接收,亦可主动查询有关信息。这样一种借助高科技通过远程通讯传播多媒...  相似文献   

刘景泉  秦剑 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(1):98-100
最近几年通过电子政务等工程的推广及一些大型公司、众多用户的大力支持,肩负着民族软件产业希望的Linux操作系统日益频繁地出现在人们的视野中。在与现代信息技术息息相关的图书馆日常业务中应用Linux系统,亦成为一个需要认真对待的问题。文章从普通桌面应用角度,探讨Linux在图书馆行业的桌面应用前景。  相似文献   

惠普公司于1997年1月推出一款新型彩色/灰度桌面平板式扫描仪-ScanJet5P,它是一个能协助用户提高通信功能的小型办公室设备。公司和家庭、办公室工作人员通过它,可在他们的业务及个人通信文件中加入彩色照片、文字和线条图形。这种新型的HPScanJet5P扫描仪取代了ScanJet4P扫描仪。ScLlfljfltSP扫描仪有一个带按钮的前面板,可以自动启动扫描操一作,这是一项革新,使得首次使用机器的用户能够比以往更容易地捕捉业到到图象和文本。“ScanjetSP扫描仪能够提供经验丰富的扫描仪用户所需要的高强功能和丰富的特性、同时也能帮助设…  相似文献   

李晶 《图书情报工作》2011,55(24):15-20
选取桌面搜索工具作为PIM工具的典型代表,从用户视角研究影响用户接受桌面搜索工具的关键因素。采用偏最小二乘(PLS)结构方程模型(SEM)的方法建立用户使用意愿的概念模型,通过问卷调查进行实证分析。结果表明,任务-技术匹配、效率期望、个人差异、感知有用性和感知易用性是影响用户接受桌面搜索工具最为关键的因素,而用户使用过程中的愉快感对工具易用性的影响不大,此外再次验证用户的使用意愿决定其实际使用行为。  相似文献   


Primo Analytics from two campuses of the California State University system has revealed that a dramatically low proportion of Primo searches originate from mobile devices. The current study focuses on usability concerns as one area that may be preventing students from searching the Primo mobile interface. The sample for this study includes students from two campuses with a variety of experience with library instruction and searching the library’s discovery system. Participants were given the same set of six common academic tasks to complete. Both mobile and desktop participants found three tasks relatively easy to complete. When there were differences in completion rates between the mobile and desktop users, the desktop users were overall more successful. No task was consistently difficult for desktop users to complete, while mobile users found two of the tasks very challenging to complete. Based on the findings, the authors make recommendations for improving the experience of mobile users.  相似文献   

陈景增 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(2):168-170
阐述了组建成自动生成学科层次布局的检索系统桌面,并构建起多点组配检索系统,图书馆界就将获得初级的智能化知识资源检索工具。  相似文献   

以目前国际上召开的四次PIM专题研讨会论文为基础,对PIM研究进行全面、系统的分析、归纳和总结,指出当前PIM研究的热点,包括PIM的基本概念、信息整合和增强、信息检索、信息安全、语义桌面、个人信息空间、个人信息管理工具、个人信息管理系统、移动环境下的个人信息管理等9个主要方面。  相似文献   

Changes presented by cloud computing—shared computing services, applications, and storage available to end users via the Internet—have the potential to seriously alter how libraries provide services, not only remotely, but also within the physical library, specifically concerning challenges facing the typical desktop computing experience. Libraries have invested time and money in establishing an infrastructure to support a particular kind of computing experience, and advances in cloud computing may make this type of experience obsolete. One of the ways libraries have added value to their services has been by implementing library commons. A key component to these commons has been desktop computing. Cloud computing offers applications via a Web browser, meaning that the applications can run independently of the local hardware and operating system, calling into question the necessity of traditional desktop computing. As libraries have shown in the past, they have the capability to assess challenging situations and adapt to provide users a beneficial experience.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the naturalness of a device’s perceptual system, which defines the way users look around in the virtual environment, influences the persuasive effects of immersive virtual reality (IVR) advertising. In a between-subject experiment (N = 115), participants watched a 360-degree advertisement using one of three devices with different perceptual systems (a head-mounted display [HMD], a tablet, or a desktop computer, representing high, medium, and low naturalness respectively). The results revealed that participants who watched IVR advertising using a more naturally mapped perceptual interface (i.e., an HMD) reported higher levels of perceived naturalness than did those who used devices lower in naturalness (i.e., a tablet or a desktop computer). The use of a perceptual system with a higher level of natural mapping positively affected the sense of presence, which in turn enhanced advertising enjoyment and further improved the effects of IVR advertising, thereby yielding a three-step serial mediation model.  相似文献   


This article describes the investigation, pilot test, and results of implementing electronic document delivery in a paperless processing environment at The Ohio State University. The Prior Health Sciences Library Document Delivery Unit conducted a twelve-month pilot test from September 1999 to August 2000 to determine the best method for desktop document delivery and the paperless processing of requests. Participants completed a survey and provided insightful feedback on the request form and overall process. Special programming was required to implement desktop delivery and manage client requests. The result of desktop delivery was successful. The results of paperless processing were mixed. Future possibilities to complete the “paperless” environment are suggested.  相似文献   

数字信息资源的服务形态与经营模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字信息资源的服务形态可概括为基于数字化资源的服务形态、基于信息集成的服务形态和基于用户活动的服务形态三种类型。而基于用户活动的数字资源服务是发展方向,其服务创新包括嵌入用户信息环境的个性化服务系统与桌面工具、集成各类资源与应用的门户服务等。数字信息资源服务主要存在公益性经营和产业化经营两种经营模式,文章分析了我国数字信息资源服务与经营存在的主要问题,提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

This article describes an online system to collect, store, analyze, and report reference statistics. Information is entered at the point of service in a Web-based interface located on the computer desktop of each librarian. When record keeping and reporting processes were customized, automated, and made accessible to librarians, the data collected proved invaluable in tracking trends in reference service, monitoring library initiatives, and providing reference librarians information for analyzing and assessing their professional activity.  相似文献   

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