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This article theorizes non‐Western media reception, based on a reception study of a Hindu epic, “The Ramayan,”; screened on the state‐owned Indian television system, Doordarshan, in 78 episodes beginning in January 1987. Based on interviews with viewers from a variety of social backgrounds and on analysis of press response to the epic, it argues that the epic represented, for many viewers, a narrative of community opposed to bourgeois modernity, and superior to it. For Doordarshan, as a broadcaster in a non‐western/incompletely modern society, the epic represented a way of mediating between a secular bourgeois public, and a “communitarian public sphere”; which, it is argued, characterizes Indian popular culture.  相似文献   


The present article examines the impact of new digital technologies, services and markets on changes to television in Austria from a media‐economics perspective. This article started form the assumption that the process of transformation towards digital distribution modes would make questions about the role and legitimacy of public service television in Austria more prominent than ever before. Since the technical development of digitisation steps up competition in the programming, advertising and viewer markets, the continued existence of public service broadcasting in Austria is at risk. Already facing strong competition from private cross‐border analogue television, private digital services promise increased competition for the ORF, will take away advertising volume and accelerate the cost spiral for rights. The ORF will have to face these challenges as the regulator has assigned it the role of a chief enabler of digital television in the market segments for satellite and terrestrial transmission. This article argues that programme universality as leading principle for public service broadcasting faces a legitimacy crisis as digital competitors may better target minority demands in fragmented audience environments. It remains to be seen how far the ORF is able to being both distinctive and attractive to its target audiences, so to ensure its position into the next millennium. Affordability and reliability of technology comes as another critical success factor. For the time being, the continuous confusion about lasting, stable and interoperable receivers in viewer homes is the main cause for the poor development of digital TV in Austria. This is aggravated by excessive prices and the current difficulty in seeing any added value in new digital content. To conclude, much hope is put into the Digitale Plattform Austria, a working group of experts to produce a coherent and evaluable digitisation concept, that will take up these challenges in a competent way.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine content supply as a public service strategy in Finland, one of the forerunner countries of digital terrestrial television in Europe. Regarding digitalization, European broadcasters face several options from full service to a specialized mission. The case at hand is the first full digital year of 2002 in Finland. The focus is on one of the traditional principles of public service broadcasting, the diversity of programming, as it is realized in the new, digital, multichannel environment. We examine content diversity by comparing channel profiles as well by analyzing indexes of the horizontal and vertical breadth and dissimilarity of programming. In a market of two public service and two commercial analogue generalist TV channels, the five new thematic digital channels have radically altered the amount of system-wide supply, but the diversity of programming has not suffered. This is due to the specializing strategy of the public service broadcaster. Its approach to focus on factual programming is clear in its digital output but can be detected in moderation also in its analogue supply. However, with the expected increase on commercial digital supply also in terrestrial networks, there is the possibility of the generalist public service broadcaster to turn into a fragmented one.  相似文献   


Naturalistic methods were employed in studying television viewing in a variety of public places. The behavioral regularities that emerged included adjustment to the setting, to other viewers and to the television set, as well as an openness for television‐related interaction.  相似文献   

Italian broadcasting has long been terrestrial. Its main shortcomings (spectrum chaos, non-enforcement of the law and market concentration) were considered not conducive to a rapid and reliable diffusion of digital terrestrial television (DTT). In 2005, the private free to air duopolist Mediaset entered the pay television market with an offer on DTT and, within a few years, has proved to be a fast-growing operator, threatening the established satellite incumbent (Sky). This evidence apparently challenges the received wisdom of the literature and the business practice. With the aim of explaining these peculiar market dynamics, this article examines the operators' strategies, controlling for the institutional side and the policy. A few main points stand out. First, the enduring spectrum chaos has not significantly hampered Mediaset, nor was spectrum a binding constraint, thanks to biased regulation. Second, the entrant crafted a coherent and gradual “premium content” strategy, fine-tuning its evolution in accordance with the platform diffusion. Third, the public policy for digital TV served as a supporting complement to the private strategy. In particular, being biased, it favored the diffusion of DTT over rival platforms, and benefited its main pay-TV offer. Overall, our analysis uncovers a complex and unique national case, rooted in an effective, albeit contentious, public–private interplay. Consequently, the Italian case does not convincingly challenge the received wisdom on DTT.  相似文献   

The digital-by-default policy for government services implemented in many European countries can pose challenges to marginalized citizens, such as people with disabilities. Prior research on electronic inclusion and the digital divide has mainly considered technology-related concerns, such as Internet anxiety, preventing people with disabilities from using digital government services. Yet, these concerns may insufficiently account for the fact that people with disabilities may suspect that governments provide new services only to reduce costs and forgo the need for more meaningful social change. Therefore, we draw from stigma power theory to understand how perceptions of stereotyping and discrimination contribute to the avoidance of digital government services among people with disabilities. Our results indicate that overcoming underutilization of digital government services among people with disabilities requires a holistic approach by addressing technology-related as well as stigma-related concerns.  相似文献   

When considering the role of local journalism in a networked media environment, it is crucial to examine how audiences attribute news with the power to define social knowledge. In particular, television news programs need to appeal to audiences by reinforcing a sense of local journalistic authority to assert the parameters of who and what is worthy of coverage. This article presents the findings from interviews with a range of commercial television news viewers in Sydney, Australia. It positions viewership in the context of people’s wider engagement with news, and in relation to their interpersonal and digital social interactions. The paper argues that local audiences have conflicting attitudes to the role of television news, both contesting and re-inscribing the programs with the power to demarcate social, political, and cultural knowledge. It traces how local audiences challenge the ability of news to convey boundaries within the community through processes of exclusion, connecting the contestations to the lived experiences of the individuals. It identifies that television news programs nurture journalistic authority in terms of their local relevance, and it contributes insights on the significance of local news by engaging with the means by which audiences themselves attach social power to journalism.  相似文献   

Early examples of the re-purposing of material from one medium to one or several others are examined through various cases of television cooking programmes and associated print materials. The presenter was the key property uniting the materials and the first television cook to be examined here is Philip Harben, who started on the BBC in 1946 and whose first spin-off book appeared in 1951. A small discussion of Julia Child's American work precedes the main focus, which is on the British-born Graham Kerr, from his first television work in New Zealand in 1961, through his period in Australia from 1965, to his move to Canada in 1969. During this period the serious hardcover publications were not directly associated with television, while those which stressed the televisual relationship had lower production values and needed to justify their existence with explicit commentary on the service they were providing to viewers. It is these latter however which provide valuable information about the early everyday experiences of watching television.  相似文献   

As in other southern European countries, television was introduced in Portugal in the second half of the 1950s through the founding of a public broadcasting station. Reception was implemented very gradually over the 1960s, by conspicuously developing collective ways of viewing. In this text, we draw on oral history in order to retrace relevant habits, events and content especially for women, a particular type of audience in the markedly patriarchal context of the Estado Novo dictatorship. Within the context of collective reception of early television in Portugal, we highlight a type of experience that was particularly significant for some female audiences: the reception of Catholic transmissions. The concepts of hegemony, ritual and everyday practices assist in the analysis of such memories. These conspicuous television rituals seemed to regulate female practices, but they could also offer women some opportunities for new experiences.  相似文献   

In The Cattle King, a Brazilian telenovela, melodramatic elements of class ascension, love and betrayal, adultery, and pre‐marital sex played a central role in the lives of the main characters. This ethnographic study of viewers in Macambira, a small rural community in the backlands of northeast Brazil, discusses how these rural viewers appropriated telenovelas in their daily lives and how the meanings assigned to the texts were interpreted according to their own values and beliefs about gender roles, relationships, and sexuality. I argue that the geographical isolation and the local patriarchal culture mediated the process of reception, interpretation, and appropriation of telenovelas. The isolation in which Macambira is located in relation to the urban representations in the telenovela narratives intensified the perceived gap between the local patriarchal culture and the urban reality constructed in the television text.  相似文献   


This study analyzed changes in the popularity (ratings) of television programs over the duration of a television season. Results indicated that popularity was quite stable and increased as the season wore on, especially among younger viewers.  相似文献   


This study electronically‐monitored in‐home RCD activity. The frequency of channel changing and other RCD behaviors were recorded and discrepancies between self‐reported and actual RCD use are examined. This is one of a few academic studies of RCDs that does not rely on a survey (respondent recall) or on observation, but rather records actual behaviors in the participants’ home. This study also examines viewers’ uses of RCDs within the framework of selective exposure.

Slightly over 374 hours of television viewing by 44 participants yielded 13,680 channel switches. It was found that viewers made an average of 36.6 channel changes per hour. In other words, they watched channels for an average of one minute and 38 seconds between switches. Further analyses revealed an audience of “rapid‐fire”; channel grazers as 80% of the switches took place after a channel was on for less than five seconds.  相似文献   


This investigation provides survey data for a cross‐media comparison between newspaper photo editors and television news directors to assess the ethical response to digital image processing and enhancement technology. The results indicate that television news directors tend toward less strict ethical standards in application of the technology. However, the television people showed more sensitivity to aspects of the technology that relate to long‐standing themes of TV critics.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the feeling of communities of female social viewers who watch television fiction and participate in social networks and forums dedicated to the programs. The sample is made up of 7,849 comments from 157 platforms (49 Facebook pages, 71 Twitter accounts, and 37 forums). We describe the characteristics of these communities of fans, which differ significantly from cult fandoms and are based on ICT interweaving between reception and female viewers’ daily lives. The results reveal that these active online poster and lurker communities express themselves through their emotional ties with the television series, self-reflection, and the manifestation of intimacy. Identification with the group is based on the relationship of the storylines with their own lives, with no attempts at constructing a cultural or political identity.  相似文献   

A time-series analysis using the 25-year longitudinal data shows that the proportion of foreign imports aired on the Korean terrestrial broadcasters decreased between 1978 and 2002. The findings indicate that Korea's competitiveness in producing television content has risen over the period, as Korea's economy and television advertising market grew consistently and rapidly in spite of the short-term drop in the late 1990s. The rise of domestic television programming output was particularly evident in drama series. The Korean case defies the crude form of Americanization of television in developing countries. However, it also shows that it will take time and resources for a country to enter into the phase of increasing indigenous television content.  相似文献   

This article explores factors explaining program cast racial composition on television broadcast network programs. The roles of program type, cast composition, and viewer income on advertising revenue are examined. The analysis of the data yields several key findings. First, there is no bias against African Americans on the part of viewers or television networks when adjusting for viewer income and age. Second, African Americans have lower incomes and show a strong intensity of preference for programming featuring African American cast members. Therefore, despite the absence of bias, the advertiser-supported broadcast market likely produces less than the socially optimal amount of African American programming. This article provides policy recommendations to increase viewer benefits.  相似文献   


Survey works, carried out by 15 MSc (Information Science) students of the School of Information Studies for Africa (SISA) in the course of their dissertation work, reveal some important facts related to information systems and services in the countries studied. This paper analyses the student dissertations in order to present an overview of the library and information systems and services available in seven eastern and southern African countries—Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. It is noted that the state of library and information services needs to be improved in all respects; and there is a trend towards introduction of IT, albeit quite slow, in university, special and research, and national libraries and documentation centres. The condition of public, school and college libraries is very poor in all the countries concerned. Lack of a national policy on information systems and services in the countries concerned results in the inconsistent and insufficient growth of information services in different sectors. Major problems in the area are: lack of resources, particularly foreign currencies, lack of awareness on the part of planners and policy makers, lack of trained manpower, lack of adequate servicing facilities for IT equipment, and the continuing political, social, and natural problems that prevail in most African countries.  相似文献   


This paper is an extract from the report of a case study into the programme supply make/buy decision of the UK's main terrestrial commercial television channel, ITV. It compares this decision in the start‐up period (1954–1964) with the latest operating period (1992–2001) to show how programme supply arrangements have changed. It also provides an interpretation for why these changes have occurred. ITV's continuing dominance of the UK terrestrial commercial market permits this paper to be examined as a country specific case of how organising structures for programme supply evolve. Due to the concise nature of this paper, only one aspect of the make/buy decision is compared: changes to the structure within which programme supply decisions are determined. The analysis is based on state archives and interviews. It is concluded that contractual ambiguity and political fear of the social impact of commercial television initially inhibited the adoption of a competitive programme supply structure. Later changes to this structure are attributed to increased contract specification and a more market‐oriented approach. A brief theoretical interpretation based on transaction cost economics, economic sociology, and the property rights literature is provided.  相似文献   


The question of “who is to supply programs” to television networks is one that affects viewers, advertisers, and licensees as well as networks and program producers and packagers. The revolutionary change that took place in the early 1950's, when the advertising agency was supplanted by the network as the primary source of programming, cured many then‐existing problems, but led to complaints that the networks could and did prevent “outside” creative program agencies from having an outlet for their productions. These complaints, added to those presented in Congress and elsewhere about the present quality of television programming, led to the proposal discussed in the following article. Often mislabeled, and still more often misunderstood, the FCC's proposal is intended to “preserve intact the present structure of television network broadcasting, but seeks within that structure to improve conditions of competition in the program process.”  相似文献   

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