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一、章氏族人所办网站有多篇文章依据不同地方文献都说浦城章文谷为南唐状元。鉴于这些网站系列文章中所涉及的古代章姓名人的事迹都能找到纸质文献依据;浦城章氏五代时期甚为显贵,众多子孙中有个把文采出众的不足为奇;章文谷的父辈在南唐做高官的较多,有利于他在科举考试中争取好名次,所以章文谷于南唐夺魁之说虽通行史籍未载,当亦不为虚言;其生卒年可大致推估为公元940-1000年;宋代不少名人或为其直系后人,或为其世系颇近的族人。二、文章又辑录核心史籍、地方文献、笔记、工具书及其它记载有关宋代状元毕渐生平的零星资料,并据此勾画出其生平大概。  相似文献   
围绕普通学校转型与融合学校建设,形成一系列标准来推进融合教育的深入实施,成为了加拿大新世纪之后教育改革的重要方向之一。其中,阿尔伯塔省的融合学校标准建设颇具特色。迄今,阿尔伯塔省已通过持续的政策推进,基本形成了由融合学校建设标准、融合学校专业人员标准、融合学校实践标准组成的三维融合学校标准体系结构。这个三维标准体系又是一系列标准或指标构成的集合体。加拿大阿尔伯塔省的融合学校标准建设经验对于推动我国融合教育改革与普通学校转型具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   
A total of 139 articles on counselor education and supervision published in professional counseling journals during 2019 were reviewed. A variety of methods were used, providing perspectives on current supervision issues, the training of counselors, curriculum developments, and associated professional issues. Implications include a need for continued research on online teaching and school counselor supervision and exploration of inclusion and advocacy efforts.  相似文献   

The student population in American public schools has become increasingly diverse; however, the teacher workforce remains primarily White (80%). The purpose of the current paper was to examine the relationship between student-teacher racial composition and perceptions of school climate and the impact of Whiteness on the educational outcomes of minoritized students and their counterparts. Findings from the study indicate that more than 90 percent of the minoritized students in the sample are being educated by a majority White teaching staff. White students’ perceptions of cultural acceptance and connectedness increased as the number of White teachers increased. However, there was no effect for minoritized students. For minoritized students, perceptions of school climate did increase as the number of minoritized students increased. Recommendations for addressing ways to create more equitable learning environments for minoritized students and address and reduce teacher bias are discussed.  相似文献   
Conclusion No one believes that Gratz/Grutter are the last word on the use of race in higher education, but there are no other cases in this area immediately on the horizon. Instead we are in a period of “gathering good data,”31 “what evidence supports your conclusion,”32 “leave a paper against what criteria.”34 The outcome of the next round of litigation may well depend on how higher education has accomplished those tasks. The academic world will be best served on this question, as on others, if persons with various ideological and methodological perspectives take part. After all, the question is supposed to be about diversity. He has been a researcher on race neutrality for the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights. The opinions expreseed here are his own and do not necessarily represent those of any other organization.  相似文献   
藏族的传统吉祥字符   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
藏民族祖祖辈辈崇尚吉祥,追求吉祥,创造了许多的吉祥字符;这些字符被普遍运用在藏民族衣、食、住、行中的方方面面,是藏族人民智慧的结晶。本文对藏族常用的吉祥字符进行了介绍。  相似文献   

This article reflects on the successes and failures of a new Philosophy and Ethics course in a low socioeconomic context in Perth, Western Australia, with the eventual demise of the subject in the school at the end of 2010. We frame this reflection within Deleuzian notions of geophilosophy to advocate for a Philosophy and Ethics that is informed by nomadic thought, as this offers a critical freedom for students to transform themselves and their society and suggests practical ways both of overcoming the prejudices which led to its demise and of student reluctance to engage in open discussion in class. We consider the demise of the course a ‘missed opportunity’ because it had so much potential to be transformative of student subjectivities in schools.  相似文献   
In this illustrative case study we examine the three forensic interviews of a girl who experienced repeated sexual abuse from ages 7 to 11. She disclosed the abuse after watching a serialized television show that contained a storyline similar to her own experience. This triggered an investigation that ended in successful prosecution of the offender. Because this case involved abuse that was repeated on a weekly basis for 4 years we thus investigated the degree to which the child's narrative reflected specific episodes or generic accounts, and both the interviewer's and child's attempts to elicit and provide, respectively, specific details across the 3 interviews collected in a 1 month period. Across the 3 interviews, the child's account was largely generic, yet on a number of occasions she provided details specific to individual incidents (episodic leads) that could have been probed further. As predicted: earlier interviews were characterized more by episodic than generic prompts and the reverse was true for the third interview; the child often responded using the same style of language (episodic or generic) as the interviewer; and open questions yielded narrative information. We discuss the importance of adopting children's words to specify occurrences, and the potential benefits of permitting generic recall in investigative interviews on children's ability to provide episodic leads. Despite the fact that the testimony was characterized by generic information about what usually happened, rather than specific episodic details about individual occurrences, this case resulted in successful prosecution.  相似文献   
对"卍"符号现在流行有这样几种说法:一是西藏传播说.二十世纪三十年代纳粹德国派遣的探险队对西藏进行了较为详细的探险、考察,他们在西藏发现了藏传佛教广为使用的"卐"符号,将这一符号带回德国,成为纳粹党的标志;二是一战前传入说."卐"是1910年传入霍亨佐仑德意志帝国,逐渐被视为日耳曼人高贵身份的象征;三是印度传入说."卐"是由印度人创造出的符号,这个符号由于文化的传播,各个文明间的互动而逐渐传播到世界各地,而这个符号本身也在传播中逐渐变化产生出不同的式样,但都出于同源,是文化传播中的不同演变形势.本文对"卍"符号的来龙去脉进行了探讨.  相似文献   
This article presents a conceptual framework for understanding the interrelationships among formal, nonformal and informal education. It provides a typology of modes of education across the life span, from childhood to old age. The nonformal education mode is the focus of the article as examples of programs for differing ages, sexes, social classes and ethnic groups are discussed. The third section of the article raises questions regarding the relationship between nonformal education for individual and social change within and across cultural and socio-economic groups. It also discusses the relationship between nonformal and formal education relative to their respective scope and outcomes.The author argues that educational resources must be viewed as interacting modes of emphasis rather than as discrete entities. Hence, all individuals are engaged in learning experiences at all times, from planned, compulsory and intentional to unplanned, voluntary and incidental. It is also argued that nonformal education may be more strongly associated with socio-economic, sex and ethno-religious groups than is formal education. Because of these strong socio-economic and cultural ties, the utility of nonformal education for social, as opposed to individual, change is often restricted. The value of nonformal, as opposed to formal, education for access to the opportunity structure for low socio-economic status populations is also questioned because of the greater legitimacy typically associated with schooling.
Zusammenfassung Dieser Artikel legt einen konzeptuellen Rahmen für das Verständnis der Wechselbeziehungen zwischen formaler, nicht-formaler und informaler Erziehung vor. Er bietet eine Typologie von Erziehungsweisen, die sich über das ganze Leben erstrecken, von der Kindheit bis zum späten Alter. Im Zentrum des Artikels steht der nicht-formale Erziehungsmodus; Beispiele von Programmen für verschiedene Altersstufen, Geschlechter, soziale Klassen und ethnische Gruppen werden gegeben. Der dritte Teil wirft Fragen der Beziehungen zwischen nicht-formaler Erziehung für individuellen und sozialen Wandel innerhalb kultureller und sozio-ökonomischer Gruppen sowie gruppen-übergreifend auf. Ferner wird das Verhältnis nicht-formaler zu formaler Erziehung in bezug auf ihren jeweiligen Umfang und ihre Ergebnisse besprochen.Der Verfasser führt aus, daß Bildungsressourcen als interaktive Schwerpunktsetzung und nicht als getrennte Ganzheiten anzusehen sind. Somit machen alle Menschen jederzeit ihre Lernerfahrungen, von geplantem, pflichtmäßigem und absichtlichem Lernen bis zu ungeplantem, freiwilligem und zufälligem. Weiterhin wird hervorgehoben, daß nicht-formale Erziehung wohl stärker als formale mit sozio-ökonomischen, ethnisch-religiösen und Geschlechtsgruppen assoziiert ist. Wegen dieser festen sozio-ökonomischen und kulturellen Bindungen ist die Nützlichkeit nicht-formaler Erziehung für sozialen, im Gegensatz zu individuellem, Wandel oft begrenzt. Fraglich erscheint auch der Wert nicht-formaler, imGegensatz zu formaler, Erziehung für den Zugang von Gruppen mit niedrigem sozio-ökonomischen Status zu der Chancenstruktur, weil der Schule allgemein größere Legitimität zugeschrieben wird.

Résumé Cet article présente un cadre conceptuel pour une meilleure compréhension des interrelations de l'éducation formelle, non formelle et diffuse. Il présente une typologie des differents modes d'éducation qui se succèdent au cours d'une existence, depuis l'enfance jusqu'à la vieillesse. Le mode d'éducation non formelle constitue le thème central de cet article où sont discutés des exemples de programmes en fonction de l'âge, du sexe, de la classe sociale et du groupe ethnique. La troisième partie de l'article soulève des questions sur les relations entre l'éducation non formelle de l'individu et le changement social à l'intérieur des groupes culturels et socio-économiques, mais aussi entre ces groupes. Il traite également de la relation entre l'éducation non formelle et l'éducation formelle en ce qui regarde leur champs d'action respectifs et leur résultats.L'auteur soutient que les resources éducatives doivent être considérées comme des facteurs de mise en valeur réciproque plutôt que comme des discrètes entités. Par suite, tous les individus sont engagés à tout moment dans des expériences d'apprentissage, qu'elles soient concertées, obligatoires et délibérées ou bien involontaires, imprévues et fortuites. L'auteur ajoute que l'éducation non formelle pourrait être plus fortement associée aux groupes socio-économiques, sexuels et ethno-religieux que l'éducation formelle. Ces liens culturels et socio-économiques puissants restreignent souvent, l'efficacité de l'éducation non formelle dans le changement social, contrairement à ce qui se passe pour l'individu. La valeur de l'éducation non formelle — à la différence de l'éducation formelle — comme voie d'accès aux structures de rattrapage pour les populations d'un statut socio-économique défavorisé, est aussi contestée par suite de la légitimité supérieure typiquement associée à la scolarité.
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