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本文从备课要实、说课要准、授课要精、检测要勤、评课要全等五个方面来阐述教师在授课过程中应注意的问题。  相似文献   
刘桢的五言诗在诗歌史上评价很高,但评论者往往忽略了他的诗歌是分为两个时期的,这个分期以刘桢建安十六年"以不敬被刑"为分界点.厘清他这次被刑的经历,对研究其本人的诗歌创作成就是很有必要的.本文在分析被刑经历的基础上,结合其文学作品,总结这次经历对刘桢诗歌创作的影响,以全面评价刘氏的文学成就.  相似文献   
田璐  尘中塑 《课外阅读》2007,(12):39-40
"部属"——残疾母狼"登基王位"为了争夺"王位",最近一段时间,青岛野生动物世界的狼区里一直进行着血腥的战斗,9只狼每天都要激烈地厮杀。  相似文献   
在美丽富饶的水乡园林——湖北省潜江市,这几年涌现出了大批中学生文学社团,并得到了蓬勃发展。请看:“南荷”送爽,“朝花”带露;“雏鹰”展翅,“鹭鹭”腾飞;“星星”闪耀,“积玉”璀璨;“奇原”展新颜,“章华”谱新章;“新竹”伴“新叶”,“小草”染“新绿”……它们本着“发展文学社团,办好文学社刊,培养文学特长,丰富文学素养”的宗旨,在水乡园林里,培育着成百上千的文学新苗。现从这些新苗中选取几位,看看他们笔下所生的几朵“花儿”吧!(邓绍雄)  相似文献   
余子鹏  田璐 《科研管理》2020,41(12):103-111
The manufacturing industry is the skeleton of a country′s economy, which is the foundation of national wealth, technological innovation and national defense. The quality of manufacturing industries is the measurement of economic efficiency, production technique efficiency, structure balance, material and energy consumption ratio and pollution discharge etc.that is combination of economic efficiency, factor efficiency and social efficiency. By extracting the essence of quality of manufacturing industry, the paper has established manufacturing development quality indicators which is the main innovation points of the paper, to reflect the quality of factor allocation and environmental improvement degree, which includes industrial contribution ratio and environmental improvement degree that embodies manufacturing industry efficiency and sustainability.  Ten hypotheses have been put forward through theoretic analysis of the effect of factor endowment such as human quality, research and development investment,state-owned and foreign capital proportion, and industrial environment such as industrial competition, supply-demand situation, industrial specialization, industrial tax policies, industrial export, import of technical parts, and macroeconomic environment such as financial development level and environmental regulation and investment etc. on the quality of manufacturing industries.  By collecting data of physical investment and human capital of manufacturing enterprises in scale from 2000-2015,calculating manufacture development quality index and influencing variables such as R&D investment, human capital quality etc., the paper has used correlation analysis and econometric model to verify the validity of the hypothesis, which is exploring the effect of factor endowment and business environmental factors on manufacturing development quality, and seven hypothesis has been confirmed while a hypothesis is falsified and two hypothesis could not have been verified.  Findings show that R&D investment, pollution abatement, human capital quality promotes the quality of manufacturing industries, which means that high-quality R&D investment and human capital may increase the efficiency of manufacturing industry and pollution abatement helps reduce pollutant discharge to protect environment. That state-owned capital and demand-supply situation have the strong positive effect on manufacturing development quality, which proves that state-owned capital may support long-term research & development investment and technological innovation, and workable competition situation between demand and supply may urge enterprises improve operations. The ratio of manufacturing export-import and foreign capital proportion, industry concentration degree and tax rate imposes negative impact on manufacturing development quality,which reveals that in the past period the manufacturing export-import and foreign capital lead manufacture industry relying heavily on technical parts and capital abroad, and that industry concentration degree upgrading and tax ratio rising reduce the industrial effective competition and discourage business initiatives.  According to the analysis results above, policy suggestions are that advancing domestic R&D investment and human capital which is the most important active elements to promote technological innovation & progress and improve business performance, that strengthening the pillar position of state-owned capital in technological catching up and talent cultivation to conquer core technology autonomously because the characteristic of state-owned may guarantee the R&D willpower to overcome key core technology which needs large volume and long-term investment, that reducing dependence on foreign technology and key components & parts gradually by strengthening R&D, that improving the level of technology and added-value of manufacturing export products, and saving energy and reducing emission by increasing green technology R&D to upgrade manufacturing development quality on basis of the promotion of technology and efficiency.  相似文献   
文章阐述了生态系统耦合视域下影响合作教学中教与学两种生态系统耦合的因素,并提出合作教学中实现教与学两种生态系统耦合的途径,为今后生物课堂中的合作教学提供参考。  相似文献   
近年来,我国水利工程的建设越来越多,同时施工质量问题也会经常发生,在进行施工的时候,质量管理是非常重要的。对水利工程进行的质量管理还是存在着一些问题的,一定要解决好这些问题,使水利工程可以更好的为经济和社会的发展做出贡献。本文就此进行论述。  相似文献   
学校下令要搞“二期课改”专刊,并且要求一定要快。这两天瑞导忙得焦头烂额,我们也跟着团团转。这不,午饭还没下肠胃,我们又被请进了办公室。“今天下午我要去排版印刷了,你们能不能一起来啊!”瑞导咧开嘴的样子好恐怖哦!像鳄鱼。“不行,下午有物理、化学课,很重要的。再说,三节课后还有英语课,也是不能放弃的!”蚊子就是好学生!“不行啊!那就算了!只好我一个人去喽!”瑞导似乎有点失望。于是我们回教室埋头上课,第一节……第二节,两节课后我又被请进了语文办公室,不过这次把我请进去的是另一个语文老师。据说是有人打电…  相似文献   
田璐 《科教文汇》2008,(20):90-90
本文结合实践论述了实现活的至上境界的原则,要使语文课堂“活”起来,关键在于教师。达到活的教学境界,教师应该是“作茧而不自缚”,追求“刻意感觉的无意化”。如果教师能达到“教活”的境界,学生的“学活”就不成问题了。  相似文献   
竞技体育的发展离不开科技的支撑,科学训练才能有效提升竞技运动水平,训练监控是实现科学训练的重要环节。攀岩项目作为一个新的竞技体育项目,随着其入选奥运会、全运会,竞技成绩在不断被刷新,运动训练的强度和量都在提高,在如此高负荷的情况下,训练监控是必不可少的。攀岩项目科研工作起步晚,监控的一手数据并不多。如何通过客观、科学、有效、数字化的监控,了解运动员的机能状态、训练负荷、训练强度、训练效果以及体能和营养恢复情况,并在借鉴其他运动项目的训练监控经验的基础上,通过训练和监控指标的变化情况找出攀岩的能量代谢特点、体能特点和项目规律,是一个值得研究的问题。文章结合攀岩速度项目的特点,探讨生理生化监控在该项目中的合理应用,为提升其科学训练水平提供理论参考,对项目的发展意义重大。  相似文献   
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