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在《人间喜剧》和《茶馆》之间存在着许多可比性。首先,两部作品都具有史诗般的品格,完成了不是单纯的小说或戏剧所能实现的宏大意图。其次,这两部作品都成功地从各自的文体"越界"到了对方的领地,成为"跨文体"写作的典范。第三,从作品的结构看,两部作品之间明显存在着同型同构现象。这两部作品都选取了纵横交错、虚实相生的"坐标式"结构,但是由于两部作品的文体有别,两位作家的艺术个性殊异,在同型同构的耦合景观下依然存在着相异的艺术处理。  相似文献   
鲁迅的《过客》中有三位“过客”,即紫发女孩、暮年老翁、壮年过客。这些人物极具象征意义,紫发女孩象征人之初的美好与单纯,暮年老翁体现了黄昏时的畏缩与逃避,壮年过客则象征着永远的游走者。他们体现了鲁迅直面生存虚无这一人类与生俱来的困境。  相似文献   
高校助学贷款制度已经成为一个日益受到世界各国广泛关注和重视的问题。我国高校助学贷款制度还存在着放贷面小,贷款来源和还款方式单一;银行最终承担风险,贷款拖欠率较高等问题。我国应借鉴美国提供灵活多样的还款方式和咨询服务,建立惩罚机制等成功经验,并结合我国国情,分别在政府、银行、高校等层面上来采取相应的措施,从而完善我国助学贷款制度。  相似文献   
大学文化具有感染、教化、传承、创新的本质功能,是大学科学发展的精神源泉,同时,大学文化也具有开放、协作、实践、服务的社会属性,是社会文化进步与发展的不竭动力。面对时代与人民的召唤,现代大学文化应发挥其价值整体性,构建社会共同思想基础;发挥其本质先进性,传播科学民主进步思想;发挥其内涵学术性,突显社会文化建设地位;发挥其交流活跃性,预热和谐社会文化变革。  相似文献   
Increases in the amount of text resources available via the Internet has amplified the need for automated document summarizing tools. However, further efforts are needed in order to improve the quality of the existing summarization tools currently available. The current study proposes Karcı Summarization, a novel methodology for extractive, generic summarization of text documents. Karcı Entropy was used for the first time in a document summarization method within a unique approach. An important feature of the proposed system is that it does not require any kind of information source or training data. At the stage of presenting the input text, a tool for text processing was introduced; known as KUSH (named after its authors; Karcı, Uçkan, Seyyarer, and Hark), and is used to protect semantic consistency between sentences. The Karcı Entropy-based solution chooses the most effective, generic and most informational sentences within a paragraph or unit of text. Experimentation with the Karcı Summarization approach was tested using open-access document text (Document Understanding Conference; DUC-2002, DUC-2004) datasets. Performance achievement of the Karcı Summarization approach was calculated using metrics known as Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation (ROUGE). The experimental results showed that the proposed summarizer outperformed all current state-of-the-art methods in terms of 200-word summaries in the metrics of ROUGE-1, ROUGE-2, ROUGE-L, and ROUGE-W-1.2. In addition, the proposed summarizer outperformed the nearest competitive summarizers by a factor of 6.4% for ROUGE-1 Recall on the DUC-2002 dataset. These results demonstrate that Karcı Summarization is a promising technique and it is therefore expected to attract interest from researchers in the field. Our approach was shown to have a high potential for adoptability. Moreover, the method was assessed as quite insensitive to disorderly and missing texts due to its KUSH text processing module.  相似文献   
Emotional recognition contributes to automatically perceive the user’s emotional response to multimedia content through implicit annotation, which further benefits establishing effective user-centric services. Physiological-based ways have increasingly attract researcher’s attention because of their objectiveness on emotion representation. Conventional approaches to solve emotion recognition have mostly focused on the extraction of different kinds of hand-crafted features. However, hand-crafted feature always requires domain knowledge for the specific task, and designing the proper features may be more time consuming. Therefore, exploring the most effective physiological-based temporal feature representation for emotion recognition becomes the core problem of most works. In this paper, we proposed a multimodal attention-based BLSTM network framework for efficient emotion recognition. Firstly, raw physiological signals from each channel are transformed to spectrogram image for capturing their time and frequency information. Secondly, Attention-based Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM-RNNs) are utilized to automatically learn the best temporal features. The learned deep features are then fed into a deep neural network (DNN) to predict the probability of emotional output for each channel. Finally, decision level fusion strategy is utilized to predict the final emotion. The experimental results on AMIGOS dataset show that our method outperforms other state of art methods.  相似文献   
Caching search results is employed in information retrieval systems to expedite query processing and reduce back-end server workload. Motivated by the observation that queries belonging to different topics have different temporal-locality patterns, we investigate a novel caching model called STD (Static-Topic-Dynamic cache), a refinement of the traditional SDC (Static-Dynamic Cache) that stores in a static cache the results of popular queries and manages the dynamic cache with a replacement policy for intercepting the temporal variations in the query stream.Our proposed caching scheme includes another layer for topic-based caching, where the entries are allocated to different topics (e.g., weather, education). The results of queries characterized by a topic are kept in the fraction of the cache dedicated to it. This permits to adapt the cache-space utilization to the temporal locality of the various topics and reduces cache misses due to those queries that are neither sufficiently popular to be in the static portion nor requested within short-time intervals to be in the dynamic portion.We simulate different configurations for STD using two real-world query streams. Experiments demonstrate that our approach outperforms SDC with an increase up to 3% in terms of hit rates, and up to 36% of gap reduction w.r.t. SDC from the theoretical optimal caching algorithm.  相似文献   
交通便利度和信息化是影响高端服务业集聚的两个重要因素,研究其影响机制具有重要意义。本文基于2005-2014年的省际面板数据,运用面板数据模型和分位数回归模型研究交通便利度、信息化及其交互作用对高端服务业集聚的作用机制。结果表明:交通便利度对高端服务业集聚的总体弹性为负,在中低水平的高端服务业集聚下,交通便利度的作用不显著,在较高水平的高端服务业集聚下,交通便利度的弹性正向递增;信息化对高端服务业集聚的总体弹性为正,在中低水平的高端服务业集聚下,信息化的弹性正向递增,在较高水平的高端服务业集聚下,信息化的作用不显著;二者的交互作用对高端服务业集聚的总体弹性为正;在中低水平的高端服务业集聚下,二者的交互作用的弹性正向递增,在较高水平的高端服务业集聚下,其交互作用对高端服务业集聚不显著,最后提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   
由于学术导向功能的弱化,高校图书馆在教师和学生心目中的学术地位有越来越边缘化的趋势,各高校图书馆应采取必要的对策重构学术服务功能,成为学校学术传播、学术讨论和学术批评的平台.  相似文献   
高校教师专业发展的内容,包括专业情意、专业知识和专业技能三个方面。当下,我国高校教师的专业发展尚未引起足够的重视,存在比较突出的问题。政府和高校应当在各自的职责范围内为教师的专业发展优化发展环境,教师应通过树立专业发展意识、进行教学反思和提高教学与学术水平等途径能动地自我发展。  相似文献   
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