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Recent research on student learning in higher education has identified clear associations between variations in students’ perceptions of the academic environment and variations in their study behaviour. This study investigated a general theoretical model linking students’ demographic characteristics, perceptions and study behaviour with measures of outcome, and in particular, compared three accounts of the causal relationship between perceptions and study behaviour. Data were obtained from 469 postgraduate students at six British business schools. Path analysis was used to assess the causal relationships among the students’ age and gender, their scores on the Course Experience Questionnaire, their scores on the Revised Approaches to Studying Inventory and their ratings of general satisfaction with their programmes. This yielded evidence for the causal efficacy of most of the paths identified in the general theoretical model. In particular, as in the case of students taking more traditional academic subjects, there exists a bidirectional causal relationship between variations in students’ perceptions of the academic environment and variations in their study behaviour.  相似文献   
段雪桃  潘玲 《怀化学院学报》2006,25(12):133-135
高级英语课是英语专业高年级的一门主干课程,其目的是为了帮助学生的英语水平有一个质的飞跃,而词汇在该课程的教学中起着举足轻重的作用。运用认知语言学的新成果—─隐喻概念,探讨了隐喻与思维、隐喻与词汇的关系以及高级英语课中隐喻词汇的认知意义,这对于指导学生准确地理解并使用英语词汇,从而促使其隐喻能力的形成无疑具有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   
本文针对目前幼儿园课程的改革发展,探讨了幼儿园课程整合的必然性。整合化是幼儿园课程发展的必然趋势,是培养完整和谐儿童的需要。同时提出幼儿园课程整合的策略:教师要树立科学的整合观念,实现教育目标的整合,利用生活实现课程的整合,通过游戏活动整合课程。  相似文献   
非智力因素中的需要和兴趣对大学语文教学有着重要的影响。分析需要与兴趣的内在关系,运用教育心理学理论探究、开拓大学语文教学的思路,对提升大学语文的教学效果有着重要意义。  相似文献   
加强对大学生的就业指导是《教育法》赋予高校的责任和义务,加强对就业指导课堂教学指导原则和教学方法的研究、实践,将促进就业指导水平提高。高校大学生就业指导课程要突出指导性、体现教育性、强调针对性、注重实践性等原则,多思考、勤尝试、重研究多种行之有效的教学方法,把就业指导课建成大学生普遍欢迎的一门精品课。  相似文献   
思想解放是社会变革的先导,在中国社会由传统向现代转型的历史时刻,大学应该成为新启蒙的最重要场所之一;因本土思想资源的缺乏和启蒙精神的异质性而赋予了《外国文学》课程更多的启蒙责任。文章厘清了"新启蒙"的概念,回顾了中国艰难的启蒙之路,主张以《外国文学》课程为载体,以普世价值为主要内容,对大学生进行思想启蒙,使他们成长为思想解放、人格独立的世界公民。  相似文献   
This article chronicles the coordination and better integration of existing institutional resources to support cocurricular themes embedded in the provision of a large enrollment, video‐mediated undergraduate operations management (OM) course. The name Project Cheddarfield refers to a 2008 initiative in which two professors team‐taught an OM course to over 600 undergraduates on two different continents through the repeated rapid exchange of digital video between the United States and Singapore. Simultaneously infused in this core curricular delivery were themes of global awareness and study‐abroad, including the promotion of one particular opportunity that bridged the two campuses. This action research narrative spans over 5 years of related activity leading up to the initiative, as this project is best understood as a trajectory, or the evolving result of design adapting to unfolding realities.  相似文献   
为教学研究而组织的研讨型公开课是促进教师专业成长的有效途径.然而当前研讨型公开课在实施过程中存在着教学设计花哨,不能真实反映日常教学状况;课后研讨流于形式,不能围绕一个问题深入开展;研究结果缺乏梳理和总结,不能较大提高研究水平等问题.为真正实现研讨型公开课促进教师专业成长的作用,需要明确各方参与人员的角色定位;课后研讨应由评价教师教学行为向研究儿童、研究教学、教师共同建构实践知识转变;研讨后应有反思和整理,在梳理认识与疑惑的基础上生成下一步研讨的问题.  相似文献   
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论是高职院校的公共必修课之一,是职业院校进行思想政治教育的主渠道和主阵地,承担着大学生思想政治教育的重要功能。随着市场经济和信息网络化的快速发展,“概论课”在诸多方面受到冲击和挑战。面对新情况和新挑战,改进和创新教学方法是提高教学实效的根本。  相似文献   
教材是制约写作教学的一个极为重要的因素。现行语文课程标准实验教科书写作专题教材与美国、德国等其他国家母语写作教材相比,在编写科学性和操作性方面存在严重不足。新编或再版语文教科书时对其“写作篇”必须深入改革,力求实现其在研究范式、编排体例、训练模式诸方面的转型。  相似文献   
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