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The paper critically reviews the work of David Collingridge in the light of contemporary concerns about responsibility and accountability in innovation, public engagement with science and technology, and the role of scientific expertise in technology policy. Given continued interest in his thoughts on the ‘social control of technology’, and the ‘dilemma of control’, this attention is both timely and overdue. The paper illuminates a mismatch between the prevalence of citations to Collingridge’s work on the dilemma of control in the literature on responsible innovation, and the depth of engagement with his arguments. By considering neglected aspects of Collingridge’s substantive, methodological and philosophical analysis, important implications can be drawn for theory and practice relating to the governance of innovation and co-evolution between technology and society. The paper helps to improve understandings of wider political contexts for responsible innovation, especially in relation to anticipatory, participatory and institutional aspects of governance.  相似文献   
县域公共科技决策法治化治理命题提出,是在探索中国特色法治化过程中,结合地方法治建设实况所进行的经验总结和逻辑延伸。本研究首先提出研究命题并建构关系假设。其次,结合AHFY县生态环境科技决策实况并利用OLS和2SLS回归分析验证研究命题关系假设。最后,从触发源、战略推进器等视角完成本研究效果分析与策略思考。  相似文献   
本文整合关系治理、社会网络和知识管理相关理论,利用德阳装备制造业集群中的205家企业的问卷数据,采用结构方程模型,探讨了关系治理、集群创新网络与集群企业知识共享之间的相互关系与作用机制。研究发现,关系治理下的三个维度--共同愿景、联合行动和资源依赖对集群企业知识共享均有正向影响;共同愿景、资源依赖正向影响集群创新网络的结构嵌入与关系嵌入,而联合行动只对集群创新网络的结构嵌入有正向影响;集群创新网络在关系治理与集群企业知识共享关系中起中介作用,但在不同维度的关系治理与知识共享关系中的中介作用存在显著差异。通过构建“关系治理--集群创新网络—集群知识共享”的理论模型和分析框架,本文丰富了关系治理、社会网络和知识管理领域的研究成果,为集群企业合理运用关系治理行为来构建创新网络并促进彼此间的知识共享提供了理论参考。  相似文献   
Researchers focusing on coach dismissal often examine organizational performance as an antecedent; however, there has been minimal attention to the ways in which countervailing dimensions of power associated with coaches and ownership influence dismissal decisions, while still considering performance as well as expectations. To understand how power, performance and expectations affect coach dismissals, the authors examine the tenures of coaches in the North American-based National Basketball Association and use survival analysis to test a model of coach dismissals using 31 years of observations. The authors find that coach dismissal is a process influenced not only by team performance, but also expectations and a coach’s power that accrues from both structure and prestige. Additional findings suggest that expert power influences the likelihood of coach dismissal, but only after the coach has been in the job for several years. Finally, the authors found a non-linear relationship between performance and the probability of coach dismissal, suggesting that single events (i.e., wins or losses) have less influence on the probability of dismissal when performance is very poor or above average.  相似文献   
桐城文化是明清时期孕发于安徽桐城境内具有独特性、典型性及很高学术价值性地方文化现象之总和。桐城文化中民本思想主要体现在桐城先贤为政勘勉,居官清廉,与民谋利;他们强调君主及仕宦要以民为本,善政养民,恤民济困,足民食用;他们在位兴利除弊,愍念民瘼,与民体息;他们颂赞商民,鼓吹营商,主张保民保商、经济富民。  相似文献   
草原地区既是矿产资源富集区域又是生态脆弱区域,矿产资源的开发和利用犹如一把双刃剑。而资源产地没有凭借资源开发得到较大收益却要为开发的巨大生态成本埋单。因此立法先行,建立“三位一体”的生态补偿法律机制是实现可持续发展和生态法治的路径选择。  相似文献   
This article explores the determinants of local governments' use of social networking sites. It does so by analysing the relative impact of institutional, political and social determinants, while controlling for the impact of mayors' traits and social characteristics of municipalities on local governments levels of activity on Facebook. Empirically, this article presents a within-case analysis of Portuguese municipalities' activity on social media, aiming to shed light on the strategic use of social media by local governments. A coherent picture associated with politically pro-active local governments emerges from the results: higher levels of social media activity appear in municipalities with more competitive local elections and higher commitment to transparency. Moreover, findings suggest that local governments tend to be concerned with the low levels of voter turnout, potentially resorting to social media as a powerful tool to increase civic engagement and (offline) political participation. Levels of Facebook activity are significantly higher in larger and wealthier municipalities. The results indicate that Facebook official pages of municipalities are part of a larger arsenal of tools to promote political engagement and activity levels signal a propensity to involve citizens pro-actively.  相似文献   
Holistic competency development is rarely certified in practice, and the assessment of holistic competencies remains an under-researched topic in the education literature. The primary aim of this systematic mixed studies review is to explore students’ perceptions on the recognition of holistic competencies. The review found very few studies that specifically focused on or directly addressed student perceptions in this area. Based on the analysis of 31 studies identified from existing literature, three themes were generated: evidence of overall achievement, assessment of holistic competencies in learning tasks, and challenges. The findings show that there is a lack of attention to holistic competency recognition and is a major gap in the current empirical literature. The current review highlights the need for a systematic process of documenting, reporting, and certifying holistic competency in higher education that takes into consideration the broader level of overall recognition and the assessment of competencies.  相似文献   
人机协同作为人工智能时代教育变革的突破口,积极探索其在教育治理领域的应用图景和发展路径,是实现教育治理现代化的必然路向。人机协同教育治理将治理主体从自然人扩展到智能机器,能够实现人机交互、优势互补、高效合作的现代化教育治理,在变革教育治理主体结构与关系,提升政府、市场、社会组织参与治理教育的能力,赋能微观教与学问题求解等方面前景广泛。但其发展面临治理主体的传统管理思维固化与应用智能机器能力不足、智能技术落后于教育治理发展需求、治理机制不健全以及人机不协同导致治理效能损耗突出等障碍。为更好实现人机协同教育治理,需加快治理思维从"经验治理"向"智慧治理"转变,治理能力从"被动适应"向"主动变革"转变,治理技术从"串联发展"向"并联发展"转变,治理机制从"泛智"向"善智"转变,协作方式从"框架合作"向"精准合作"转变。  相似文献   
1980年代以来,随着气候问题逐渐被列入全球政治议程,及其全球治理的深入展开,非国家行为体开始成为国家主导的全球气候治理秩序中的一个不可或缺的重要元素。本文详细审视和分析了国际组织、非政府组织和跨国公司这三类最重要的非国家行为体在全球气候治理中的作用。从形塑气候理念到建立全球气候治理制度,它们在国家和国际层面上都能发挥重要作用。通过影响个体国家的气候谈判立场和政策,它们能对全球气候治理进程施加重要影响,而且影响既可能是积极的,也可能是消极的。因此,如能恰当利用它们的作用,将会很好地增强国家治理气候的能力。  相似文献   
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