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和平队建立后,很快被广大发展中国家所接受,到20世纪60年代中期,其足迹遍及亚、非、拉约四十个国家。然而,在和平队发展壮大的同时,其内部存在的及发展中所面临的问题也逐渐暴露出来,这些问题主要有盲目扩大规模导致的“数字游戏”、被东道国驱逐的尴尬以及越南战争对和平队的影响。这些问题的出现严重制约着和平队的发展,并最终导致和平队发展方向的初步调整。  相似文献   
Protracted intergroup conflicts, like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, are often referred to as intractable. Intractable conflicts are termed as such, partly because group members mired in these disputes believe that the conflict is inherently irreconcilable. To better understand the nature of the perceived irreconcilability of intractable conflicts, Jewish-Israelis’ hope for peace was surveyed capturing three interdependent but discrete components of hope: wish for peace, expectations that peace will materialize, and affective hopefulness. To operationalize peace, three definitions of peace, gradually refining from non-concrete to concrete, were offered to respondents (N = 120). Results reveal that expectations for peace among Jewish-Israelis are low but stable across the three definitions of peace while wishes for peace are higher, more dynamic and, for those with right-wing political orientation, highly dependent on the definition of peace provided. The more concrete the definition, the less rightists wish for peace. Further analysis shows that rightwing leaning respondents exhibit lower wishes for peace, even when the respondent is free to determine what peace might entail. By utilizing novel methods to detect nuances in the dynamics of hope and hopelessness, this study demonstrates that expectation for peace and wishes for peace function in distinct ways during protracted intergroup conflicts.  相似文献   
毛泽东的“和平为上”论,主张广泛的和平,倡导积极的和平,追求公正的和平,坚信持久的和平,希望理性的和平,时代特色鲜明,和平、进步、发展的主旨突出。它汲取了中外优秀和平思想,丰富发展了马克思主义和平理论,是我国确立和平与发展为当今时代主题的直接思想来源,具有重要的理论与现实意义。  相似文献   
中华“和合”文化源远流长。其中包含着许多深邃的天人和谐观、人本观、生态道德观等内容,它们分别体现了现代社会所崇尚的人文精神、道德理性、人格追求、和合理想。和合文化是中华文化的精华。现代管理可以从中得到有益启示和借鉴。弘扬“和合”文化,实现人与自然和谐、人与人和谐、人与社会和谐、人自我身心内外和谐,是现代管理的至高追求。打开和合思想的文化宝库,现代管理可以从中得到有益启示和借鉴。  相似文献   
本文拟从国际格局的变化,新保守主义的推波助澜,布什主义的出台三个方面对美国对外战略进行解读,认为植根于美国社会和政治文化中的天定命运观和美国例外论是其对外政策中的深层次因素。  相似文献   
本文主要依据英国外交档案的内容,通过分析英国政府在巴黎和会期间对中国、日本以及远东局势的态度变化,探讨了英国对山东问题的态度发生转变的详细过程及其成因。中国在和会上失去在山东的正当权利有其必然性。然而。中国外交代表以国际公理与和平的原则作为斗争的立足点,在巴黎和会上充分阐明了山东问题对于世界和平的重要意义,这种努力在国际社会上产生了积极影响。中国代表在和会上拒签德约的举动促使英国政府对中国外交和山东问题均产生了新的看法。  相似文献   
Education for sustainable development (ESD) and global citizenship education (GCEd) have drawn ample attention, particularly following the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals. This study aims to investigate the individual and institutional-level factors associated with the desired learning outcomes in these areas. The systematic review included 14 studies that documented statistically significant positive outcomes related to ESD and GCEd. The results highlight several factors that may enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning in these areas. It revealed the need for future studies to address variables related to learners’ characteristics and organizational/school contexts in the implementation of the curriculum.  相似文献   
This paper provides a critique of the essentialized assumptions about identity, culture and education that are found in contemporary peace education literature and explores the implications that these assumptions have for teacher education in conflict and post-conflict societies. The authors suggest that there is a need to move away from the epistemological primacy of these assumptions toward a critical ontological, contextualized and historicized approach. The authors propose that teachers need to be educated to become ‘critical design experts’.  相似文献   
For almost one hundred years, educators have used model deliberative bodies (e.g., Model United Nations) as a pedagogical tool to teach students about the complexities of diplomatic negotiations. We argue that this type of classroom simulation activity may also serve to illustrate specific historical realities and, more broadly, provide a model of student-centered instruction focused on investigation and decision making. Employed in social studies classrooms, this tool has the potential to foster historical thinking and empathy by calling on students to engage in the act of deliberation as experienced by contemporary actors of a particular negotiating body. The lesson activity we outline in this article charges students to wrestle with the multiplicity of complex dilemmas and conflicting claims that characterized the 1919 Paris Peace Conference. Assuming the role of actual delegates, students not only discuss pertinent issues but also deliberate. That is to say, just like the representatives who convened at the meeting, the students will not have the luxury of merely reflecting on and talking about key geopolitical questions. They will have to reach concrete decisions for a world finding itself in a terrifying, yet hopeful, flux.  相似文献   
"和平节"的定期举行,使地处湘西一隅的偏远小县芷江在国内外的知名度和影响力不断扩大。然而,与之极不协调的是,笔者发现,举办"和平节"纪念活动的两个最重要的场所"受降坊"和"飞虎馆"展馆里的文字翻译存在不少显而易见的问题。就此进行分析和探讨,并提出相应的措施,以期抛砖引玉,引发同行对地方外宣翻译的思考,也希望能引起相关部门的关注和重视,并最终作出相应的改进,从而达到理想的宣传效果。  相似文献   
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