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周汝昌先生的红学著作很多,而探讨的内容又比较集中或单一,因而不免常有拖沓重复、粗制滥造之嫌。更重要的是,周先生的红学著述总体上显示出治学“随笔化”的倾向,可用“红学随笔”或“随笔红学”加以概括。这种文体既不要求确凿的史实证明,也不讲究严密的逻辑论证;文章虽容易写得生动活泼,天花乱坠,但给读者留下的却往往只是虚无缥缈的幻觉而已。  相似文献   
相关研究表明,当前中职思想政治理论课堂建设虽然取得了一定成绩,但尚存在某些不足,未达到理想效果.中职院校思想政治理论课的教学效果,对中职院校人才培养的整体质量与学校的长远发展具有深远影响.在国家政策导向与中职教育内涵发展、质量提升的新形势下,中职院校思想政治教育教学工作者应强化对于思想政治理论课重要性的认识,在教学实践...  相似文献   
发展中国家因为其薄弱的基础和现实条件,在迈向现代化的征程中面临着艰难的抉择。在政治发展上也同样如此。各国由于国情的不同而选择适合于自己政治发展的路径,但发展中国家在政治发展上有着共同的目标,这就是要求政治发展要达到秩序、效率和民主。而秩序、效率和民主并不是孤立的,只有在三者有效互动基础上才能推动政治发展。  相似文献   
在新时代背景下,“金课”概念和标准的提出为高校思想政治理论课改革创新提供了新的契机,建设思政“金课”势在必行。“伟大民族精神”是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要内容之一,也是高校思想政治理论课的重要教学内容。基于“金课”建设的标准,以“伟大民族精神”内容教学的视角,着力探讨高校思政“金课”建设之道,提高思政课教育教学的实效性。  相似文献   
大学生思想政治教育对于大学生个体和谐、高等院校内部和谐以及高等院校与外部社会的和谐,都具有重要价值。但我国目前的大学生思想政治教育在指导思想和具体做法上,还不能完全适应构建和谐社会的要求。因此,有必要按照构建和谐社会的理念,从多方面进行改革和完善,使大学生思想政治教育更好地为构建社会主义和谐社会服务。  相似文献   
The article presents an analysis of 93 essays written in an upper secondary school context. The essays were collected in relation to a larger research project, which went on for 5 years in a Danish upper secondary school (2010–2015). The material represents both genders and the students are 15–17 years old. We deploy a theoretical framework taken from Norbert Elias’ notion on established-outsider relations [Elias, N., &; Scotson, J. L. (1994 [1965]). The established and the outsiders. London: SAGE] as well as his use of personal pronouns [Elias, N. (1978). What is sociology? London: Hutchinson, Elias, N. (2001). The society of individuals. New York: The Continuum International Publishing Group] in illustrating how people negotiate, position and navigate within figurational contexts [Elias, N. (1994 [1939]). The civilizing proces. Oxford: Blackwell.]. We do this in an effort to interpret how young people negotiate ‘we-I-relations’ when it comes to their sporting identity. Elias’ processual framework provides a tool for a much needed analysis of how young people continually orientate and develop their sense of selves. The web of human interdependencies and processes of change are key words when it comes to understanding the social practices and doings of the students’ constructions of self-steering. What social scientists may see as laziness and drop-outs of sports [Seippel, Ø. (2016). Prek, vekker og kjedelig? Trening og mening blant ungdom: 1985–2013. In Ø. Seippel, M. K. Sisjord, &; Å Strandbu (Eds.), Ungdom og Idrett. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk] can in the essays of students be analysed as a struggle for group connectedness and social inclusion in the classroom. The results of our research show that identity is a multiple concept and an ongoing process of emotional work [Elias, N. (1987). On human beings and their emotions: A process-sociological essay. Theory Culture Society, 4, 339–361], but also a power balance of playing and presenting what is imagined as the right performance as not being shamed as outcasts.  相似文献   
向现代散文致敬 汪文顶:散文从不被注意到被普遍阅读,这是令人兴奋的现象.若从80、90年代散文发展的角度观察,90年代散文是80年代散文解放运动的延续与深化,又可以当作现代散文的复兴与发展.80、90年代散文瓦解了建国后散文领域里形成的某种陈规与模式.新时期散文对散文历史的最大反拨是把原有的陈规打破,起了思想解放作用.我认为散文解放运动到目前为止仍在延续.  相似文献   
句式的使用意图,都必须联系上下文语境去考察。“使”字句存在着条件、因果、目的和假设等多种不同的语义关系类型。各种不同语义关系的“使”字句的具体内容都能满足说话人不同的使用需求。使用条件关系的“使”字句,在意图上具有明显的一致性,使用目的和假设关系的“使”字句,有两种意图:有的是以句式的内容得出结论,有的则是把句式内容当作一种理由;而使用因果关系和可然(做法和作用)的“使”字句,其目的则是以句式本身的内容作为得出某种结论的理由或论据。  相似文献   
This paper explores and conceptualizes the process through which expatriates acculturate to the politics of an organization in a new and dominant culture that differs from their origin culture. In addition to an overview of acculturation, we review research on the emergence and perception of political context in organizations, and on political skill and political will. We posit that politically-relevant situational characteristics in organizations and work interact with national culture to affect the intensity with which expatriates perceive politics in their organization. Based on their political skill (operationalized as high versus low) and their political will (operationalized in terms of concern for self versus concern for others), we describe the different political behavior expatriates will use as a means of acculturating to their political context and the effects those strategies have on their acculturative stress and individual effectiveness in the organization.  相似文献   
Political correctness defines stereotypes as inappropriate to communicate. However, responses that interpersonally communicated stereotypes receive in conversation may collaboratively produce a different meaning about the appropriateness of stereotype use. The current research reports two studies that explore responses to interpersonally communicated stereotypes and the role these responses play in the perpetuation of stereotypes. This project contributes qualitative research in intercultural communication that exposes a variety of tolerant response types available to communicators and demonstrates how these responses are managed interactionally in ways that show tolerance for communicated stereotypes.  相似文献   
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