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以龙云家谱为例对彝族文化进行了辩证分析,结合彝族发展过程中历史、语言和习俗的基础上,对彝族文化中的父子联名制和祭祖分支等问题进行了论释。  相似文献   
家庭作为人类社会生活的基本单位是以男女间的经济分工为基础而组成的。明清时期的徽州由于特殊地理、社会环境,在徽州本土形成了一个以妇女为中心的留守群体,因此普通妇女尤其是母亲和寡妻在家庭中具有较高的地位。她们不仅为家庭创造财富,有一定的财产继承权和控制权,对家庭重要事务及主要成员有相当的决策权和发言权;而且还走出家门,积极参与社会事务,并得到社会的认可和尊重。  相似文献   
对国内外学术谱系的起源与发展、概念界定、研究方法以及学术谱系平台和计量指标进行梳理分析,并结合已有研究对科学家的学术谱系现状与发展进行探讨。研究发现,我国科学家的学术谱系研究尚属起步阶段,研究多是定性研究;国外研究依托学术谱系库的建立与文献计量学的发展,定量研究逐渐增多。由此提出我国有必要建立特色学术谱系平台,构建适合中国特色的学术谱系的计量指标体系。  相似文献   

The final report of the Australian Royal Commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse comprises 17 volumes, one of which addresses its findings in relation to schools. In this article, I raise two key questions in response to the devastating details of the allegations made by survivors of their abuse: how was any of this possible, and what really does go on in schools? In answer to these questions, I critique both the codes of ethics and conduct authored by the Victorian Institute of Teaching and draw attention to their conceptual inadequacy and terminal ambiguity. I then make a case for renewed research into sociological and historical aspects of schooling in Australia, emphasising a need to gain access to ‘private’, especially boarding, schools. In particular, I argue for a Foucauldian approach to understanding how education in catholic seminaries needs to be better understood in the context of child sexual abuse in Catholic schools.  相似文献   
从发生学角度阐述了我国在19世纪与20世纪之交的20多年时间内在中西思想会冲碰撞的变革时期,现代美学的发生原因与动力机制及其重要成果表现。指明在粱启超、蔡元培、王国维、鲁迅及萧公弼等精英人物那里提出和建立的美学思想的内涵、特征统属现代范畴,并各有其不同个性作风特点表现。他们是我国现代美学的开创者、奠基者,对于后来美学发展与生活指导有多方面的意义与参考价值。  相似文献   
笔者在研究《蜾扁音韵训诂》的基础上再作补考一文,试图通过历史学、考古学、音韵学和训诂学对“蜾扁”音义形的语源关系作进一步考察,同时我们还要把它与氏族人类学和氏族系谱学有机地结合起来加以研究,其目的就在于着力恢复蜾扁文字历史的本来面目,以便促进蜾扁文字文化的理论研究和书法艺术理论研究。  相似文献   
魏晋南北朝时期,谱牒的修撰随着门阀士族势力的发展而兴盛,成为维护门阀士族利益、巩固门第统治的工具。  相似文献   
The purpose of this article is to engage in an historical analysis of research about two concepts: social justice leadership and leadership for inclusion. Recent experiences have caused me to wonder about our interpretations of justice, equity, and inclusion. Analysis of the relevant literature revealed a lack of consensus among scholars as to a clear, operational definition of both social justice leadership and inclusion. I use a Foucauldian genealogical method to examine texts and uncover the historical development of social justice leadership and leadership for inclusion in the United States. Uncovering past meanings and contexts should help illuminate current meanings and uses of these concepts. It is recommended that leaders engage in critical reflection to uncover the common sense language of equity-oriented leadership practices and that researchers take a more critical, historical, open stance of social justice leadership, and inclusion.  相似文献   
在中国历史上,谱牒起着很重要的作用,影响着一代又一代的中国人。它从先秦时代的兴起到魏晋隋唐时期的高峰又到宋元明清时期的衰落,从官修到私修,这些变化的原因与当时的历史背景以及封建制度的兴衰是分不开的。  相似文献   
仅依靠单个喜剧原素展示和简单"连缀"来发展电影故事,而不依靠困境与需求作为叙事动力,是忽视剧作规律的表现。"赛车"呈现出港片经验的弥漫──重噱头轻叙事。  相似文献   
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