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存在主义女性主义强调女性超越"内在性",树立女性主体意识;而生态女性主义则提倡重树特有的"女性气质",反对男性对自然和女性的"野蛮征服"和"粗暴超越".两种看似对立和矛盾的理论有着共同的理想和憧憬:审视和颠覆父权统治,改变女性"他者"处境,找寻和实现女性价值.所不同的是,它们实现途径的差异.既然它们有着共同的理想,那么在差异与分歧中寻求对话也就成为必然.  相似文献   
通过揭示我国现代主体性教育的发展轨迹,可以看出主体性哲学思想的演变。后形而上学主体性教育的基本内涵包括对象化认识的主体性、交往实践的主体间性和责任伦理的他者性三个有机向度。  相似文献   
“儒家她者”的祥林嫂身处绝对客体之境,心理遭遇焦虑、歇斯底里、压抑的吞噬,身心双重困顿将她抛至无涯荒野。祥林嫂的命运劣势源自女性周围的男性压制,源自女性自身作为去势者以及作为绝对客体的悲哀。对祥林嫂的拯救除了叙述者“我”的努力之外,还需解放“儒家她者”的制造者,培养“大心肠”的人们,以达到祝福“儒家她者”的愿景。  相似文献   
This article uses the case of Bulgarian, predominantly Roma, schools to illustrate the long history of stereotypes about Roma people dating back to modernity’s discursive binary oppositions of ‘civilized’ vs. ‘barbarians.’ The data from a longitudinal study with 12 Bulgarian educators showed the modes by which Roma as the Other is created in the school context as a universal cognitive category, internalized in social and individual identities that divide the world into ‘us’ and ‘them.’ The paper argues that Bulgarian teachers’ perceptions of attitudes, behavior, and values of Roma communities are, in fact, a projection of the discursive representations with which western European modernity has constructed the Balkan region. This research contributes to further explicating how the ideological paradigm of neoliberalism intersects with the old Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment dichotomy of civilized–barbarians and how it is reconfigured to construct those incapable of fitting within the entrepreneurial spirit of the free market efficiency as unwilling to democratize. The case of Bulgarian, predominantly Roma, schools serves to illustrate how peoples who are Othered in the western European discourse designate their own Other, and thus provides a fruitful approach to understanding how Roma’s social exclusion is constructed and situated.  相似文献   
The main aim of this research was to secure a better understanding of how local authorities (LAs), senior leadership teams (SLTs) and teachers in state schools perceive their responsibilities for the deployment, leadership and management of teaching assistants (TAs). Current research in the field – some of which has been highly influential on policy – has largely focused on aspects of TA performance and pupil attainment. Importantly, we have chosen to investigate how TAs and SLTs themselves describe their experiences of management. TAs, teachers, senior leaders in primary schools and LA advisors, across two LAs, were surveyed. Based on 55 questionnaire responses, 23 interviews and 2 focus groups we found evidence of a dislocation of management priorities for effective TA deployment. What emerged was a strong sense of ‘otherness’ felt by many TAs, who believed themselves to be dissociated from their own management. We conclude that TAs make up a workforce that appears to be closely managed but which is in fact often poorly led, resulting in feelings of detachment.  相似文献   
电影已经成为现代生活中不可缺少的组成部分,加之当今中国大规模地引进外国影片、且以英语影片居多,因此,电影片名翻译尤显重要。电影的本质与电影片名的功能决定了电影片名中“他者”的存在;同时,源语片名必然与文化“他者”紧密相连。与汉语文化相比较,英语电影片名中存在语言及思维层面的文化“他者”,对其加以清楚的认识,有利于电影片名翻译质量的提高。  相似文献   
名词化是语言使用中常见的现象,它不仅仅是创造名词的手段,同时它也是表达隐性话语态度的重要手段,对名词化的功能语法考察有益于觉察和理解话语态度,名词化在新闻社论中可以隐喻既存性、不可协商性、逻辑关系和他性。  相似文献   
将主体间性的讨论扩展至人和自然之间,是可以基于海德格尔晚期存在论、伽达默尔阐释学理解概念以及马丁·布伯我-你关系论这三个理论依据的。他性不属于主体间性的讨论范畴,而主体间性研究并未抛弃斗争性的维度。主体间性的讨论走向审美主义,是历史和逻辑的必然。  相似文献   
本文试图通过剖析巴赫金诗学的核心——参与性美学文论范畴的特点,探究巴赫金早期哲学美学与文学思想之间的深层次联系,从整体上理解巴赫金理论的价值立场。巴赫金参与性美学文论范畴的特点包括:文化整体视野下的大文学观和参与性思维上的审美事件性;形而上学基础上的文学形式观;以他人范畴为核心的范畴体系。  相似文献   

Strangers, Gods, and monsters are all names for the experience of alterity and otherness within and amongst us. We need monsters in our lives. In this paper we use philosophy as a method to explore language, developmental and cultural instabilities, and terrifying (and discursive) monstrosity located within children's literature and childhood contexts. Philosophy as a method serves as an engagement, an ethical relationship with monstrous thoughts, and as an opening to the philosophical thinking of everyday practices of childhood play (i.e., through objects, practices, language, text, and images). Alongside and through cute, creepy and sublime notions of monsters in children's literature children become monsters–monsters become children. We draw from Derrida's notions of hospitality and hostility and Deleuze and Guattari's deterritorialization of minor literature as well as from literature on monsters, monstrosities, and ugliness. We argue that different representations of childhood monstrosity can help educators and other adults to see the ‘productive’ in childhood otherness, to consider the always present ‘childhood undecidable’ (simultaneous presence of cute and creepy) and the generative in infinitely unknown and unrecognizable childhood objects and discourses.  相似文献   
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