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本文主要研究基因无方向的基因组重排的反转排序问题.本文算法基于断点图的概念,给出一个时间复杂性为O(maxb3(π),nb(π)),空间复杂性为O(n)的求解近似最优解的算法,其中n为基因组中基因个数,π=(π1,π2,...πn)表示n个基因的一种排列,b(π)表示排列π中的断点数.数据试验的结果表明,该近似算法可以求得较好的结果.  相似文献   
为了解Taylor公式在最优化理论和最优算法中进一步的应用,通过分析、讨论一些基本理论和算法中Taylor公式的作用,得到了无约束局部最优解问题的最优条件以及修正、加强了最优化算法中寻求搜索方向和函数逼近式的几个方法。  相似文献   
辛亥鼎革,清季士子大部分以积极的姿态融入民国,即使自况为"遗老"、"遗民"者,其身份界定亦大有讨论余地,其中曲折甚有探讨之处。以云南绅耆在鼎革之际的政治选择的过程及其对辛亥革命的认知为例,我们可以看到清朝与民国之间存在明显的延续性,民国建立的特殊方式,为清季士子接受和进入民国创造了一个更为宽松的环境。  相似文献   
主要研究了一种带拒绝费用的排序问题。目标函数是在不超过总拒绝费用阀值的前提下使最大完工时间最小。首先,证明了该问题是N P-难的;然后我们针对这个问题设计出了伪多项式时间的动态规划算法,并给出了FPTAS。  相似文献   
In this paper, we study how Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people (LGBT) students in Icelandic upper secondary schools interpret their experience of heteronormative environment and how they respond to it. The aim is to explore how sexualities and gendered bodies are constructed through ‘schooling’. The article draws on interview data with seven LGBT students who attended five different upper secondary schools. We also use visual data collected during fieldwork at one upper secondary school and exemplify the results with a poster and a digitalised short-film, produced by the students, to substantiate what participants told us in the interviews. All of the students experienced heteronormative discourse and lack of respect and indicated that they did not feel fully accepted in school. Upon entering the classroom, the visibility of LGBTs and discussion about different performances of gender and sexuality seem to disappear, whether in terms of textbooks, course content, teaching practices and school environment. Furthermore, LGBTs and those who do not conform to the hegemonic performances of gender are often constructed as deviations from the norm, strange, and even depicted as the abjected other. This applies in particular to the informal school, which embraces the traditions, culture and social interactions among students and teachers. This othering occurs, despite relatively positive attitudes towards LGBT people in Icelandic society in general. The results signify a gap between policy and practice as regards the positioning of LBGT students, which affects their schooling and well-being.  相似文献   
主要对跟踪转台的伺服控制系统进行了设计和研究,阐述了跟踪转台的工作原理及其功能。综合考虑到一些影响转台稳态精度和动态性能的因素后,采用两环反馈来设计控制系统从而完成了对整个伺服控制系统的硬件和软件的整体设计。  相似文献   
西周世卿世禄制度在春秋战国之世逐渐被诸侯国实施的功勋授爵制度所取代,"封侯"成为社会各阶层的普遍愿望。秦国商鞅变法,所颁二十等爵制中多有以功勋授爵之爵级。反秦战争爆发后,陈胜以"黔首"自立为王,激起了社会各阶层对"封王"的渴望。随后项羽分封,不论出身,只论军功,自"西楚霸王"而下所封王、侯中多有平民,此即所谓"布衣王侯之局"。刘邦在与项羽的对抗过程中,因以弱敌强之形势所迫,不得不继续分封王、侯以争揽人才,韩信、彭越等遂以布衣封王。楚汉战争结束时,刘邦一方"布衣王侯之局"已成,受封王侯者治国理政,终开赵翼所谓"汉初布衣将相之局"。  相似文献   
本文首先用Pade逼近及有理插值的方法来逼近区间[-1,1]上的函数1/1+25x^2,并将之与多项式插值进行比较。这两种逼近方式均可精确逼近该函数,完全避免了Runge现象。其次,介绍了向量值连分式,并用其精确表示圆弧和椭圆弧。这样就加深了学生对Pade逼近的直观印象,增强了教学效果。  相似文献   
研究了具有常值利息力的负风险模型的破产概率的上界估计,通过考虑盈余过程的折现过程,利用鞅方法,得到了破产概率的上界估计.  相似文献   
利用计算机运算速度快,储存能力强的特点,研究设计一个插值与逼近等辅助教学系统。首先根据插值与逼近的主要方法分别设计算法,对每种算法选择C++语言进行编程,调试,形成程序库。然后运用VC++提供的强大MFC控件建成仿真实验系统,该系统能对插值和逼近等主要数值实例进行实时演示。  相似文献   
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