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Several programmes have been developed to help support victims of bullying, but few have been formally evaluated. On the basis of previous research and from a review of existing programmes, a Social Skills Training (SST) Programme was developed for victims of bullying, and the effectiveness of this intervention was evaluated. Twenty-eight children (aged nine to 11 years) took part in the SST Programme – 15 in the experimental group and 13 in the waiting-list control group. A Peer Nomination Inventory was used to assess social skills problems, peer victimization and friendship/peer acceptance. In addition, a number of psycho­social adjustment variables (i.e. depression, anxiety, self-esteem) were assessed, using self-report. The measures were completed at three time points over the course of an academic year. It was found that there was an increase in ‘global self-worth’ (i.e. self-esteem) for the experimental group (compared to the control group). However, there were no other significant improvements, e.g. in terms of social skills problems or victim status. These findings have important implications for interventions to tackle the negative effects associated with bullying in schools.  相似文献   
由于环境侵权的特殊性,相关发达国家日趋强化环境侵权受害人的权益救济。在我国尚未建立环境公益诉讼的背景下,应当赋予受害人进行行政诉讼的权利。受害人通过行政诉讼的途径可以达到传统民事诉讼所不能及的功效,有利于促使环境职能部门依法行政和加强环境监管,从而达到既保护受害人个体的利益又保护社会的环境公共利益的目的。  相似文献   
尽管印度于1983年通过了刑法修疋案,但其法律体系仍不能有效规制强奸罪,也许有必要从被害人角度唤醒他们自身对权利的认知,同时提高司法介入的效率。印度宪法第21条规定,妇女和男人平等享有生存权和自由权,因此当前的问题不是被害人是否有保持身体完整的权利,而是能否采取紧急措施根除犯罪,让妇女在当前和未来很长一段时间内处于安全。由于其他因素的存在,致使可能单纯通过颁布新的法令或扩大法律执行机构等方式不能遏制犯罪,所以立法目的和法院办案思维可作适当调整,考虑将妇女权益尤其强奸罪被害人权利作为明确的保护范畴。既然该种犯罪属于社会一法律交叉问题,那幺时于政府、妇女组织及法律制度来说。当务之急是给予妇女及时的救济。  相似文献   
谈刑事诉讼中被害人权利保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刑事诉讼法的直接目的是惩罚犯罪,实现国家刑罚权,所提倡的人权保障只是刑事诉讼间接目的,具有间接性、被动性,因而仅指被告人的人权.被害人的人权保障实质包含在在直接目的--惩罚犯罪和根本目的--保护人民,维护社会安宁秩序中.然而,我国被害人权利保障在刑事程序中非常薄弱,已经违背了刑事诉讼的目的要求.所以,刑事诉讼法除了继续保障被告人人权外,目前更重要的是进一步扩大被害人的一系列权利,以科学实现刑事诉讼的应然目的.  相似文献   
刑事被害人的赔偿制度是一项关于保护被害人合法权益、预防打击违法犯罪、维护与促进社会稳定的重要法律制度。目前我国虽然设立了刑事附带民事诉讼制度,但是被害人的赔偿问题并没有得到很好的解决。通过对我国被害人损害赔偿制度现状及存在问题进行分析,为我国刑事被害人赔偿制度的构建提出一些建议。  相似文献   
While adolescents report the highest rates of sexual abuse victimization, few studies have investigated how child sexual abuse (CSA) cases involving adolescent complainants may differ from cases involving child complainants. The current study draws on 3,430 allegations of CSA in Canada to compare abuse characteristics and judicial outcomes in cases involving adolescent complainants to cases involving child complainants. Adolescent complainants were more likely than child complainants to be abused by a stranger or a person with a community connection to the complainant, while children were more likely than adolescents to be abused by a parent or other relative. Furthermore, compared to child complainants, adolescent complainants were more frequently involved in the most intrusive offenses and their cases were more likely to involve violence. Both groups were most likely to disclose the abuse to a parent, though a greater proportion of children disclosed the abuse to a parent. There were no differences in the delay to disclosure. Accused were equally likely to plead “guilty” and to be convicted in cases involving child and adolescent complainants. However, offenders convicted of the most intrusive offenses received longer probation sentences when the complainant was a child than when the complainant was an adolescent. These findings have implications for ensuring appropriate support and services to adolescent victims of CSA.  相似文献   
长久以来,注重时犯罪人权利的研究与保护,却忽略了刑事被害人的权利研究和保护.二战以后,研究犯罪人的权利保护对预防犯罪的无力以及纳粹党人的残忍行径使得刑事被害人的权利保护研究受到空前重视.我国对刑事被害人的权利研究还很不成熟,要从对刑事被害人的权利进行结构上的分析,提升对我国被害人的权利保护研究的水平.  相似文献   
嘉庆六年六月,京师、直隶突发特大水灾。安辑外出灾民、稳定地方社会过程中,政府发挥了绝对主导作用。政府应对两大难题的理路为:以州县散赈为最重,防止灾民流动性的产生,并力争吸引外出灾民回乡;中央政府保证物资及时、足额调拨,开展大规模以工代赈。同时,嘉庆君臣力主消除灾民留养、遣返中的强制因素,坚持灾民自行回籍生产;对基层社会因利益引发的矛盾纠葛,特别是张贴匿名揭帖、京控、求赈等非常规诉求,不泥成例,高度关注。以上策略成为保证救灾成功的关键因素。  相似文献   
试析18世纪中国实施工赈救荒的原因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
工赈,即以工代赈,它属于赈济的范畴,但又不同于一般的单纯赈济,其特殊性在于赈济与建设的结合与统一,它是赈济对象主要通过参加必要的社会公共工程的建设而获得钱物的一种特殊的赈济方式。18世纪的中国政府之所以在灾发比较集中的地区多次大规模地实施工赈救荒,是因为其在补充其它赈济方式的不足、满足更多待赈需求的同时,使政府获得更多的经济收益,并兼顾到政府抑制社会动乱、发展农业经济以及培育民风等深层目的。  相似文献   
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