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1临床资料 患者蒋某,女性,汉族,38岁,13年前分娩后2月出现活动后心慌、气急,不能平卧,睡眠时需半卧位,双踝部凹陷性浮肿,在当地医院诊断为"风湿性心脏病、二尖瓣狭窄","预激综合症",服用"地高辛,双氢克尿噻",及"射频消融"治疗,效果欠佳.入院查体:心尖搏动位于左第5肋间锁骨中线外侧1cn处,心相对浊音界向左侧扩大,心率76次/分,二尖瓣听诊区可闻及柔和舒张期泼水样杂音以心前区明显,较局限,心功能Ⅲ级.  相似文献   
肝癌介入治疗后并发症的处理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨肝动脉化疗栓塞(TACE)治疗肝癌后的并发症及处理方法。方法:采用Seldinger技术经股动脉穿刺,将导管插至肝肿瘤供血动脉,进行一次性灌注化疗药物。结果:对68例肝癌患者进行了176次化疗栓塞,并发症有局部血肿、穿刺点出血、发热、肝区胀痛、肝脏的损害、胃肠道反应、骨髓抑制、肝性脑病、消化道出血等,只有1例因并发症死亡。结论:肝动脉化疗栓塞是治疗肝癌安全、有效的微创疗法,预防并发症,提高疗效。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION Sensory exotropia is a condition of unilateral divergence as a sequela to loss of vision or long-standing poor vision in one eye,which was caused by refractive errors,unilateral aphakia or other organic reasons.Convergence insufficiency or disruption is possible.The most important aspect of the manage-ment is to find and/or eliminate and/or reverse a treatable cause of the exotropia.In clinic,the sensory exotropia secondary to senile cataract was often ob-served.Prospectively…  相似文献   
肩周炎、网球肘、高尔夫球肘、肩峰下滑囊炎、跟痛症、股骨头无菌性坏死、疲劳骨折以及骨不连及骨折延迟愈合等是骨科的常见病和多发病。长期以来,对这些骨科疾病的治疗主要以保守治疗及外科手术治疗为主,保守治疗对轻症,病史较短者尚有效,对病情较重、保守治疗无效者只能进行手术治疗。而手术治疗虽然疗效较好,但是因其有创伤,并发症较多,使许多患者难以接受。因此,寻找安全、有效、无创的治疗方法一直是临床医疗工作者孜孜以求  相似文献   
Objective: This prospective randomized clinical trial was conducted to evaluate the necessity of drainage after total thyroidectomy or lobectomy for benign thyroidal disorders. Methods: A total of 116 patients who underwent total thyroidectomy or lobectomy for benign thyroidal disorders were randomly allocated to be drained or not. Operative and postoperative outcomes including operating time, postoperative pain assessed by visual analogue scale (VAS), total amount of intramuscular analgesic administration, hospital stay, complications, necessity for re-operation and satisfaction of patients were all assessed. Results: The mean operating time was similar between two groups (the drained and non-drained groups). The mean VAS score was found to be significantly low in the non-drained group patients in postoperative day (POD) 0 and POD 1. The mean amount of intramuscular analgesic requirement was significantly less in the non-drained group. One case of hematoma, two cases of seroma and three cases of transient hypoparathyroidism occurred in the non-drained group, whereas one case of hematoma, two cases of seroma, two cases of wound infections and two cases of transient hypoparathyroidism occurred in the drained group. No patient needed re-operation for any complication. The mean hospital stay was significantly shorter and the satisfaction of patients was superior in the non-drained group. Conclusion: These findings suggest that postoperative complications cannot be prevented by using drains after total thyroidectomy or lobectomy for benign thyroid disorders. Furthermore, the use of drains may increase postoperative pain and the analgesic requirement, and prolong the hospital stay. In the light of these findings, the routine use of drains might not be necessary after thyroid surgery for benign disorders.  相似文献   
开展小儿术后疼痛治疗,不仅可减轻患儿痛苦,而且可减少术后并发症与病死率,为日后康复创造有利条件.我们采用罗哌卡因、氟美松骶管阻滞用于小儿术后镇痛取得满意效果.  相似文献   
米非司酮是一种新型抗孕酮药物,具有安全有效的终止妊娠、扩张宫颈口、及时避孕的作用,副作用小、损伤少,能减轻妇女流产的痛苦。但也存在着流产后出血、易感染和促宫颈成熟后对新生儿产生不良影响等弊端。因此,使用该药应以认真查体为前提,以有利孕妇健康为原则,因人而异,与人工流产互补。  相似文献   
糖尿病是严重危害人类健康的疾病之一.桔梗(Platycodon granditlorum(Jacq.)A.DC.)含多种生物活性成分,具有广泛的医疗和保健作用.近年来相关文献报道了桔梗对糖尿病及其并发症有一定治疗作用.本文从桔梗降血糖、改善胰岛素抵抗、抗氧化、调血脂、抗肥胖、保肝、抗动脉粥样硬化和微血管病变等方面,综述桔梗抗糖尿病并发症的药理作用,并分析了影响实验动物指标和症状改善的一些实验因素,为研制开发桔梗抗糖尿病新药提供思路.  相似文献   
“反式脂肪酸事件” 新闻背景 2006年2月8日世界上最大的快餐连锁店麦当劳宣布,麦当劳所售炸薯条中不利于身体健康的反式脂肪酸含量又增加了三分之一,2006年2月15日,中国食疗网发布“反式脂肪酸预警报告”,专家指出,摄入过多的反式脂肪酸,会导致心脑血管疾病、糖尿病,儿童若摄入过多将会影响身体发育.人造奶油、酥烤类食品、快餐中的炸鸡和炸薯条均含这种物质.何为“反式脂肪酸”呢?反式脂肪酸指至少含一个反式构型双键的脂肪酸,即碳碳双键上两个碳原子结合的氢原子分别位于双键的两侧,若氢原子位于双键同侧,则是顺式脂肪酸.  相似文献   
目的:探讨心脑血管疾病患者脂蛋白(a)水平及其他脂类的关系,进一步阐明血浆高脂蛋白(a)水平为心脑血管疾病的独立危险因素,支持脂蛋白(a)的检测具有极为重要的意义.方法:采用ELISA法和酶法分别测定心肌梗塞、心绞痛、脑梗死等心脑血管疾病患者及健康对照者的Lp(a)、LDL-C、HDL-C、TG、TC含量.结果:心脑血管疾病患者血浆Lp(a)水平显著高于健康对照组(P<0.01).血浆脂蛋白(a)水平变化与LDL-C、HDL-C、TG、TC含量无明显相关性.结论:Lp(a)是独立于其他血脂指标的心脑血管疾病的危险因子.  相似文献   
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