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中国共产党在继承马克思主义民生思想的基础上,吸收中国传统民生思想与民本理念的优秀成分,借鉴西方人本主义与人文精神的合理内核,与中国革命、建设和改革的民生建设实践相结合,逐步确立了以人为本为核心理念的、独具中国特色的民生理论体系。中国共产党民生理论体系经历了革命、建设和改革不同历史时期发展,形成了全心全意为人民服务的民生宗旨、全体人民共同富裕的民生目标、始终代表最广大人民群众根本利益的民生价值、以人为本全面发展的民生理念,具有深远的理论渊源、丰富的思想内容和鲜明的时代特征,充分体现了以人为本的执政理念,是马克思主义中国化的理论成果。  相似文献   
许洁 《出版科学》2011,(4):87-90
介绍莱姆斯卡特从艰难创立到蓬勃发展再到迎接数字化挑战走过的半个世纪风雨路程,通过介绍该出版社对儿童出版事业的理解和对童书产品卓越品质的追求,为正处于蓬勃发展中的我国儿童图画书出版提供借鉴。  相似文献   
This paper studies the online forum posts at the websites of Amazon and Goodreads of two books on Zheng He’s voyages. The findings are threefold: First, most of the online forum participants play their due roles and satisfy the six conditions of Dahlberg’s model of an ideal online public sphere. Second, the emerged themes match the six conditions of Dahlberg’s model. The readers’ reviews at the two Western social media websites are mostly positive and rational. Implications of the study are also discussed.  相似文献   
在《荀子》一书中,引用《诗经》有83处。除大量引《诗》外,还有一些论《诗》的内容,这都明确地反映了荀子的一些诗学观念。荀子既谈其内容和旨意,又将其统摄在圣人之道之下,视之为道的载体,指导人们修身、从政,很大程度地将《诗》道德伦理化和政治化了,为汉兴以来《诗》的经学化奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The Basques are a nation living in the Basque Country – a territory that is divided between two states – France and Spain. Isolated in the mountainous terrain they have preserved their original culture and collective identity. However, they still need to struggle for recognition, using some elements of their own culture to promote their identity and reject their status as a peripheral region of Spain or France. One of such elements is sport, especially so-called ‘traditional sports’ which this nation has preserved over centuries. The aim of this paper is thus to analyze one example of such a sport – Basque ball and its historical and present situation, connections with other elements of culture and its socio-cultural importance for the Basques.  相似文献   
The founding of the Fā?imid caliphate across the southern Mediterranean, and then in Egypt, Syria and the ?ijāz at the turn of the fourth/tenth century, necessitated its negotiation with the ashrāf, those who claimed lineal descent from the Prophet Mu?ammad, and who by this time had gained significant influence as a social class based on their charismatic descent. While other dynastic powers fostered relationships with various members of the ashrāf, the Fā?imid–ashrāf dynamics were distinctive in that the Fā?imids legitimised their rule as Ismā?īlī Shī?ī imām-caliphs, based on their claim of descent from the Prophet Mu?ammad, and as the sole successors to his authority and leadership over the Islamic world. Consequently, Fā?imid–ashrāf relations were permeated by fraternal camaraderie as well as by competing contestations based on their shared claim to Prophetic lineage.  相似文献   
宋代丰城黄得礼家族,与著名文人黄庭坚所属分宁黄氏同为一源。此家族是典型的科举世家,自黄得礼进士起家,子孙登科者众多。家族人物普遍具有较高的文学才华,然其著述多零落散佚,唯有黄彦平《三余集》因被《四库全书》收录而传世。家族历代仕宦,连绵不断,黄畴若在宋宁宗朝出任台谏,参与嘉定更化等重要政治事件,提议并主持创建安边所,后出外治蜀,政绩显著,列传《宋史》。  相似文献   
为深入领会习近平新时代体育观对我国体育产业和体育事业的重要引领思想,挖掘习总书记新时代体育思想的重要价值,采用文献资料法,比较分析法,梳理2013~2018年习总书记关于体育工作的重要论述以及我国学者对习近平体育观的相关研究,从习近平新时代体育观的思想渊源、提出背景、重要载体和研究特点等方面全面介绍习近平新时代体育观的起源、发展和最新研究进展,并对当前新时代体育观研究的诸种述要进行梳理。研究结论认为,目前新时代体育观研究领域内有效研究不足,需在内涵研究、应用研究、影响研究和比较研究方面做出更大改进。  相似文献   
清末直隶师范学校在教育理念、课程设置、教师的文化素养、教育环境以及各种制度上都特别重视传统文化。在教育理念上,注重弘扬传统文化;在课程上,增设修身课、经典研习课,加大文史类课的比重,增开礼仪教育课;在教师方面,增强师范学校教师的传统文化素养;在校园环境方面,加强师范学校的人文环境建设;在教育实习上,强调知行合一,在实践中传承传统文化的精华。  相似文献   
Desire under the Elms reveals a tragedy of spiritual and survival desire of human being. O’Neill creates many Bible ar-chetypes in Desire under the Elms. The thesis analyzes and appreciates Desire unde...  相似文献   
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