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王元化先生在新近出版的大著──《清园近思录冲,郑重地提出了关于“知人论事的标准”说,是一个创见。但他在臧否具体人事时,在不同情境下,一是取“双重标准”,二是变化不定。足见,按胡适所倡导的不动“正义的火气”标准评判人事,决非易事。然而,王先生关于为文治学的一系列见解,亦即知人论事的标准,确能给我们以多方面的启迪。  相似文献   
公共危机决策能力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共危机具有非常态性,非常态的公共危机的化解需要非常规的公共危机决策;公共危机对决策者的决策能力提出了极大的挑战。作为有限理性人,公共危机决策者必须注意三个方面的建设,一是加强公共危机管理制度的配套建设,弥补公共危机决策的制度缺陷;二是决策一把手要培养九种能力,强化五种意识;三是健全公共危机教育机制,提高社会公众的成熟度。  相似文献   
突发事件决策情景与知识供给研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In view of the fact that most big and medium-sized cities have established emergency command centers,and the integrated ability to deal with unconventional emergencies is still low,this article constructs an emergency decision-making model based on scenario prediction,and points out that different scenarios and affiliated problems determine different decision-making and models,which further determines the knowledge supply mechanism.Based on this theory,the article constructs a multi-knowledge base and a model of emergency scenario and knowledge supply process,and gives a case analysis,thus providing a theoretical support for predicting the general emergency situation.  相似文献   
曹操生平跻身的时代是汉王朝濒临烟幕近熄、饿殍遍野、危机四伏、苟延残喘的多事之秋且是令人感愤、绝望、悲叹、激变的蹉跎岁月,加之东汉时期颇为黑暗的朝政腐败、群小滋盛、祸乱频仍、民不聊生的演义困境。故此,乱世光晕使得沉重的积弊、浓厚的阴影、忧患的意识投射到曹诗中就渐趋形成了诸多慷慨悲怆、愤懑忧患、质朴含蓄、通脱哀婉的挽歌式的文学佳篇并使之始终涵括着博大幽思、苍鹰腾跃、江海悲涌、气度恢弘的生命意趣。  相似文献   
提升高校应对突发事件能力的十大路径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高校是人才培养的重要基地,高校的安全稳定事关人才培养和社会稳定。高校要坚持以人为本的教育理念,增强忧患意识,着力从认识能力、判断能力、反应能力、化解能力、服务能力、创新能力、研究能力、绩效能力、执行能力、保障能力等方面,提升应对突发事件的能力,切实维护高校的安全稳定,促进和谐校园和和谐社会的建设。  相似文献   
Since the turn of the twenty-first century, the global education community has focused significant attention on the promotion of education in fragile and conflict-affected contexts, embodied in the growth of a new sub-field called Education in Emergencies. This article points out the surprising distinction of this new sub-field from the more established and closely related field of peace education. It examines United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) documents for insight into the changing global ideas that have facilitated the shift in focus from peace to conflict. Empirically, we draw on a quantitative content analysis of more than 450 UNESCO documents published between 1945 and 2015. We find that education for peace remains a constant, if evolving, concern in these texts, but that a powerful emphasis on individual rights has shifted the discursive focus away from inter-state relations and towards the educational needs of young people. In the documents, conflict is now theorised as a threat to education and peace is re-envisioned not just as the desirable outcome of education, but also as its pre-condition. We show how this ideational transformation has re-cast an expansive array of conflicts, natural disasters, and other emergencies as threats to education.  相似文献   
杨长春  袁敏 《现代情报》2017,37(3):40-45
突发事件之间存在的关联、削弱或衍生的关系,会对现发的突发事件的热度产生影响。本文根据突发事件的交互关系,建立舆情敏感信息库,对突发事件的热度进行预测,并通过实验验证和理论分析,为政府消解突发事件负面舆情提供参考。  相似文献   
高校学生突发事件已经成为影响高校和社会安定、稳定的一个重要原因。通过对近年来高校学生突发事件进行分析,探寻高校突发事件发生的原因,特点,以期找到有效的解决高校学生突发事件的方法。  相似文献   
以交际中英语中的人称指示语为对象,以语境顺应性为理论基础,重点探讨了人称指示语的非常规选择与语境变化的顺应性关系,并通过例证分析表明人称指示语的非常规选择体现说话人所处的语境特征及其情感倾向、认识倾向及人际关系的亲疏,它可凸显语境顺应性在人称指示语的非常规的选择过程中的人际关系调节功能。  相似文献   
构建基于系统动力学的非常规突发事件个体决策行为影响模型,并通过实证分析验证了该模型。结果表明:随着决策过程的进行,各情景的决策误差度会逐步降低;各情景的决策时间渐渐缩短。  相似文献   
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