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Objective: To observe the difference of androgen and inflammatory cytokines level in atherosclerosis and analyse their relations. Method: Both carotid arteries and arteries of lower extremity were subjected to ultrasonic examination by Doppler's method. Those with much atheromatous plaque formation were ranged into case group, and those with normal result formed control group. Total, free testosterone and estradiol were assayed by radioimmunoassay. C reactive protein (CRP) was assayed by nepheloturbidity. Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), Interleukin-6 (IL-6), Interleukin-8 (IL-8), Interleukin-10 (IL-10), Interleukin-18 (IL-18), soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1) and soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (sVCAM-1) were assayed by ELISA. The mean difference between two groups and the correlation between free testosterone and cytokines were analysed. Results: Free testosterone was (6.337±3.371) pg/L in case group and (11.375±4.733) pg/L in control group,P<0.01. No differences were found in total testosterone and estradiol. CRP was (27.294±10.238) mg/L in case group and (12.843±6.318) mg/L in control group,P<0.01. IL-6 was (41.700±31.385) pg/L in case group and (25.396±20.772) pg/L in control group,P<0.05. IL-8 was (89.249±58.357) pg/L in case group and (67.873±31.227) pg/L in control group,P<0.05. sICAM-1 was (470.491±134.078) pg/L in case group and (368.487±97.183) pg/L in control group,P<0.01.sVCAM-1 was (537.808±213.172) pg/L in case group and (457.275±157.273) pg/L in control group,P<0.05. There were no differences in TNF-α, IL-10 and IL-18. Correlation analysis showed that FT (free testosterone) had negative correlation with CRP, IL-6 and sICAM-1. Among them FT had well correlation with CRP, correlation index was −0.678. Conclusion: Free testosterone was in negative correlation with atherosclerosis in old-age male. Free testosterone may have the role of anti-atherosclerosis, and this effect was not achieved by its transformation to estradiol. Low free testosterone level was followed by increased level of inflammatory cytokines. Low free testosterones coexist with inflammation and they both affect the process of atherosclerosis in old-age male. Project (No. 2003B045) supported by the Health Bureau of Zhejiang Province, China  相似文献   
Cardiopulmonary bypass is known to cause alterations in insulin secretion and resistance, resulting in profound hyperglycemia. Aggressive treatment of the resulting hyperglycemia intra-operatively could result in a severe degree of post-operative hypoglycemia. We undertook this prospective non-randomized clinical study to compare the alterations in glucose homeostasis in diabetic (group A, n=50) and non-diabetic (Group B, n=50) patients undergoing moderate hypothermic (30°C) cardiopulmonary bypass for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). All patients had a fasting blood sugar level done on the morning of surgery. Blood sugars were monitored intra-operatively and post-operatively at fixed time intervals. Intra-operative hyperglycemia was treated aggressively by a continuous, infusion of injecting plain insulin. Both the groups experienced similar significant increase in blood glucose levels during bypass (‘p’=0.00003). However, the mean blood glucose level upon arrival in the intensive care unit was significantly decreased in group B compared to group A (p=0.0002). 60% of group B and 10% of group A patients required treatment for post-operative hypoglycemia (blood glucose level <60mg/dl). This clinical study reveals that attempting to maintain normoglycemia in this setting with Insulin may initiate post-operative hypoglycemia.  相似文献   
在《许三观卖血记》中,作家余华以许三观不断重复卖血的事件为线索,展现了许三现生命苦难的历程.许三观为什么能如此频繁地卖血却不死?背后是一种什么样的力量在支撑着他,使他在苦难面前竟能如此地坚韧和顽强?基于这些问题,从许三观乐观的生存信仰、血缘和家庭观念以及对于“平等”的追求等三个方面进行分析,从而诠释出许三现在苦难中表现...  相似文献   
细胞融合技术是近年来迅速发展起来的一项新兴细胞工程技术,本研究以鸡红细胞为材料,以PEG(Mw=4000)为诱导剂,研究不同的PEG体积分数(0%、25%、50%、75%、100%),不同的融合时间(5 min1、0 min、15 min2、0 min2、5 min),不同的融合温度(20℃、30℃、35℃、38℃、40℃)对鸡红细胞融合率的影响.结果显示:PEG的体积分数为50%,融合时间为15 min,温度为38℃时融合的效果最好.  相似文献   
目的:分析研究蓝光治疗照射对于新生儿ABO血溶性黄疸的治疗效果。方法:针对在某医院2012-2013年间治疗的100例患儿的临床试验进行研究分析,根据住院时间的先后顺序将这些患儿随机地分成两个小组,对照组和观察组。每一个组别中有50个患儿,其中对照组中的患儿分别给予口服苯巴比妥、皮质激素、尼可刹米、碳酸氢钠等常规基础治疗;观察组在对照组治疗的基础上利用黄疸治疗箱行间断蓝光照射进行治疗。结果:试验发现观察组临床实验效率远远高于对照组,由于两个组别之间的差异存在一定的研究意义,实验表明对于新生儿ABO血溶性黄疸患儿,蓝光间断治疗是一种比较安全并且可靠的治疗手段,具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   
余华于《许三观卖血记》中所展现的生命意识与生存哲学吸收借鉴了诸多基督教人道主义思想,并在自身的文化语境中进行了创造性转化,从而使二者达成余华式的汇通。本文分述了《许三观卖血记》中重要意象及观念中的基督教情怀(血、爱、饶恕),并由此推演剖析作家余华的基督教人道主义情怀。余华在许三观身上赋予了类似耶稣基督的牺牲精神和救赎方式——担当和直面苦难、以爱和饶恕坚韧生存,向读者昭示出在人世之厄中的突围之路。  相似文献   
为研究100m、400m、800m和1 500m4种不同距离全速跑后血乳酸的变化,选取9名志愿者参与实验。结果表明,4种距离全速跑后血乳酸值受主要能量供应系统、运动负荷强度以及运动持续时间的影响;不同距离负荷后的血乳酸值比运动前有明显增加,在不同距离项目之间血乳酸值呈现一定差别,表现在血乳酸含量随运动强度和运动持续时间的增加而增加。根据这种特点可以利用血乳酸评定运动负荷强度以及科学指导训练提供重要的参考依据。  相似文献   
摘要:目的:观察不同强度长期游泳训练对雄性小鼠生殖系统生精能力的影响及意义。方法:将雄性实验小鼠随机分为普通强度训练组、高强度训练组和正常对照组。各训练组按照设计的游泳训练方案进行运动训练,正常对照组常规饲养,训练周期结束后,进行各组小鼠激素测定、生化指标、睾丸指数、精子质量检测和生精小管形态学观测,综合评价生精能力。结果:与正常对照组相比较:普通强度训练组睾丸组织SOD含量下降、NOS含量升高,精子活率下降,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),高强度训练组血清T水平下降、睾丸组织SOD含量下降、MDA含量上升、NO和NOS含量上升、精子活率下降,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);与普通强度训练组相比较:高强度训练组睾丸组织NO和NOS含量上升,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。光镜下观察:正常对照组睾丸生精小管间紧凑,间质组织丰富,生精小管边界完整、无萎缩或塌陷,生精细胞之间排列紧密,上皮层次清晰,支持细胞清晰可见,管腔中有较多已分化成熟的精子;普通强度训练组,间质组织和生精小管与正常对照组差异不明显,没有明显的组织病变特征。高强度训练组,生精小管上皮次级精母细胞层数略有减少,精子细胞数目相对减少。结论:高强度长期游泳训练可导致实验动物体内激素水平改变和相关生化指标改变等,从而造成雄性小鼠精子质量的下降;普通强度长时间游泳训练对雄性实验动物血清相关激素水平,睾丸组织生化酶类及发育情况和精子质量也产生了一定影响。  相似文献   
Bayer ADVIA120是我所引进的具有网织红细胞检测功能的全自动血细胞分析仪。按照国际血液学标准化委员会有关规定我们对常用血液指标进行了测试,根据实验数据分析,AD-VIA120血球计数仪具有良好的线性范围,批内、批间重复性良好,与库尔特等血球计数仪器具有高度的相关性。  相似文献   
陆一帆 《体育科研》2008,29(6):39-44
游泳运动的能力主要表现在速度和力量。不同项目的比赛强度对应着不同血乳酸的水平。通过调查近年的主要游泳比赛中优秀运动员的赛后即刻血乳酸水平,对照其训练中采用主要手段后的血乳酸水平,试图对比分析训练强度与比赛强度的差距,以强调有效训练强度的意义。  相似文献   
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