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古人对思维器官的认定经历了一个较长的时期。最初,"心"被认为是人体的思维器官,与人的心理活动相关的词多以"心"为形符。许慎认为"思"字"从心,囟声",段玉裁将其划入会意字,"从心,从囟"。徐灏笺云:"人之精髓在脑,脑主记忆,故思从囟。"可知,随着对人体功能认识的逐渐深入,"脑"的思维功能被发现,人们对思维器官的认定完成了发展的蜕变。  相似文献   
在教育神经科学领域,我们需要可靠的脑科学知识为学与教奠定坚实的基础。在教学实践中,应该尊重学生的兴趣以及他们独特的学习通路。在教育神经科学中,我们已经创建了一种通用的量表来评估孩子们的认知发展以及他们在校学习,这种评价重视对学生学习的支持与促进。在教育神经科学的研究中,重要的是,科学家与教育工作者相互合作,建立研究型学校,将心智、脑与教育领域的知识联系起来,以支持并促进学生的学习。  相似文献   
随着人类迈入数字化时代,数字化的工作平台在"心智、脑与教育"科学领域也逐渐得到普及。教育是人类的希望,未来的教育得依靠这些学科之间的不断融合。在全球化时代,教师正面临着新的教学方法上的挑战。虽然我们已经对学习脑做了大量的研究,但是与之相对应的教学脑的知识却相当匮乏。目前,我们正在教育领域努力扩大这个持续而广泛普及的数字化教育平台,让孩子们在学习的同时,也可以进行教学与实验。  相似文献   
Recent developmental cognitive neuroscience research has supported the notion that puberty and adolescence are periods of profound socio-emotional development. The current study was designed to investigate whether the onset of puberty marks an increase in the awareness of complex, or “mixed,” emotions. Eighty-three female participants (aged 9–16 years) were divided into three groups according to a self-report measure of puberty stage (early-, mid- and post-puberty). Participants were presented with emotional scenarios, and used four linear scales to rate their emotional response to each scenario. Scenarios were designed to evoke social emotions (embarrassment or guilt) or basic emotions (anger or fear), where social emotions are defined as those which require the representation of others' mental states. We measured the relative complexity or “mixedness” of emotional responses, that is, the degree to which participants reported feeling more than one emotion for a given scenario. We found that mixed emotion reporting increased between early- and post-puberty for social emotion scenarios, and showed no relationship with age, whereas there was no change in mixed emotion reporting for basic emotion scenarios across age or puberty groups. This suggests that the awareness of mixed emotions develops during the course of puberty, and that this development is specific to social emotions. Results are discussed in the context of brain development across puberty and adolescence, with speculation regarding the potential implications for education.  相似文献   
对大脑的认知是人类认识自然和自身的终极挑战,脑科学研究的核心是理解脑功能的结构及物质基础。中科院在2012年启动了战略性先导科技专项(B类)"脑功能联结图谱计划"(Mapping Brain Functional Connections;简称:脑联接图谱;MBFC,2012—2020),目标是对特定脑功能的神经联结通路和网络结构的解析及模拟。专项代表了脑科学研究的战略制高点,对揭示脑的工作原理、推动智能科学技术进步、增进人类身心健康等方面都具有十分重要的意义。专项设立以来,在感知觉神经环路发育和功能、视觉与本能恐惧行为的神经环路机制、情绪的神经环路编码机制、成瘾和抑郁症等脑疾病机理、意识的神经基础、基因编译技术及脑疾病的非人灵长类模型、神经元分类和功能分析技术及其应用、神经环路双色钙成像方法、神经环路结构与功能研究工具开发、深度神经网络芯片研制,以及资源库与平台建设等方面取得了一系列重要的科学发现和技术研发进展。我们将进一步按照专项十年规划,开展脑认知科学、类脑人工智能技术、脑疾病早期诊断及干预3个前沿领域的科学研究,以及相关新技术研发和脑科技资源库建设,发挥中科院在脑与认知基础研究和技术研发等领域的引领作用。  相似文献   
Recent evidence suggests that cardiovascular fitness and gross motor skill performance are related to neurocognitive functioning by influencing brain structure and functioning. This study investigates the role of resting-state networks (RSNs) in the relation of cardiovascular fitness and gross motor skills with neurocognitive functioning in healthy 8- to 11-year-old children (n = 90, 45 girls, 10% migration background). Cardiovascular fitness and gross motor skills were related to brain activity in RSNs. Furthermore, brain activity in RSNs mediated the relation of both cardiovascular fitness (Frontoparietal network and Somatomotor network) and gross motor skills (Somatomotor network) with neurocognitive functioning. The results indicate that brain functioning may contribute to the relation between both cardiovascular fitness and gross motor skills with neurocognitive functioning.  相似文献   
《电子系统设计》是有效衔接原理性知识与系统工程之间的桥梁.在分析了教学过程中存在的主要问题的基础上,从课程的教学内容、教学组织、教学方法三个方面提出了课程建设的内容,以与应用型人才培养的教学目标相适应.文中提出的换位教学、头脑风暴教学、追问诱思教学、考核诱学与成果转化诱学相结合等教学方法对其它工科课程的教学也有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   
Dynamic Simulation on Collision Between Ship and Offshore Wind Turbine   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
By using ABAQUS/Explicit, the dynamic process of an offshore wind turbine(OWT) stricken by a ship of 5000DWT in the front direction is simulated. The OWT is located on a large-scale prestressing bucket foundation constructed by an integrated installation technique. According to the simulation results, under the ship collision, a cer-tain range of plastic zone appears within a local area of arc transition structure of the bucket foundation, and the con-crete plastic zone is seriously damaged. As the stress level of OWT tower is relatively low, the OWT tower is less af-fected. A great inertial force is generated at the top of the OWT tower as the mass of nacelle and blades is up to 400 t. The displacement of the tower is in the opposite direction of the ship collision at the end of 1 s under the action of iner-tial force. There is only a minor damage in the ship bow. Most of the kinetic energy is transformed into the plastic dissipation and absorbed by the arc transition structure of bucket foundation.  相似文献   
广东省科技人才在流动过程中存在的问题日益突出,主要表现为科技人才总量相对不足、高层次人才偏少和科技投入不够等.运用艾克斯罗德的重复博弈实验可以发现科技人才流动问题的深层次原因在于流动是科技人才个体追求其工作状态效用最大化的理性决策.要留住科技人才,需要激励机制与约束机制共同运作;建立离职访谈系统和回聘制度,建设员工发泄通道;拓展合作渠道,创新合作方式;坚持人才发展与组织发展一致性原则等.  相似文献   
目的:帕金森病(Parkinson Disease,PD)是高发的运动障碍疾病,运动干预影响PD大脑活动和神经可塑性的研究结果不一致且机制未明。综合现有基于坐标点的功能性脑成像随机对照实验,可提供运动干预对PD神经可塑性影响的综合证据。方法:基于关键词在Medline,Embase,Cochrane,PsycINFO,PubMed等数据库其检索到以613篇文献,根据筛选标准最终纳入10篇,样本量共计137人。运用Ginger ALE软件,对纳入的文献进行激活似然估计(Activation Likelihood Estimation,ALE)元分析,计算每个脑区跨实验激活的可能性。结果:运动干预影响PD脑区激活的坐标点共71个,计算得出14个激活峰值点:包括左右大脑内侧额叶,左右小脑前叶、基底节;左半球颞中回、中脑;右半球扣带回、梭状回、舌状回、额下回和中央后回。结论:运动干预显著激活了与PD核心病理性损伤的脑区以及运动执行控制相关脑区。运动干预在脑激活层面有益于PD患者神经可塑性变化,这种变化可能是多个脑区协同变化的结果。  相似文献   
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