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This study aimed to test beliefs about cues to deception and the ability to detect lies in a group of teachers with different teaching experience. Their results were compared with the results of non-teachers matched in age and with the results of educational studies and psychology students. Both the beliefs of deception indicators and overall truthfulness assessment did not differ between groups. Teaching experience had no effect on any of the skills tested. In accordance with expectations, the truth bias appeared in both the control group and in the group of teachers.  相似文献   
《计篇》作为《孙子兵法》的首篇,起着提纲挈领、总揽全局的关键作用,它关注的是怎样筹划战争,即战争开始前的“算”,和怎样指导战争,即战争进行过程中的“骗”。孙子主张依据“五事七计”来算计,依据“诡道十二法”来骗诈。通过大量的军事实例证明只有作到算得高明、骗得巧妙,才可能取得战争的胜利。  相似文献   
Two experiments provided the first tests of the Park-Levine Probability Model in an intercultural context. The Park-Levine Model predicts a linear relationship between truth–lie base-rates in messages judged and the proportion of correct truth-lie judgments. Korean students watched and judged videotapes of American students denying that they cheated on a task. The proportion of honest and deceptive denials was experimentally varied to be predominantly honest, equally honest and deceptive, or predominantly deceptive. A second experiment clarified the results of the first experiment by providing a stronger base-rate manipulation. The data were consistent with the prediction that as proportion of judged messages is increasingly honest, there is a corresponding linear increase in accurate truth–lie discrimination. These results add to a growing number of findings showing the cross- and intercultural applicability of Truth-Default Theory.  相似文献   

Some cultures rely heavily on visual channels for gathering information. One specific group is the Deaf and hard of hearing community who often rely on signed languages to communicate. Language and thought are woven, therefore this study examined whether bicultural-bilingual schemas can be activated via the visual channel. A sample from a Deaf community were compared to hearing participants via a decision task whereby judgments were made regarding the veracity of a suspected liar. The results of the experiment reveal that it is possible to activate culturally appropriate schemas for decisions about veracity in a visual task during intercultural communication.  相似文献   
西方文化工业呈现出单向度性,而这一切都是由经济的尤其是社会的统治力量造成的.它变成了同一的文化,否定性的因素被消除殆尽.文化工业的审美专家,必须符合市场的法则,否则他将成为局外人.人们业余的娱乐活动,也被净化,在自由、快乐的外表下,娱乐同样是单向度的.人们的反抗是徒劳的,人们沉湎在经验的泥淖里,而这正是统治所需要的.社会通过文化部门、文化产品塑造着道德形象,在这些形象的感召下,人们与这一社会实现了同一.在文化工业中,个性是虚假的,它是普遍制约下的个性.文化工业的商品化,也导致文化工业产品的虚假化、廉价化.文化工业并且广告化了,就是人们的语言也已如此,欺骗启蒙正是通过这一广告化,实现着对人们的控制和操纵.  相似文献   
毛评《三国演义》蕴含着丰富的兵法思想。在粮与兵的关系上,提出了因粮制胜的方法、远征军粮食供给的方法;在用兵之法上,探讨了退兵、攻营攻城以及对船作战的方法,并认为兵法因势而变;此外,还着重阐述了谋略至上的"兵为诡道"思想。总结这些兵学观点,能进一步认识毛评所达到的思想高度,及其在小说评点史、古代兵学史上的价值和意义。  相似文献   
说起ARP病毒,大家一定不陌生,但是最近它又有新的举动,那就是结合网页木马,不仅会导致网络访问中断,而且还会让更多的客户机只要访问了指定的页面就会自动下载木马进行安装。这种危害尤其表现在提供了IIS服务的局域网中,例如在局域网中某台服务器安装了IIS服务,提供WWW访问,那么该病毒就可能会攻击该台服务器,只要用户访问了该台服务器上安装的网站,就会自动在网页中加上一段代码,从而实现自动网页挂马,而直接在网站源文件中查却很难找出蛛丝马迹。现我校也开始发现某些宿舍楼校园网用户出现掉线的故障,经调查发现,该故障应该是ARP病毒所致。今天我们就和大家一起来解决这个问题。  相似文献   
针对计算机网络中的ARP欺骗问题,从ARP欺骗产生的根源出发,提出了建立网络ARP授信机制,多位一体防御的方法,并结合实际制定了防御ARP欺骗的方案,经实践证明行之有效,为其它的计算机网络防御ARP欺骗提供了一个参考。  相似文献   
非真实性话语是日常人际交往中频繁出现的一种语言现象。本文一方面从Buller和Burgoon(1996)的人际欺骗理论分析非真实性话语,另一方面将非真实性话语与语言学习相结合,试图找出二者之间的潜在联系。  相似文献   
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