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The number of scientific investigations on women's football specific to the topics of player characteristics and demands of the game has considerably increased in recent years due to the increased popularity of the women's game worldwide, although they are not yet as numerous as in the case of men's football. To date, only two scientific publications have attempted to review the main findings of studies published in this area. However, one of them was published about 20 years ago, when women's football was still in its infancy and there were only a few studies to report on. The other review was more recent. Nonetheless, its main focus was on the game and training demands of senior elite female players. Thus, information on female footballers of lower competitive levels and younger age groups was not included. Consequently, an updated review is needed in this area. The present article therefore aims to provide an overview of a series of studies that have been published so far on the specific characteristics of female football players and the demands of match-play. Mean values reported in the literature for age (12–27 years), body height (155–174 cm), body mass (48–72 kg), percent body fat (13%–29%), maximal oxygen uptake (45.1–55.5 mL/kg/min), Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 1 (780–1379 m), maximum heart rate (189–202 bpm), 30 m sprint times (4.34–4.96 s), and counter-movement jump or vertical jump (28–50 cm) vary mostly according to the players' competitive level and positional role. There are also some special considerations that coaches and other practitioners should be aware of when working with female athletes such as the menstrual cycle, potential pregnancy and lactation, common injury risks (particularly knee and head injuries) and health concerns (e.g., female athlete triad, iron deficiency, and anemia) that may affect players' football performance, health or return to play. Reported mean values for total distance covered (4–13 km), distance covered at high-speed (0.2–1.7 km), average/peak heart rate (74%–87%/94%–99% HRmax), average/peak oxygen uptake (52%–77%/96%–98% VO2max), and blood lactate (2.2–7.3 mmol/L) during women's football match-play vary according to the players' competitive level and positional role. Methodological differences may account for the discrepancy of the reported values as well. Finally, this review also aims to identify literature gaps that require further scientific research in women's football and to derive a few practical recommendations. The information presented in this report provides an objective point of reference about player characteristics and game demands at various levels of women's football, which can help coaches and sport scientists to design more effective training programs and science-based strategies for the further improvement of players' football performance, health, game standards, and positive image of this sport.  相似文献   
Male teamsport athletes have traditionally been described as some of the most homophobic and femphobic men in North American culture. However, in this ethnographic research of an education-based soccer team at a small Catholic university in a rural part of Middle America, I use inclusive masculinity theory to highlight that a softer version of masculinity is in operation. I use participant observation and 22 in-depth interviews to show that these men are gay friendly, that they avoid fights, and that they use reciprocal disclosure and homosocial tactility to emotionally bond. Although the type of masculinity the men on this team exhibit retains some orthodox behaviours, it is nonetheless far removed from the traditional model of hegemonic masculinity commonly attributed to teamsport athletes found in American institutes of sport and education.  相似文献   
通过对第18届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段亚洲四队阵型特征、进攻战术特征、防守战术特征的分析,得出亚洲四队阵型不稳定且落后于世界足球强国,进攻手段单一,防守还存在着明显漏洞,定位球战术运用不够合理。  相似文献   
对2008年欧洲足球锦标赛决赛阶段各队进球情况的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对2008年欧洲足球锦标赛决赛阶段31场比赛的77个进球情况进行统计分析,结果显示,下半场的进球数高于上半场,比赛的1~15min时段进球最少,6175min、76-90min两时段是进球的高峰期。边路发动进攻是进球的主要进攻形式,各位置进球最多的是前锋队员。  相似文献   
孙志 《湖北体育科技》2008,27(2):241-242
对2007年举行的第五届女足世界杯赛进球的进攻路线、射门区域、主要技术手段等进行统计分析,结果表明:C区和D区是射门得分的主要区域,下半场开始的前15min进球数明显高于其他时段,中路进攻是进球的主要进攻形式,通过定位球进攻得分有提高。  相似文献   
采用文献资料法和专家访谈法等研究方法,以青少年足球后备人才培养的现状为基础,分析和讨论了青少年足球后备人才培养中存在的主要问题,并针对这些问题提出了相应的建议,以期能够对青少年足球后备人才的培养提供帮助。  相似文献   
创造性思维训练在足球课教学中的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用创造性思维训练教学法,即学生对动作默念、回忆,进行语言表述,教师施加想象因素等手段进行足球教学,实验证明:创造性思维训练有利于培养学生思维的灵活性、广阔性和主动探索动机,学生学习成绩提高显著,教学效果明显。  相似文献   
采用文献资料法、录像观察法、对比分析法、数理分析法等研究方法,对第四、五届女足世界杯赛运动员犯规特征进行对比。结果表明:第五届女足世界杯运动员的犯规、越位比上届少,红、黄牌比上届多。绊摔是运动员犯规的主要类型,破坏明显进攻机会是女足犯规战术的主要手段,因铲人犯规被黄牌警告的最多。犯规的最高峰期从76—90min向0—15min时段转变,黄牌、越位的高峰期仍在下半场的最后15min。犯规、红黄牌中场比例在增加,前场和后场的比例在减少。  相似文献   
关于江苏省培养足球后备人才重点学校发展的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以江苏省13所培养足球后备人才重点学校为研究对象,通过调查问卷、座谈、实地考察等研究方法,对运动员、教练员现状等诸多方面,进行了调查、统计与分析,力求发现和总结我省足球后备人才学校发展中的经验和不足,旨在落实和贯彻国家体育总局和教育部号召大力发展学校足球活动的精神,为江苏省及全国范围制定学校足球今后的发展策略提供依据。  相似文献   
已经结束的 2 0 0 2年韩日世界杯足球赛 ,以其奇迹诞生、冷门迭爆、问题丛生而备受世人关注。高水平职业联赛对世界杯质量的冲击越来越大 ,足球技战术的革命还没有真正到来 ;另一方面 ,足球的纯粹性也受到了人们的质疑 ,商业炒作、裁判问题、政治因素和民族情绪正一步步侵蚀着足球  相似文献   
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