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本文从需求理论和体验经济的概念出发,重新审视现在的成年人玩具设计;提出了成年人玩具进入后教具时代的概念,并对成年人玩具的设计方向做了阐述。  相似文献   
现代主义成人教育时空观强调时间的线性特征和空间的固定先验性,并以追求时空中的永恒在场为鹄的,后现代主义成人教育时空观在批判现代主义成人教育时空观的基础上构建起全新的时空观点。然而,无论是现代主义的成人教育时空观,还是后现代主义的成人教育时空观,都不是本真意义上的成人教育时空观,本真意义上的成人教育时空观应当是在现代主义与后现代主义之间。  相似文献   
我国成人高等教育办学机构管理体制存在的问题主要有:高度集权的管理弊端,管办合一的体制缺陷,条块分割的管理壁垒,教育资源市场配置的行政性排斥,社会参与的第三方缺位。创新我国成人高等教育办学机构管理体制,应贯彻"统筹有力"原则,建立跨部门的统筹协调组织机构;加快职能转变,实现政府管理模式创新;进一步简政放权,落实办学机构的法人地位;推进政校分开,实现管办分离的体制改革;发挥市场资源配置的基础性作用;赋予成人高等教育中介组织相应的管理职能。  相似文献   
本文通过分析当前成人高等学历教育专业课程设置与社会发展之间存在不相适应的矛盾,揭示课程设置改革的必要性,并提出课程设置改革应把握的原则,明确课程体系改革与创新的指导思路和具体内容,以优化课程体系,加强社会实践,构建以社会需求为导向的复合型、实用型人才培养模式。  相似文献   
当下我国成人教育正进入挑战期,挑战主要来自对现时成人教育发展的迫切与迷惘,包括对成人教育价值的认知、对成人教育现状的把握、对成人教育未来的规划等等。然而,在这三维空间的穿越与对接中,不仅折射出现代成人教育发展的艰辛与曲折,更凸显出当代成人教育学者的使命与责任。本文力图从历史溯源与学者使命、事业发展与学者认知、未来构建与学者责任的内在关系着力,深层探索当代成人教育学者使命与责任的内涵与外延,为我国现代成人教育发展提供人力与智力支撑。  相似文献   
自我导向学习作为成人学习的一个重要部分,基于成人自我导向学习中存在的问题,从情境学习理论的视角重新审视成人自我导向学习的影响因素。本文分析了各种情境因素如何影响成人自我导向学习,其中成人的年龄、心理素质、受教育程度、目标价值、学习策略等内在因素及外部压力、学习任务的难度水平、学习环境、榜样、学习资源等外部因素作为调节变量影响着成人自我导向学习效果。以期帮助成人学习者构建积极的内外情境因素,促进成人更好地进行自我导向学习。  相似文献   
成人教育是在消费资本主义的环境中存在的。传统的成人消费教育普遍关注消费技巧,因而被置于社会、政治和文化领域之外。从文化研究的视野解读消费教育,可以发现,消费教育是一种政治领域。不同内容消费教育下的成人会对消费文化产生不同的态度。从文化研究的视野审视消费教育,为丰富成人教育的内涵和功能提供了可能。  相似文献   
成人学习是一个涉及心理、教育、文化、社会、政治、经济等诸多因素的复杂问题,对成人学习基本信息的采集,是科学规划与实施全民学习项目的前提。我国大陆(不包括港澳台地区)16岁及以上各类成人群体的随机调查显示:我国成人学习的范围和领域十分广泛,学习需求涵盖工作、职业、自我发展以及正在或者将要扮演的社会角色等诸多方面。工学矛盾是影响我国成人学习参与的首要因素,其次是社会角色及其承担的相应责任,再次是当地能否提供适当的学习机会、学习信息、学习时间和地点。学习费用、性别、年龄、地理环境’与地区经济社会发展的不平衡,也是影响成人学习参与的重要因素。总之,我国继续教育和终身学习条件及环境营造等方面还存在诸多不足,成人学习支持服务体系建设情况不容乐观。为了进一步改进成人学习规划与实施工作,相关管理部门、用人单位和教育培翻I机构,应组建或委托专门机构,对我国成人学习状况相关问题展开定期调查;同时,充分考量性别、年龄、地理环境与地区经济社会发展的差异,重视成人工学矛盾和社会角色,兼顾成人多方面学习需求,积极营造有利于成人深度参与的学习环境,建立健全成人学习费用分担机制和成人学习支持服务体系,进一步提高各行各业从业人员继续教育和学习的参与率。  相似文献   
在成人教育中采用虚拟仿真技术开展教学实训或课程实验将是教育信息技术发展的一个重要趋势,本文通过已搭设的远程开放实验平台开展土建专业建筑施工课程的虚拟仿真实训教学研究,并分析教学过程中的优缺点,为今后在成人教育中进一步拓展远程虚拟仿真实训提供参考。  相似文献   
Background:Osteoarthritis is one of the leading causes of pain and disability worldwide,and a large percentage of patients with osteoarthritis are individuals who are also obese.In recent years,a series of animal models have demonstrated that obesity-inducing diets can result in synovial joint damage(both with and without the superimposition of trauma),which may be related to changes in percentage of body fat and a series of low-level systemic inflammatory mediators.Of note,there is a disparity between whether the dietary challenges commence at weaning,representing a weanling onset,or at skeletal maturity,representing an adult onset of obesity.We wished to evaluate the effect ofthe dietary exposure time and the age at which animals are exposed to a high-fat and high-sucrose(HFS) diet to determine whether these factors may result in disparate outcomes,as there is evidence suggesting that these factors result in differential metabolic disturbances.Based on dietary exposure time,we hypothesized that rats fed an HFS diet for 14 weeks from weaning(HFS Weanling) would demonstrate an increase in knee joint damage scores,whereas rats exposed to the HFS diet for 4 weeks,starting at 12 weeks of age(HFS Adult) and rats exposed to a standard chow diet(Chow)would not display an increase in knee joint damage scores.Methods:Male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed either an HFS diet for 14 weeks from weaning(HFS Weanling) or an HFS diet for 4 weeks,starting at 12 weeks of age(HFS Adult).At sacrifice,joints were scored using the modified Mankin Criteria,and serum was analyzed for a defined subset of inflammatory markers(Interleukin-6,leptin,monocyte chemoattractant protein-1,and tumor necrosis factorα).Results:When the HFS Weanling and HFS Adult groups were compared,both groups had a similar percent of body fat,although the HFS Weanling group had a significantly greater body mass than the HFS Adult group.The HFS Weanling and HFS Adult animals had a significant increase in body mass and percentage of body fat when compared to the Chow group.Although knee joint damage scores were low in all 3 groups,we found,contrary to our hypothesis,that the HFS Adult group had statistically significant greater knee joint damage scores than the Chow and HFS Weanling groups.Furthermore,we observed that the HFS Weanling group did not have significant differences in knee joint damage scores relative to the Chow group.Conclusion:These findings indicate that the HFS Weanling animals were better able to cope with the dietary challenge of an HFS diet than the HFS Adult group.Interestingly,when assessing various serum proinflammatory markers,no significant differences were detected between the HTS Adult and HFS Weanling groups.Although details regarding the mechanisms underlying an increase in knee joint damage scores in the HFS Adult group remain to be elucidated,these findings indicate that dietary exposure time maybe less important than the age at which an HFS diet is introduced.Moreover,increases in serum proinflammatory mediators do not appear to be directly linked to knee joint damage scores in the HFS Weanling group animals but may be partially responsible for the observed knee joint damage in the adults over the very short time of exposure to the HFS diet.  相似文献   
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