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运用文献资料、数理统计、预测分析等方法,通过对第14届世界田径锦标赛奖牌分布进行归纳总结,分析出奖牌各洲际区域分布情况以及在各项目上获得情况,并与第13届世界田径锦标赛和第30届奥运会田径比赛金牌和奖牌获得国家和地区进行比较,得出当前世界田坛新格局:1/3的金牌和奖牌获得国家和地区处于不稳定状态;金牌、奖牌的流向朝多极化方向发展,但是大部分归属趋于集中化;美俄争霸的格局还未被打破,以牙买加和肯尼亚为首的第二集团不断壮大,形成了美俄之外的第二极;处于世界田径配角的大洋洲、南美洲和亚洲地位没有改变;部分国家和区域优势项群逐渐形成.  相似文献   

A uniform measure of the gender-related differential performance of female and male Olympic and World champions is proposed: relative power output applied to the environment. Laws of physics are employed to derive equations for estimating relative power output. In previous controlled laboratory studies, equally trained male and female athletes were shown to have a relative power output not significantly different from relative lean body mass. As to the estimated power output for 32 Olympic and World championship events contested between 1976 and 2004, eight in running, four in speed skating, three in jumping, twelve in swimming and five in rowing: 100% of the 32 event mean percentage differences in power output and 96% of the 411 event percentage differences in power output are within one standard deviation of the appropriate lean body mass percentage difference, consistent with equality of training. For 1952 – 1972, significantly higher percentage differences in power output are estimated in running and swimming compared with 1976 – 2004, consistent with women being less well trained than men during that earlier period. It is noted that efforts in recent years to provide equality of opportunity for female athletes coincide with equalization of estimated relative power output in competition with the relative lean body mass.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare specific technical and tactical indicators of the team and centre forward role of Euro League, and Italian Serie A1, Serie A2, and Serie B men's water polo club competitions. A notational analysis was performed on 21 water polo matches to evaluate the occurrence of technical and tactical team and centre forward indicators, highlighting differences among championships according to chi-square analyses. Differences emerged for Counterattack (P < 0.001) and Power-Play (P < 0.001) possessions, Even (P < 0.001; Euro League: 3 ± 1, Serie A1: 3 ± 2, Serie A2: 3 ± 2, Serie B: 6 ± 4) and Power-Play (P = 0.001) goals, and exclusions and penalties (P = 0.008) of the team during Even possessions. Relatively to the role analyses, effects emerged for perimeter players playing events (P = 0.049), as well as for centre forwards' goals (P = 0.007) and exclusions and penalties (P < 0.001; Euro League: 8 ± 1, Serie A1: 6 ± 2, Serie A2: 6 ± 2, Serie B: 3 ± 2) occurring at the end of Even possessions. Therefore, in Euro League, and Italian Serie A1 and Serie A2, teams perform a high occurrence of Power-Play possessions following up an exclusion, especially achieved by the centre forward during Even possessions, while, in Italian Serie B, goals were mostly scored during Even possessions, with a relevant contribution from the centre forward role.  相似文献   
采用文献资料法、录像观察法和统计分析法,对参加第43届世界体操锦标赛女子平衡木决赛的8名运动员的成套动作的上法、木中、下法动作以及动作完成形式进行研究,阐述了世界女子平衡木的技术发展态势,力求为我国女子平衡木技术的不断完善、提高提供参考依据。  相似文献   
运用文献资料、录像分析、专家访谈、数理统计法等研究方法,对2013年全明星啦啦队世锦赛中美舞蹈啦啦操花球成套动作创编进行对比,就难度、音乐、空间场地、队形变化以及过渡与连接、配合、托举等构成舞蹈啦啦队成套动作的基本要素进行了分析,力图探究两国舞蹈啦啦队之间的差距和差异,目的是为提高国内舞蹈啦啦队教练员的创编能力,增加成套动作的创新性、复杂性,以及运动员成套展示的表演性提供参考。  相似文献   
采用文献资料、录像观察、比较分析、数理统计等研究方法,对第1-15届世界健美操锦标赛奖牌分布特征进行研究.研究表明:奖牌分布趋向集中,罗马尼亚独占鳌头,中、法、俄形成"三足鼎立";欧洲稳居榜首,奖牌分布集中在欧、亚两个地域;奖牌在优势国家之间相互转移,且各具优势项目;日本、韩国、墨西哥等国家异军突起,澳大利亚、新西兰等...  相似文献   
对第13届排球世锦赛中,古女排技术的研究分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国女排队进攻能力较弱,拦网与古巴队也有较大差距,发球心理状态不稳定,中国队要坚持以快为主的传统打法,战术攻的水平和发球技术。  相似文献   
运用文献资料、观察记录、数理统计、比较分析等方法对第25届男篮亚锦标赛中国男篮及其对手的比赛数据进行对比分析,发现中国队进攻得分能力差,防守不够凶悍、角色球员掌控比赛的能力不足等问题,并针对第16届男篮世锦赛中国男篮的备战提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   
以各区域游泳项目竞技能力为研究单位,通过对2009年世界游泳锦标赛上各参赛国各项目成绩统计分析,研究各区域竞技格局分布情况。结果表明,世界游泳强势板块由欧洲和北美洲构成,弱势板块由亚洲、大洋洲、南美洲和非洲构成,强势板块中,欧洲游泳竞技格局处于垄断地位,弱势板块中,非洲竞技项目比较单一发展不合理。  相似文献   
在上海举行的令人鼓舞的第59届世界男子健美锦标赛中,钱吉成获得60kg级冠军,成为中国健美史上第一个世界冠军。我国8名裁判员通过考试,成功地由亚洲A级晋升为国际C级裁判。通过对第59届世界男子健美锦标赛的组织、宣传工作,中国健美队运动员参赛情况等的探讨和分析,提出了发展中国健美健身运动的一些建议。  相似文献   
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