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通过对国家自然科学基金2000—2010年纳米材料资助项目的关键词进行分析,利用pajek软件对关键词绘制网络图谱,分析得出自然基金对纳米材料资助的主要领域归为3类,即纳米材料的制备、合成、应用、性能及纳米结构;各种纳米材料的研究如碳纳米管、各种聚合物、纳米晶、纳米粒子、纳米半导体、纳米复合材料等;纳米材料的组装、自组装、特异效应的研究。这些是自然基金对纳米材料资助的主要领域,也是我国纳米材料的研究热点。建议加强投入对纳米材料资助较弱的研究方向,如纳米陶瓷材料、纳米材料的形貌控制和缺陷控制等。  相似文献   
科技进步与创新始终是加快与转变经济发展方式的重要支撑,创新驱动战略成为经济社会发展的核心战略。在此需求背景之下,学者研究技术创新与管理问题的学术文章越来越多。通过回顾2005-2011年发表在国家自然科学基金认定的26种重要期刊的1328篇有关技术创新与管理方向的学术论文,分析其研究发展现状以及不同学者及研究团队对我国技术创新与管理问题研究的贡献,进而对文章所涉及到的理论视角、研究层面及其研究主题进行归纳。  相似文献   
This paper seeks to contribute to the continuing controversy in Australia on the best way to deploy that country's scientific and technological research and development (R & D) resources. It puts forward and discusses some policy options relating to the ‘restructuring’ of the Australian R&D system currently underway, for the consideration of the research community and those responsible for the research policies. In particular, the paper comments on how overall objectives and priorities for R&D can be set, the need for evaluations of the research and development that is conducted, the need to develop a dialogue between the public and the scientific community over the setting of research and development directions.  相似文献   
全社会教育总投入:教育发展的核心指标   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育经费是教育事业改革和发展的物质基础.改革以来我国的教育投入总体上呈现快速增长趋势,但财政性教育经费占GDP4%的目标迟迟未能实现.从未来十年教育经费需求看,4%的投入并不足以支撑我国各级各类教育的发展.因此,必须创新全社会各方激励相容的投入机制,发挥政府和市场"两只手"的互补作用,发挥中央和地方"两个积极性"的合力作用,发挥国家和社会"两个伙伴"的合作作用,逐步实现"两个比重"不断提高的目标:一是不断提高财政性教育投入占GDP比重,在2020年至少达到4.5%;二是不断提高企业、社会团体和私人等非政府的多渠道教育投入占GDP比重,争取达到2.5%.  相似文献   
国际金融危机对我国大型体育赛事的影响包括:在增加公共财政支出的同时,减少了体育拨款;体育公共基础设施因资金紧缺而建设不足;体育比赛相关企业盈利下降,缺乏参与的积极性。当前我国大型体育赛事的发展进程中,资金问题是制约其发展的关键因素,因而必须通过多方面的渠道进行融资,使其突破发展的瓶颈。  相似文献   
During the 2004–2005 fiscal year, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) awarded $252,654,341.97 in grant money to 6,958 research initiatives submitted by Canadian researchers working in academic settings. The results of these initiatives are reported in published papers, books, articles, and other forums. A question of concern is how much of the data being produced in the course of this research is being archived? What are the attitudes and concerns of the researchers themselves towards ensuring their work is preserved for the future? Results indicate that Canadian researchers in the humanities and social sciences actively share data. On the whole they are supportive of initiatives to preserve data but have thus far not systematically ensured preservation of their research materials. Researchers expressed concern over issues of confidentiality in providing access to their research data. Further dialogue is needed between researchers and other stakeholders to overcome impediments pertaining to preservation and access to research data on a national scale.  相似文献   
This article considers the increased identification of special educational needs in Australia’s largest education system from the perspectives of senior public servants, regional directors, principals, school counsellors, classroom teachers, support class teachers, learning support teachers, and teaching assistants (n = 30). While their perceptions of an increase generally align with the story told by official statistics, participants’ narratives reveal that school-based identification of special educational needs is neither art nor science. This research finds that rather than an objective indication of the number and nature of children with special educational needs, official statistics may be more appropriately viewed as a product of funding eligibility and the assumptions of the adults who teach, refer, and assess children who experience difficulties in school and with learning.  相似文献   
近年来,把学前一年教育纳入义务教育的呼声日益强烈。政府经费投入是学前一年教育纳人义务教育的重要条件保障。对东、中、西部地区108个班级的生均质量成本(不含基建成本)进行调查,并在此基础上测算了在不同质量标准下把学前一年教育纳入义务教育所需的教育财政性经费投入规模;根据学前教育财政经费的增长速度,预测在不同质量水平上实施学前一年义务教育的可行时间,并探索了适宜的经费保障机制。研究发现,如果全国财政性教育经费中学前教育占比维持在三年行动计划结束时的水平,至少要到2018年才能实现以“中等质量”将学前一年纳入义务教育;如果学前教育经费按照三年行动计划期间的速度增长,2017年能够实现以“良好质量”把学前一年纳入义务教育。  相似文献   
贫困生资助资源的有效配置能直接促进高等教育公平。研究发现,目前我国高校贫困生资助资源的配置出现错位,部分贫困生为补贴生计而外出勤工俭学,导致学业表现欠佳或未能积极参加学校组织的活动,陷入因贫困而无法获得资助的恶性循环;来自农村和西部地区学生的贫困率仍然很高。这说明,最需要资助的贫困生并非现有学生资助制度的最大受益者,现有资助项目对减少大学生贫困现象作用不明显。  相似文献   
高职学生具有自尊心过强、内心敏感、心理负担重等心理特征,传统资助模式无法关注到受助学生的内心感受。柔性化资助具有灵活多变、渗透缓慢、易被接受、通联感情等特征,可拓展资助内涵、阶段、方式和手段。采取柔性化资助模式可实现高职学生资助育人工作的可持续性和经常化、多样化及人本化。  相似文献   
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