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新闻工作者是新闻关怀活动的主体,应该具有一定的素质。这些素质表现为五种意识:责任意识、亲近意识、细节意识、调控意识、换位意识。  相似文献   
中日太极拳指导员需求状况的考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用问卷调查法,对中日太极拳爱好进行了关于太极拳指导员需求状况的调查。通过对数据进行整理和分析,具体、翔实地考察和研究了中日太极拳爱好有无指导员、在怎样的指导员的指导下进行练习以及对指导员的希望和要求等问题,并提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   
本文系统梳理了以高等职业院校教育、成人高等院校教育、网络远程高等教育、高等教育自学考试为主要形式的我国成人高等教育大系统所存在的体制不畅等问题,指出解决问题的关键在于实施完全的学分制改革和建立综合性高等教育学历资格框架体系。针对学分制等体制的现状,作者又进一步给出了实施学分制改革和建立综合性高等教育学历资格框架体系的具体建议。  相似文献   
品质农业是指在确保生态友好、质量合格、公平竞争的前提下,立足本地资源优势,在充分利用现代科学技术与先进管理经验基础上形成竞争优势的各种农业经营模式的总和,是对精品农业,美丽乡村建设的深化。只有充分利用湖州各地的资源优势和区位优势,进一步明晰政府与市场的作用,积极引导资本下乡,继续完善农业技术推广体系,努力培育知识型新农民,壮大农业龙头企业,才能为湖州品质农业的发展创造更好的条件。  相似文献   
随着时代的发展,刑罚对犯罪人的教育意义较之其惩罚意义越来越被人们所重视。然而传统的生命刑、自由刑的教育、引导作用已经十分局限,怎样切实有效地防止犯罪人再次犯同样的错误,成为立法者和司法者最为关心的问题。有些犯罪之所以发生就是因为给一些不具备"资格"的人实施一定行为的资格,如果剥夺其实施该行为的资格就可以从根本上防止其犯罪的可能性,达到特殊预防的效果。剥夺政治权利和驱逐出境作为我国刑法中仅有的两种资格刑,显然不能满足刑法预防犯罪、惩罚犯罪、教育犯罪人的目的。改进资格刑的设置,增加资格刑的种类,使资格刑在刑事法律领域发挥更大的作用,已经是大势所趋。  相似文献   
澳大利亚户外运动发展已进入成熟阶段,户外运动证书的管理科学规范。从设计模式、培训内容标准、适用工作限定等方面分析澳大利亚户外运动证书的基本构成和运行机制,对比我国户外运动类社会体育指导员职业证书现状,指出构建科学的户外运动类职业资格证书体系必须:优化户外运动类职业资格证书工种设计;建立户外运动类各工种国家职业资格培训内容标准;联系户外职业岗位需求,增大培训内容的实践性;增强培训内容设计的灵活性,简化同级证书间不同工种的转换;明确各级证书适用工作范围,规范持证人的职业行为。  相似文献   
Courses are widely used to provide professional qualifications for higher education (HE) practitioners. However, the question of how experienced academics might gain recognition as professional educators without completing a course is not well explored. This paper introduces the use of professional dialogue for this purpose, describing an approach being applied within four UK universities. The paper discusses the value of the professional dialogue, drawing on assessors’ and participants’ voices to provide empirical evidence. Findings from the study suggest that ‘assessed dialogues’ provide a more authentic route to professional recognition for experienced HE academics, effectively synthesising professional development, the individual and organisational learning.  相似文献   
经过近30年的建设,我国高等职业教育取得了世人注目的进步,但值得注意的是我国的职业教育离发达国家高等职业教育的发展水平还有很大的差距,特别是在师资队伍的建设上尤显薄弱。通过对中澳两国职业教育师资队伍建设进行比较研究,从中可以获得几点促进我国高职教育师资队伍建设的启示:应高度重视教师的引进与培养,严把"入门关";建设一支素质优良、结构稳定的兼职教师队伍;脚踏实地地开展注重实效的产学结合、校企合作等。  相似文献   
This column examines advances in public services internal and external to libraries. The focus is on how public services, such as instruction and education, programming, research consulting, and circulation evolve and impact users. The strength of the column is its broad, international focus and contributors are encouraged to explore issues and recent advances in public services relevant to their geographical region, as well as the larger, global audience. Interested authors are invited to submit proposals and articles to the column editor at   相似文献   
National (and European) qualifications frameworks, the specification of learning outcomes and grand targets like the Lisbon goals of increasing the supply of graduates in Europe in order to achieve a more knowledge-based society are all predicated upon the idea of moving people through to higher and well-defmed levels of skills, knowledge and understanding. However, the work of researchers, from the UK's Teaching and Learning Research Programme (TLRP), examining work-related learning from a number of perspectives, would suggest that the way to move towards a more knowledge-based society is for as many people as possible, whatever their supposed highest overall "level" of skills is, to believe that they should develop their skills, knowledge and competence in a number of ways unrelated to their current highest "level". This means rather than having an essentially binary conception of competence at the heart of the levels, it would be far more beneficial in inducing the frame of mind required of a knowledge-based society to have a developmental view of expertise. Such an approach can address three particular challenges that a "levels" approach f'mds difficult to accommodate. First, there is the issue of transfer-there would be an expectation that graduates would be some way from "experienced worker standard" when they completed their initial training. Secondly, such an approach could provide the conditions in which a commitment to continuous improvement at work could flourish, as most people would believe that they needed to develop in a number of ways (at a range of "levels") in order to improve their performance. Thirdly, this approach of continuing to expect people to continue to develop a range of skills would offer some protection against the development of "skilled incompetence" (where organisations and individuals continue to focus upon what they do well without paying due regard to the future).  相似文献   
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