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搜索引擎是随着网上信息不断丰富应运而生的一种检索工具。1994年,Internet上诞生了第一个搜索引擎W ebCraw ler,通过对网页做索引来提供检索服务。2000年,Google的出现使搜索引擎市场发生了新的变化。近年来,中文搜索引擎的发展快,数量多。搜索引擎的发展有以下趋势:数据库小型化,专业化;强化全文检索功能;检索智能化、服务个性化;语种多样化;元搜索引擎的发展;搜索服务等。  相似文献   
It has been noted by staff at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University that medical students neglect the study of surface anatomy during dissection. This study reports on the novel use of Lodox® Statscan® images in anatomical education, particularly the teaching of surface anatomy. Full body digital X‐ray images (Lodox Statscan) of each cadaver (n = 40) were provided to second year medical students. During dissection students were asked to visualize landmarks, organs, and structures on the digital X‐ray and their cadaver, as well as palpate these landmarks and structures on themselves, their colleagues, and the cadaver. To stimulate student engagement with surface anatomy, dissection groups were required to draw both the normal and actual position of organs on a laminated image provided. The accuracy of the drawings was subsequently assessed and students were further assessed by means of practical identification tests. In addition, students were asked to complete an anonymous questionnaire. A response rate of 79% was obtained for the student questionnaire. From the questionnaire it was gathered that students found the digital X‐ray images beneficial for viewing most systems' organs, except for the pelvic organs. Although it appears that students still struggle with the study of surface anatomy, most students believed that the digital X‐rays were beneficial to their studies and supported their continued use in the future. Anat Sci Educ. © 2012 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   
1911年爆发的辛亥革命,第一次举起民主共和的旗帜并且推翻了帝制,是一件具有破天荒意义的大事,但是当时先进者追求的自由、民主、宪政的任务却依然任重道远,这是一场带有"排满"色彩的政治革命;也是一场有限的、社会成本很低的政治革命。群觉意识是一个社会变革不可或缺的重要组成部分,激发每一个社会公民的群觉意识,对于实现祖国统一,实现华夏儿女的共同愿望有着不可估量的作用。  相似文献   
从高职模具专业"两会一懂"的培养目标入手,明确了高职模具专业模具设计能力培养的重要性,根据模具企业的生产流程,确定了模具设计岗位及其职业能力要求。结合模具设计岗位的培养目标,将模具设计的相关内容渗透到制造和设计各个教学环节中进行全程培养。提出了以"制造为基础、设计为主线"的能力培养体系,通过理实一体、学做结合的教学实践,对学生模具设计能力的培养,达到了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   
目前大多数高校的图书馆已经有一整套比较完善的管理系统,但在实际应用中,对信息的高效检索和即时获取仍然达不到读者的需求。随着信息技术的发展,对数字图书的需求大大增加,这就要求图书馆应增加图书的信息量以满足读者的需求。  相似文献   
全日制硕士专业学位研究生的学位论文质量管理存在不少问题。学校应通过招生宣传和课程设置等环节提高全日制硕士专业学位研究生的质量;通过建立有效合作的双导师制度、加强监管部门对学生实践环节的管理,双管齐下,实现学位论文的过程控制。  相似文献   
Respondent attrition is a common problem in national longitudinal panel surveys. To make full use of the data, weights are provided to account for attrition. Weight adjustments are based on sampling design information and data from the base year; information from subsequent waves is typically not utilized. Alternative methods to address bias from nonresponse are full information maximum likelihood (FIML) or multiple imputation (MI). The effects on bias of growth parameter estimates from using these methods are compared via a simulation study. The results indicate that caution needs to be taken when utilizing panel weights when there is missing data, and to consider methods like FIML and MI, which are not as susceptible to the omission of important auxiliary variables.  相似文献   
生态班级是儿童德性生长的诗意宇舍,它以人格养成和精神涵养为本体,具有简朴性特征。但这样的宇舍演变到今天,却成为对学生实施控制的场所,甚至可以称为“监狱”,出现种种失失衡现象。班级应该是个“富有欢乐和吸引力的宇舍。”在这里儿童自由生长,自由发展,最大限度地发挥生命的本能,在良好的学习生活中“自己成为好孩子。”因此,构建生态班级,促进儿童自由、健康成长是班级管理的本然。  相似文献   
 知识管理与组织学习是现阶段管理学研究的前沿领域,主导着21世纪初期管理理论发展的方向。隐性知识转化是知识管理的核心内容,共同愿景培育是组织学习的主要形式,因此,研发型团队隐性知识的转化与共同愿景的培育有效地促进了团队技术创新能力的形成。随着行为经济学的发展,利他性心理偏好逐渐为主流经济理论所接受,从而促进了利他性企业文化的建设与成长。互惠性的管理策略促进了隐性知识转移和共同愿景培育的实现,进而增强了研发型团队的技术创新能力。经验性的研究揭示了研发型团队互惠性文化策略的微观传导机理,为研发型团队进一步提高隐性知识转移与共同愿景培育的效率,从而增强研发型团队的技术创新能力提供了现实性的理论借鉴。  相似文献   
本文通过对我国东西邻日本和印度及美国的综合大学和特色大学的考察,得出结论,其实高水平的一流大学并不一定就是学科齐全、规模庞大的综合大学,综合大学和学术水平、办学质量二者并无必然的关联.一所大学想成为高水平的一流大学最主要的是要实现学科的优化配置,并在综合化的基础上实现发展特色化.  相似文献   
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