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孙超  刘咸 《图书情报工作》2018,62(20):43-48
[目的/意义]现阶段很多图书馆都出现了空间不足、环境老化的现象,空间再造成为图书馆的一个迫在眉睫、亟待解决的重大课题。[方法/过程]根据图书馆空间五要素要求原则,从读者属性角度分析图书馆空间短缺的原因是来自读者对图书馆空间的需求差异,把握读者属性的特点才能更好的进行空间再造。[结果/结论]针对不同类型的图书馆给出有效改善图书馆空间紧缩或阅读空间空置率高等现状的相应思路。  相似文献   
[目的/意义]培育读者的创客素养是发展读者核心素养的关键之一,通过提出培育创客素养的有效途径,为在创客时代提升读者创客的创客素养提供借鉴。[方法/过程]基于创客素养教育涵义的分析,对创客素养包含的创客意识、创客道德、创客能力、创客技术和创客精神5个方面内容进行阐述,提出图书馆应通过采取转变思维观念、打造创客环境、渲染创客空间范式、培育不同创客DNA、支持组建创客团队等8种培育创客素养的途径。[结果/结论]图书馆应把握好双创教育的发展态势,正确实行空间再造,积极开展创客活动并实施创客素养教育,真正担当起双创教育的职责,为构建良好的校园创客文化做出贡献。  相似文献   
This article proposes the incorporation of learning science into the programming and operation of public libraries. Learning science, a multidisciplinary field spanning cognitive science, psychology, neuroscience, economics, anthropology, and linguistics, has identified proven methods for enhancing learning at any age. The article highlights some of the tools and insights that are most relevant to libraries in their role as centers for informal learning.  相似文献   
随着信息和人工智能等技术的发展,"智媒时代"正在加速来临,智能化、场景化、共享化成为内容传播的三大趋势,图书馆与用户、内容的关系也将重新连接、深度交互。作为推广"全民阅读"重要阵地的公共图书馆,已经迎来了发展和变革的重要时间节点,以人、馆和资源之间的智能互联为特征,公共图书馆的运营模式、服务转型和空间生态都在发生深刻变化,一切职能转型和服务创新都必须围绕用户的需求和体验进行,进而成为提供智能化、泛在化、人性化服务的——"智慧型"第三文化空间,实现从"书的图书馆"到"人的图书馆"的终极跨越。  相似文献   
This article introduces emergent memory, a conceptual extension to rhetorics of public memory, to describe memory’s genesis in sites built without commemorative commitments. Examining Detroit’s “8 Mile Wall,” a site built to reinforce segregated housing, this project argues the rhetorical tenets of emergent memory present in this space. As a relic of segregated history, the wall symbolically recalls the city’s controversial past, but has recently been the subject of a local mural project to redefine the wall’s purpose. Some consider this a step toward reclamation, as it visually repositions the disturbing remnant. For others, the murals simply cannot overwrite troubling memories of the city’s discriminatory history. This essay uses emergent memory to describe how the wall’s complicated mnemonic legacy simultaneously harkens to a difficult history and how the mural additions use that same legacy to convey an optimistic future for Detroit and those marked by this urban space.  相似文献   
Current publishing practices in academia tend to result in datasets that are difficult to discover. This is because datasets are not well-integrated across academic domains and they are often not linked to the documents that reference them. For these reasons, discovering datasets across domains can be challenging; for example, discovering archeological observations and biological specimens using the same search is not widely supported, even if both datasets share a similar spatial extent, like Mesoamerica. It is also challenging to retrieve relevant documents that reference datasets; for example, retrieving a series of field reports that reference archeological observations is typically not supported. Our work develops an extensible method for: (1) geographically integrating collections across disciplinary repositories and (2) connecting datasets to related documents. We describe a collection of spatially-referenced researcher datasets, capturing their metadata elements and encoding them as linked open data. We then leverage existing library services to formalize links from datasets to documents. The system described in this work has been deployed, resulting in an experimental open data site for the UCSB campus. Results indicate that this system can be scaled-up with support from an institutional repository in the near future.  相似文献   
讨论了满足第一可数性公理空间的若干性质  相似文献   
“教练员-运动员关系”研究是我国学术界日益关注的新领域,随着研究的日渐深入,它在竞技体育人际关系范畴中的核心地位也颇受学界所公认。在西方理论方法的指引下我国“教练员-运动员关系”理论研究虽取得了较快的进步,但仍存在理论深入研究不足、概念模糊、本质内涵及边界特点不清晰、研究方法单一等问题。由此,本文以我国“教练员-运动员关系”理论研究的历程回溯为基础,从本土社会情景角度出发对“教练员-运动员关系”理论概念、边界特点等要素进行重新界定,进而对我国“教练员-运动员关系”理论研究体系进行初步构建,旨为引导我国“教练员-运动员关系”理论研究朝着正确的方向快速前行。  相似文献   
在如今纷繁复杂的文化环境中,传统武术文化环境受到威胁,武术“文化空间”正渐离大众视线,面临被现代化社会环境、生产方式所呑嘆的危机。因此,探索当下武术“文化空间”生存路径的意义重大且时间紧迫。为科学合理地保护传统武术文化,通过研究武术“文化空间”构建的具体方式,试图做好武术“文化空间”的复原、移植和开拓工作,让传统武术文化得以在现代化的新环境中如鱼得水。  相似文献   
近年来,大学生身体素质不佳,已成为"老大难",也是刻不容缓需要解决的问题,多地曾出现在体测、运动会、马拉松中晕倒甚至猝死事件,这给学校体育工作的开展带来不小的考验。带着因涉跑引起猝死的疑问,通过猝死案例分析,探究高校大学生猝死的病理学的非运动成因。研究认为:涉跑猝死的主因是先天性生理疾病,运动不是引发猝死的主要诱因,并提出了预防运动猝死的"堵疏结合"的医学监控策略和体医融合防卫机制构建方法。建议通过入校时医学筛查、跑前医学检查、跑中医学观察、猝死现场急救、跑后跟踪复查降低猝死风险;建立宿舍、运动场地、运动项目的全覆盖的心脏复苏志愿队伍,实施"黄金8分钟"内的急救生存链;建立学生、学校、政府、社会四方体育运动分级分类保险制度,从风险转移和人道主义援助进行关怀;建立涉跑猝死、猝死、非正常死亡的数据库,开展非正常死亡人员的病理学研究;建立全生命周期医学监控和健康安全宣传教育,形成全方位、全过程、全人员的体医融合防卫机制。  相似文献   
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