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Previous research has pinpointed that social support from host, co-national, and other international friends plays a pivotal role in successful adaptation to a new culture, yet research on this topic pertaining to China is inadequate. As such, using a cross-sectional sample of sojourners (N = 199) in major Chinese cities, the current study examines the relationship between sojourners’ self-reports of social support from the three sources and two psychological adaptation variables (i.e., anxiety and well-being) as well as the moderating effect of objective cultural distance. Regression analysis indicates that perceptions of host and international support are significant negative predictors of anxiety and positive predictors of psychological well-being. In addition, cultural distance moderated these predictive associations: host support and international support had a stronger negative association with anxiety and host support had a stronger positive association with well-being for participants whose cultural distance to China was lower compared to those whose cultural distance was higher. This study enhances our understanding of the dynamic interplay between social support and cultural distance in cross-cultural adaptation research within a Chinese cultural context.  相似文献   
为探讨区域体育产业发展与健康中国建设耦合协调度及未来前景,在分析体育产业与健康中国耦合作用机理的基础上,构建体育产业与健康中国耦合协调发展评价体系,运用熵值法、耦合协调模型和修正GM(1.1)预测法对我国东部地区11省市2013—2017年两大系统耦合协调关系进行实证分析,并预测未来10年两大系统的耦合协调关系。研究发现(1)区域体育产业发展与健康中国建设之间存在明显的相互影响、相互作用关系,耦合协调发展特征显著。(2)东部地区11省市两大系统发展水平总体呈上升态势,且二者具有较高的关联性;体育产业系统发展水平比健康中国系统波动性更强,体育产业成为缩小区域发展差异的有效路径依赖;体育产业发展对健康中国建设的驱动作用较弱,而健康中国建设对体育产业发展促进作用较大。(3)东部地区11省市两大系统耦合协调性在逐年稳步上升,但演进与提升速度较缓慢,协调关系始终处在勉强协调阶段,且耦合协调度存在较大的空间差异,从北向南的空间格局大体上呈现“高—较高—高—较高—高—低”,预测结果显示未来10年耦合协调水平演进与提升速度明显加快,但仍存在显著的空间差异。并提出建议,以期服务实践。  相似文献   
为给中学体育的进一步研究和发展提供参考,本文采用可视化分析法、文献资料法、数理统计法等研究方法,以2019年以前在核心期刊和CSSCI期刊上发表的有关中学体育研究的论文为研究对象,运用Cite Space V可视化分析软件绘制出关于中学体育研究的知识图谱并进行分析和解读。结果表明:(1)我国中学体育研究领域的论文发文量整体上呈现出不规则的倒"V"字型;(2)我国中学体育研究领域的学者合作不够密切,大部分学者处于各自为战的状态;(3)我国中学体育研究领域科研机构之间松散的合作局面不利于该领域的发展;(4)中学体育领域的研究由集中化向多元化方向发展,且该领域的研究热点大多分布在中学体育的主体、中学体育教学、不同地区的中学体育、中学体育的发展4个方面。  相似文献   
Independent reading—unassigned reading for personal pleasure—has been shown to be an important driver of reading skills and academic success. Children that commonly read for pleasure exhibit higher academic performance. However, little research has been done on independent reading in rural China, where the education system is charged with schooling tens of millions of students. Many rural students fall behind their urban counterparts in school, with potentially troubling implications for China’s ongoing development. This article explores the prevalence of independent reading and its associations with reading ability and academic performance among rural students. Using a mixed methods approach, we analyze quantitative data from a survey of 13,232 students from 134 rural schools and interviews with students, teachers, principals, and caregivers. We find that independent reading is positively and significantly correlated with reading ability as well as standardized math and Chinese tests scores. Despite such correlations, only 17 percent of students report reading for pleasure for an hour a day. Interview findings suggest that inaccessible bookstores, curriculum constraints, unsupportive home environments, low availability of appealing and level-appropriate books, and insufficient school investment in reading resources may explain the low prevalence of independent reading.  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 提升公民健康水平是经济社会发展到一定程度后的必然要求,健康数据协同治理体系的构建有助于从信息科学角度达成这一要求,治理体系需要以国家战略为宏观指导,全方位服务于公民健康水平提升的总体目标。[方法/过程] 通过对《"健康中国2030"规划纲要》文本精神的领会,在分析了各治理主体对健康信息治理需求的基础上,提出一种面向"健康中国2030"战略的健康数据协同治理体系,并针对关键环节提出保障措施。[结果/结论] 协调各层级、各部门与各利益主体的健康数据治理体系构建与保障,有助于在推动国家健康战略目标的同时实现健康数据的社会价值,拓展健康信息学的研究范畴。  相似文献   
经文献整理与分析,新中国60年共有16部体育纪录电影、21部次、获得21项国内电影奖项,创造了杰出的成绩和荣誉。其获奖过程表现为起步、沉寂、辉煌、持续和再现几个阶段起伏,竞技体育重大事件成为获奖电影的重要题材。  相似文献   
教育是国家高质量发展的基石,国家是教育事业的推行者。国家对武术教育发展具有最宏观、 最基本的调控,社会力量群策群力的柔性参与,能与之达到刚柔相济、琴瑟共鸣之效果。民国时期南京国民政府在推行武术教育工作中,契合了当时的政治、教育、文化等因素,同时也获得了政治、教育、文化的时代动因。在特定的时代、文化、权力、环境中,南京国民政府、社会精英、社会组织三者相辅相成形成联动机制,在推行武术教育中发挥着协同作用。给予新时代推行武术教育的启示:推行武术教育应契合政治、教育、文化等时代动因;强化学校武术与民间武术的联动;构建政府主导、社会力量参与的新局面。 以期形成全社会共同参与的武术教育治理新格局。  相似文献   
分析大运河生态文化与美丽中国建设的相互关系,理清古老的大运河文化蕴含的丰富生态文明成果,将大运河生态文化作为推动美丽中国建设的源动力。不仅从上下联动、生态补偿、流域性平衡、可持续发展4个方面提出传承运河生态文化、构建美丽运河建设机制的建议,而且就以运河生态文化引领打造美丽运河三条走廊,提出具体的方法和路径:修复河岸环境,打造运河生态走廊;传承历史文脉,打造运河文化走廊;推进文旅融合,打造运河旅游走廊。不仅从理论上为大运河文化带建设与美丽中国建设寻找逻辑关系,而且从实践上为弘扬运河生态文化,推动美丽中国建设探索路径。  相似文献   
《争取持久和平,争取人民民主!》是20世纪40年代中后期,欧洲九个社会主义国家的共产党和工人党为了一致行动而建立的情报局机关刊物。该刊物对新中国初期我国经济社会建设及成就进行了大量宣传与报道,对加强我国与世界其他爱好和平、渴求民主的各国人民加强互信、长存友谊贡献很大,也对当前学者研究新中国初期我国经济社会发展的过程、成就和经验等提供了原始史料,学术研究意义也很重大。但是,目前对这份刊物及其发挥过的重大作用了解的人少之又少,时值中国共产党成立100周年之际,对其创刊与发行的历史过程进行回顾、宣传中国社会经济发展的全貌进行展示、推动世界社会主义运动的作用进行肯定,意义都很重大。  相似文献   
The notion of post-Chineseness is enlisted to analyze Vietnamese Sinology as a comparative agenda. Post-Chineseness refers to the cultural preparation and the political process of mutual acknowledgement among those who consider one another sharing (some kind of) Chineseness, practically defined according to the context and its trajectories, at each time and each site. Chineseness can thus have various, if not entirely irrelevant, meanings. Vietnamese Sinologists have relied on different kinds of post-Chineseness to make sense of their relationship with the encountered Chinese to select and determine the mode of self-understanding, the purpose and a strategy to reconnect, and the normative criterion to assess and manage the relationship. Chinese Vietnamese are significantly less numerous than Chinese Malaysian, Thai, and Indonesians. However, the history of Vietnam is considerably closer to China than are those of Korea and Japan, in terms of length of merger. The post-Chineseness of Vietnamese scholarship therefore complicates its role-identity vis-à-vis China, intellectually as well as practically.  相似文献   
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