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This paper responds to a trend of contracting out subjective well-being econometrics to demonstrate social return on investment (SROI) for evidence-based policy-making. We discuss an evolving ecology of ‘external’ research taking place ‘between’ the academy and commercial consultancy. We then contextualise this as waves of research methodologies and consultancy for the cultural sector. The new model of ‘external between’ consultancy research for policy is not only placed between the University and the market, but also facilitates discourse between policy sectors, government, the media and the academy. Specifically, it enables seductive but selective arguments for advocacy that claim authority through academic affiliation, yet are not evaluated for robustness. To critically engage with an emergent form of what Stone calls ‘causal stories’, we replicate a publicly funded externally commissioned SROI model that argues for the value of cultural activities to well-being. We find that the author’s operationalisation of participation and well-being are crucial, yet their representation of the relationship problematic, and their estimates questionable. This case study ‘re-performs’ econometric modelling national-level survey data for the cultural sector to reveal practices that create norms of expertise for policy-making that are not rigorous. We conclude that fluid claims to authority allow experimental econometric models and measures to perform across the cultural economy as if ratified. This new model of advocacy research requires closer academic consideration given the changing research funding structures and recent attention to expertise and the contracting out of public services.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel approach for understanding money users’ relation to monetary governance institutions. It first describes the stakes involved in monetary governance from a neo-chartalist/MMT perspective. In a second step, it discusses existing contributions on the relation between money issuer and money users, highlighting the literatures on central bank legitimacy and the social construction of money. It argues that neither allows for an analysis of the relation between monetary institutions and money users that takes the latter’s knowledge seriously. It then argues that the concept of moral economy can enrich scholarly analysis. Moral economies of money are defined as collective practices in which money users articulate demands as part of an understanding of money as a public good. Finally, the paper deploys the moral economy of money perspective to reconstruct the changing relation between institutions of monetary governance and money users since the Great Depression in the U.S. It shows how New Dealers silenced a moral economy of money, discusses fragmented moral economies after World War II, and the partial reemergence of such moral economies after the Great Financial Crisis. The paper concludes by discussing political implications and suggestions for further research.  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 大数据政策是大数据应用和发展的推动力量,其价值取向分析可以为我国政府大数据政策的制定、执行和评估提供借鉴,为大数据政策未来的发展方向提供依据。[方法/过程] 收集国务院及其各部门门户网站发布的政务大数据政策文本共计58份,运用主题分析方法对政策文本中表达政务大数据价值取向的主题进行编码分析,编码过程以NVivo12软件为辅助工具。[结果/结论] 通过主题分析,构建大数据政策价值取向总体框架,框架总结政治、经济、社会、生态与科技5个维度的价值取向,并探讨各维度及其具体价值取向间的交互关系。  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 比较分析数据管理与数据治理差异与联系,为制定科学数据开放共享政策提供参考。[方法/过程] 运用比较分析法,解析数据管理与数据治理在定义与内涵、功能、目标、原则、焦点领域5个方面的异同,由此解析其对制定我国科学数据开放共享政策的启示。[结果/结论] 数据管理与数据治理在定义与内涵、功能、目标、原则、焦点领域上都有显著差异,但两者也有内在联系。数据治理是成功实施数据管理的关键。认清两者的关系有助于明晰目前我国科学数据管理政策的不足之处,为今后完善科学数据管理办法提供参考,从而规划与制定实用的科学数据开放共享细则。  相似文献   
在新时代体育产业发展进程中,我国体育产业结构性失衡问题显得尤为突出,而推进体育产业供给侧结构性改革对破解体育产业结构性失衡具有现实意义。采用供给经济学、产业经济学等相关理论,剖析我国体育产业结构性失衡的表现形式,解构我国体育产业结构性失衡的形成原因,探寻我国体育产业结构性失衡的供给侧破解路径。研究表明:1)我国体育产业结构性失衡表现在:体育产业的产值结构、就业结构、供给结构等方面。2)体育产业结构性失衡的形成原因有:经济体制决定体育产业结构、体育发展战略固化体育产业结构、大众需求结构钢化体育产业结构。3)体育产业结构性失衡的供给侧破解路径为:明晰政府与市场边界,发挥市场在体育资源配置中的决定性作用;完善体育产业结构政策,发挥体育产业在体育发展战略中的作用;推进体育供需平衡,发挥体育产业在促进体育消费中的作用。  相似文献   
体育扶贫是精准扶贫理论、均衡理论和现代社会治理理论在体育领域的现实应用,亦是体育在扶贫工作中的实践形式。我国体育扶贫经历了从单一政策性扶持到多元社会融入的发展变革。但在现阶段还存在社会认知度有限、政策针对性不强、参与主体和方法手段相对单一、长效机制有待完善等问题。提出:要科学做好顶层设计,将体育扶贫全面融入乡村振兴战略;鼓励社会力量参与,不断创新体育扶贫的形式与内容;完善配套政策,为体育扶贫营造良好的环境;唤醒扶贫对象的脱贫意识,激活乡村振兴的自我发展动力;加强体育文化精准扶贫,兼顾物质文明与精神文明建设。为体育在全面建成小康社会伟大工程中发挥更重要作用提供参考。  相似文献   
以中国知网所收录的2007年至2017间核心期刊中有关公共体育服务文献题录作为分析数据样本,对所搜集到的254篇文献进行可视化分析。借助CiteSpace V软件,运用文献计量学方法与内容分析方法,结果表明:近十年我国公共体育服务研究经历了波浪式增长与急速增长两个阶段,研究主题紧密结合国家政策战略,在不断调整中推动了公共体育服务的发展。主要特征体现在始终服务于国家宏观政策方针,顺应了政府职能转变下对体育发展改革的时代需求;以“体育管理、公共服务”为核心的研究主题始终贯穿,主动融入政策响应的研究诉求强烈,人民美好生活中体育需求的关照不足;整个研究过程充满了动态性与局限性。未来研究应坚持与国家公共服务政策相伴相生,形成开放性反馈研究系统;注重公共体育服务研究的政策引领和政策的事后绩效评估;打造学术共同体,提升公共体育服务研究成果在政策咨询和智库建设中的作用。  相似文献   
基于有效促进我国体育产业政策落实、科学调整体育产业政策发展轨道,采用文献资料、实地调研、归纳分析等方法,从国家体育产业政策制定、政策目标、实施主体、政策措施、实施成效等层面,对我国体育产业政策实施执行情况进行分析。据此,审视当前地方在落实执行国家体育产业政策中存在的问题。由此提出,紧扣"五大发展理念",优化体育产业发展顶层设计;围绕"供给侧改革"、"经济体制改革"、"突出重点战略"3大着力点,提升地方体育产业政策执行效力;通过"营造理性体育产业政策环境,实现考评机制再造"、"完善体育产业政策评估手段,调控政策执行效果"、"完善相关立法,提升政策执行能力"、"发挥企业能动作用,实现政策需求与供给的效接"等措施提升国家体育产业政策落实效果。  相似文献   

Interventions aimed at increasing the participation of young people with disabilities in recreational sport have had mixed success. The authors draw on in-depth interviews with representatives from State Sporting Associations, local government officers and volunteers within community sports clubs in Victoria, Australia, to examine why some sports clubs are unable or unwilling to translate policy ambitions into practice. The findings indicate how by framing disability provision as ‘too difficult’, ‘not core business’ and antithetical to competitive success, community sports clubs are able to resist policy ambitions to modify existing structures and develop more inclusive practice. Greater priority needs to be given to transformational inclusion objectives and challenging ableism if clubs are to structurally progress the development of participation opportunities for young people with disabilities.  相似文献   
This study aims to reconsider and re-evaluate the rapid circulation of global creative city policy from the viewpoint of its creative workforce by focusing on the case of Yokohama, Japan. To shed light on this workforce’s everyday experiences and labor subjectivity, this investigation draws ideas from recent research trends of “creative labor” from the field of media and cultural studies, sociology of work, and political economy of communication. Based on in-depth interviews and participant observations, this research focuses on how the ethical and moral dimensions of labor subjectivity in creative work are prominently important in explaining Yokohama workers’ everyday living and working experiences as creative labor. Unexpectedly, this study found that these moral and ethical sentiments and actions, which take on the role of retaining their labor motivation, actually limit the development of political subjects who can resist given precarious working conditions and thereby hinder them from building a collective solidarity as “workers.” Thus this investigation concludes that the creative worker’s subjectivity retreats to solely a moral dimension rather than to a political one. Through this finding, this study explores whether the articulation of moral-political and social values in the course of cultural work can evolve from creative workers’ moral and ethical sensitivities and actions.  相似文献   
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