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"盲行"游戏是团体心理辅导训练中的一种游戏活动。采用活动、体验、感悟和提高的模式,使参与者在体验人际交往中情绪和行为的同时,产生一种心灵的碰撞、人格的互动,实现多元多赢的交流,在乐趣中受训、在实效中成长。  相似文献   
运用实验法对16名普通男女大学生进行以6.5 km/h的速度1 h健身快走实验,通过文献资料法和数理统计法对实验数据进行分析,对男、女大学生在运动过程中心率、摄氧量、CO2呼出量、呼吸商以及糖、脂代谢和能量总输出量等指标变化情况进行分析,认为男生以6.5 km/h进行健身快走健身、减肥效果不明显,而女生以6.5 km/h进行健身快走,时间要控制在20 min以上才能有较好的健身减肥效果。以此为大学生进行锻炼心肺功能和健身、减肥提供参考依据。  相似文献   
通过对北京奥运会女子20 km竞走比赛中外优秀运动员犯规特征和速度特征进行对比分析研究,发现:我国运动员腾空性质犯规仍是技术犯规的主要问题;比赛最高速度与最低速度变化较大,体力分配不均;比赛后半程体能下降过快。在此基础上分析了以上问题的主要原因,并提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

The activPAL is a widely-used measure of sedentary time but few studies have evaluated its ability to estimate physical activity intensity. This study determined the accuracy of the algorithm used by the activPAL to predict metabolic equivalents (METs) from cadence and a curvilinear cadence-METs equation individualized for height. Thirty-six healthy adults (25 ± 6 years) completed a progressive walking protocol. Stepping cadence was video recorded and METs were determined via indirect calorimetry. Manually-counted cadence was input into the activPAL and curvilinear equations. The internal activPAL equation overpredicted METs at slower cadences (<120 steps/minute) but underpredicted METs at faster cadences (>120 step/minute) (proportional bias, p < .001). Conversely, the curvilinear equation exhibited neither fixed (p = .37) nor proportional bias (p = .07), and a lower absolute MET difference [0.87 ± 0.65 (range:0.0–3.2) vs. 0.56 ± 0.45 (range:0.0–2.7) METs]. The linear activPAL equation poorly estimates METs from stepping cadence but these inaccuracies may be lessened through the use of an individualized curvilinear equation.  相似文献   
目的:探讨利用矢量编码技术来分析竞走项目运动员动作协调模式的可行性,并在此基础上对竞走运动员的动作技术和协调模式进行分析。方法:以参加2010年北京竞走挑战赛、2010年广州亚运会竞走比赛以及2012年太仓国际竞走挑战赛男子、女子20 km项目前10名和后10名运动员技术资料作为数据来源。使用CASIO FH25高速摄像机,采用立体定机定焦拍摄方法进行拍摄。使用SIMI Motion运动技术分析系统对运动员的视频资料进行数字化处理,并得到髋关节和膝关节角度参数。在得到髋—膝关节角相图基础上,计算髋膝耦合角,并利用矢量编码技术对运动员下肢协调模式进行频次统计。结果:①高水平组运动员步频(361±018步/秒)显著高于普通组(343±012步/秒);②在支撑期,两组运动员在HP+和H+K+协调模式的出现频次上存在显著性差异;③在摆动期,高水平组运动员的耦合角变异度(152±67°)值显著低于普通组(225±91°)。结论:矢量编码技术可以实现对竞走运动员下肢环节间协调模式的量化分析。在支撑期,普通组运动员以固定膝关节并伸髋的动作协调模式为主,而高水平组运动员的协调模式则更为多样。在摆动期,两组运动员的动作协调模式无显著性差异,但普通组运动员的动作协调变异度显著高于高水平组,动作稳定性有待提高。  相似文献   

This essay discusses methods of pedagogy and educational philosophy stirred up by the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement/Occupy-Hong Kong Movement at the end of 2014. It situates these events as a way to envision a new type of public university. To this end, the essay proposes a model of ‘wandering scholarship,’ in which educators and activists walk through urban environments and use dialogic esthetics to reclaim them as ‘Commons.’ Wandering means a multisensory exploration and learning based on the historical concept of ‘psychogeography,’ a drifting through sites and interpellation of their embedded ideologies. As opposed to traditions of introspective wandering, this kind of ‘dialogic wandering’ is done within groups and encourages people to talk to fellow-walkers or random bystanders. As will be shown, these modes of wandering while addressing publics were pioneered in the 1960s student movements and also adopted in a unique manner by the young activists of the Umbrella Movement. Dialogic wandering leads to affective languages and embodied learning as opposed to modes of analytical reasoning and logic within higher education. To further study the impact of this aspect of social movements within a university curriculum, it will be shown by means of example how students can meaningfully adopt dialogic wandering to survey people’s affect and ideological positioning within environments.  相似文献   
在日益严峻的老龄化背景下,基于对合肥市居住小区实地调研和问卷调查的基础上,分析了老龄群体的居住小区步行空间存在的问题,提出了满足老龄群体特殊需求的居住小区步行空间设计要点。  相似文献   
《婚姻法学》的教学可以从四个方面努力 ,教师占有大量材料并攻克难关 ;引起学生浓浓的兴趣和无比爱好 ;教学手段灵活多样 ;教学方法科学得当。这四个方面分别是《婚姻法学》教学顺利进行的前提、条件、手段和方法。  相似文献   
通过文献资料法、专家访谈法,总结归纳核心力量训练的理论基础,阐述其在竞走训练中的重要作用,同时提出竞走运动员核心力量训练的原则,旨在为当前从事竞走训练方面的学者和专家提供参考。  相似文献   
Learning takes place in various spaces through human and nonhuman interactions. Considering the urgent need for rethinking how humans relate to nature, in this article we present a MA level course in the context of art, craft and design to discuss how learning with the natural environment approach can impact learning experiences. We introduce walking with nature as a creative method that fosters students’ ability to let the environment actively shape their creative events. The encounter with nature-based materials in their different forms and following the material's flow provides students with a foundation for their creative processes. This study proposes that walking can facilitate the entanglement between the student's knowledge and encountered materials, generating an emotional and dialogical relationship with the natural environment that contributes to a holistic learning experience. We propose that such an experience can help in comprehending the importance of the caring actions we need to take and maintain towards the nonhuman world.  相似文献   
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