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We discuss democratizing knowledge production and dissemination in education illustrated in two parts that challenge the current knowledge monopoly. Our discourse includes (a) problematic cultivation of the status quo in the hierarchy of knowledge value in the U.S. as a component of civic illiteracy and (b) the need for more evidence through developing practice-based research evidence as a counter to the fixation with evidence-based practice in education. We point out a cultivated state of complacency with regard to the societal expectations of the roles of educational practitioners in the U.S. and discuss developing a new status of practitioner research for knowledge democracy. A virtual space for mentoring practitioner researchers with a goal to help them produce and disseminate their research was included as an example of knowledge democracy.  相似文献   
电子证据的种类归属问题,一直颇受我国学界关注。2011年出台的刑事诉讼法修订草案和民事诉讼法修订草案将电子数据列为证据的一种,契合了时代发展,但对证据种类的规定,仍有不甚合理之处。学界对电子证据的证据种类归属见仁见智,但是目前学者们所持的视听资料说、书证说、物证说、混合说、独立说,均带有一定的片面性。以电子证据取代视听资料,成为一种独立的证据形式,是与科技发展的趋势相一致的,也对电子证据的收集和保全有重要意义。  相似文献   
基准管理:谨防陷入企业经营战略趋同误区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱建武  孙健 《软科学》2002,16(5):50-52,66
基准管理是通过企业与最优实践的比较分析、学习最优实践并不断创新,从而提高企业竞争力的一种新兴的管理方法。我国企业在实施基准管理的过程中,往往只注重模仿最优实践而忽视了创新这一关键环节,使基准管理陷入了企业经营战略趋同的误区。本文通过对基准管理的运作机理和我国企业现实的分析,结合海尔集团的实践,提出了基准管理防止企业战略趋同的创新策略。  相似文献   
This paper presents a systematic approach to develop a resilient software system which can be developed as emerging services and analytics for resiliency. While using the resiliency as a good example for enterprise cloud security, all resilient characteristics should be blended together to produce greater impacts. A framework, cloud computing adoption framework (CCAF), is presented in details. CCAF has four major types of emerging services and each one has been explained in details with regard to the individual function and how each one can be integrated. CCAF is an architectural framework that blends software resilience, service components and guidelines together and provides real case studies to produce greater impacts to the organizations adopting cloud computing and security. CCAF provides business alignments and provides agility, efficiency and integration for business competitive edge. In order to validate user requirements and system designs, a large scale survey has been conducted with detailed analysis provided for each major question. We present our discussion and conclude that the use of CCAF framework can illustrate software resilience and security improvement for enterprise security. CCAF framework itself is validated as an emerging service for enterprise cloud computing with analytics showing survey analysis.  相似文献   
根据多元函数求最值的方法,运用数形结合的思想,巧妙解出了问题最优解的解析式,并针对不同情况,给出了管线的铺设方案和最低费用.  相似文献   
以古代早期医学典籍《内经》为语汇材料,指出《汉语大词典》书证迟后的条目数十条,以期为《大词典》修订再版及汉语词汇史研究提供一些参考资料。  相似文献   
吴雷 《鸡西大学学报》2007,7(5):34-35,27
从我国证据交换制度建构的现实需求出发,在对当事人主义证据交换模式和职权主义证据交换模式的理论和诉讼意义进行较为深入研究的基础上,比较分析了当事人主义证据交换模式和职权主义证据交换模式各自的优点和不足,对我国当前证据交换制度的现状及弊端进行剖析,并提出构建建议,以期对当前的司法改革有所裨益。  相似文献   
新《律师法》对律师的调查取证权做了较大修改,进一步增强了律师的权利,但法律的立法体现并不等于法律的司法实现,律师的调查取证权利目前还存在着多重障碍,首当其冲的就是刑事实体法的立法障碍。通过对辩护律师调查取证权内容的概述,同时结合《刑法》第306条的规定,研究探讨辩护律师调查取证权存在的主要障碍,并对辩护律师调查取证权的保障问题提出建议。  相似文献   
Four standards and best practices recently released or currently underway at the National Information Standards Organization were presented: Knowledge Bases and Related Tools, Presentation and Identification of E-Journals, Open Discovery Initiative, and Open Access Metadata Indicators. Basics outlining the creation work and deliverables were shared for each project. Applicability of these standards and best practices for different stakeholders of the information community were discussed.  相似文献   
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