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BackgroundWhile the literature on physical punishment concludes that it has negative effects on children, the practice remains common in many countries. In post-conflict countries with nongovernmental organizations (NGO) operating in child protection, traditional disciplinary practices may conflict with international child rights agendas. The country of Sierra Leone has a unique history of conflict, abject poverty, low literacy, and weak governance – often, NGO agents are responsible for providing social services that the government is unable to consistently provide.ObjectiveWe examined how Sierra Leonean caregivers think about appropriate discipline for children, and whether they perceived any changes in their attitudes toward disciplinary practices since the end of the war.Participants and SettingWe collected data from parents and caregivers in urban, peri-urban, and rural areas of Sierra Leone’s four districts.MethodsWe used focus groups (12 groups, n = 92) and individual interviews (n = 21) to collect data in 2013. Focus groups and interviews were conducted by research assistants fluent in Krio and English. We used a thematic content analysis approach.ResultsWe found that physical discipline—“beating”—was widely acceptable and common. A few parents mentioned other means of discipline, such as withholding food. Parents widely agreed that parenting had changed since the war, and reported that child rights movements supported by NGOs had made it more difficult to discipline their children in traditional ways.ConclusionsDiscipline was seen a central component of child-rearing and a means of ensuring safe and proper development. This may be a protective mechanism in the precarious, high poverty environment of post-war Sierra Leone. The negative responses of parents to NGO efforts to reduce physical punishment and other forms of child abuse suggest that grassroots approaches are needed to address this pervasive problem.  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 通过构建二模复杂网络模型,揭示隐藏在海量文献中的隐性知识。[方法/过程] 通过NetworkX复杂网络工具包,依据任意两个节点的共现关系构建二模复杂网络模型;对网络模型中节点的共现关系进行加权,计算网络的拓扑信息并进行AP聚类,提取节点间的直接关系;采用AUC方法对AA、JC、加权改进的wAA和wJC等4种链路预测算法进行评价,遴选出最合适的预测算法,并对复杂网络的隐性关系进行预测分析。[结果/结论] 以潜在药物靶点挖掘为例进行的实证研究结果表明,wAA链路预测算法为最优的链路预测算法;二模复杂网络模型、指标和方法体系在美国化学文摘社数据库中的药物靶点挖掘中具有一定的有效性。下一步计划在其他数据库中或其他研究领域中进行尝试,以进一步验证该模型的通用性和有效性。  相似文献   
从患病鲫、鲢、鳙、鳊等鱼体上分离出一菌株,经腹腔注射及浸泡感染,能引起鱼患典型的出血病症和死亡,其半数致死量(LD_(50))为1.48×10~5个菌/鱼.该菌发酵分解糖类,氧化酶和过氧化氢酶实验为阳性,具极生单鞭毛,革兰氏阴性,对弧菌抑制剂不敏感,经生理生化特性测定及形态、培养特征观察,确认为嗜水气单胞菌(Aermonas hydrophila).并测定了该菌对抗生素的敏感性及生长特性。  相似文献   
本文在综述我国农业增长"剩余之谜"研究基础上,从报酬递增角度考察农业发展,分析我国农业报酬递增的源泉,探讨农业发展中的逆报酬递增行为,最后提出实现农业报酬递增的政策含义。  相似文献   
我国现行行政诉讼费用承担制度在功能预设和制度实践上都有违行政诉讼的性质和宗旨,无益于法治政府的建设和人文关怀的法治理念彰显,应进行必要的改革。借鉴城外相关经验建立行政诉讼收费国家承担制度、健全原告诉讼成本按责任承担制度并扩大行政追偿范围将有利于正确发挥行政诉讼费用承担制度的价值导向作用。  相似文献   
长期以来,由于历史,政策,银行自身管理等原因,国有商业银行事实都存在着大量的不良贷款资产,现在虽然按照国务院的统一部署对银行原有不良贷款进行了“剥离”,大幅度地降低了商业银行不良资产的占比,但对目前国有商业银行每年近万万亿元的新增贷款的风险防范仍是一个不容忽视的问题。  相似文献   
分析并认识抗日时期中国共产党内腐化现象产生的根源,总结党在这一时期反腐化斗争的措施与经验,对当前开展的反腐败斗争,推进党风廉政建设,具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   
腐败现象作为一个社会问题,其产生的原因是错综复杂的。反腐败的根本措施是建立合理有效的防止腐败产生的预警机制。  相似文献   
浅谈全民抗日战争时期中共对土匪的策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全民抗日战争时期,土匪一度泛滥.中共在开辟敌后抗日根据地、开展抗日游击战争的过程中,制定了较完备的对土匪的策略.这一策略的实施推动了抗日战争的顺利发展.  相似文献   
沈谱琴是浙江辛亥革命时期的重要人物。他为兴办地方新式教育慷慨捐款、主持校务。在历次反帝爱国运动中他积极参与、组织领导。在湖州辛亥光复的前后,他做了大量准备工作,并直接领导了湖州光复。虽然他在日寇侵华时期晚节不保,但对沈谱琴在辛亥革命中的重要贡献,应给予客观公正的评价。  相似文献   
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