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双向飞碟射击项目中3号靶位是8个靶位中射击命中难度最大的靶位,是制约运动员整体命中率的关键所在。将双向飞碟双靶分为1靶击发、随靶、2靶击发3个阶段,对3名国内优秀运动员击发节奏特征进行分析。发现:①1靶击发阶段的节奏直接影响2靶中靶情况,1靶击发用时越长,2靶质量越差,想要提高2靶的命中率必须要提高1靶的动作质量。②随靶阶段的人枪结合能力会影响2靶命中率。③优秀运动员2靶击发阶段的时间节奏一致性较强,动作自动化程度较高。④整体击发节奏慢更易造成2靶脱靶。提出,运动员要提高打好1靶的能力,在保证1靶质量的前提下加强快打技术训练,同时提高随靶阶段人枪结合能力,加强对技术的监控和分析,辅助运动训练,科学提高成绩。  相似文献   
CUBA联赛经过20年的开展,其职业水平和影响力不断提高,对于开展高校篮球运动、储备篮球后备人才、传播校园体育文化及提高高校知名度都起到积极的作用。通过文献资料法、数理统计法、录像观察法和逻辑分析法,对第20届CUBA男子四强在整个赛程的攻防指标进行对比分析,对于四支队伍存在的优劣势,提出合理化建议。  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of maximal specific physical effort on postural balance and rifle stability in biathletes in a standing shooting position. The study included 10 junior elite biathletes. The measurements were taken with the Vicon system and AMTI force platform. Postural balance and rifle stability characteristics were determined at rest as well as 1 and 5 min post maximal specific physical effort which was performed on a ski ergometer and continued until exhaustion. Maximal physical effort exerted a significant effect on all examined postural sway and rifle sway characteristics. The duration of the post-exercise changes was longer than 5 minutes. Higher post-effort rifle sway was observed in the vertical direction than in the across the shooting line direction. Post-effort postural balance impairment in the shooting line was much greater than in the across the shooting line direction. Moreover, a strong correlation was found between postural balance and rifle stability. Maximal physical effort influenced postural balance and rifle stability during aiming. Rifle sway during aiming in a standing shooting position seems to be coordinated with the postural sway of the biathlete’s body. Thus, an increase in postural sway contributes to greater sway and lesser stability of the rifle.  相似文献   
综合考虑多种因素,了解光源的特性,选择合适的灯具,结合布光的专业知识,进行反复实践研究,形成了一套录播教室灯光改造的解决方案,能够改善拍摄条件和拍摄质量,展现优质的教学内容与教学水平。  相似文献   
本文对传统手枪射击训练方法及其存在问题进行了分析,并在实践中进行了射击表象训练的编组、设计和实施,通过实弹射击成绩对传统训练方法与表象训练方法进行了比较,为提高学员射击训练实效提供了有益的方法探索。  相似文献   

This study used the 2017 Las Vegas and 2016 Orlando mass shootings as case studies to explore alleged double standards in reporting of events featuring Muslim and non-Muslim mass perpetrators of violence. The study used framing theory and content analysis to examine Los Angeles Times and New York Times coverage of the shootings during the one week immediately following each event. Findings are consistent with previous literature and the researchers’ expectations. The Orlando shooting, carried out by a Muslim, was allotted more coverage despite the fact that it produced nine fewer fatalities than the Las Vegas shooting, perpetrated by a white non-Muslim. The analysis also showed that the examined newspapers were more likely to employ a “terrorism” frame in their coverage of the Orlando shooting than in their coverage of the Las Vegas shooting; link the Orlando mass shooting with the global war on terrorism; and to humanize Stephen Paddock, the white perpetrator of the Las Vegas shooting. Framing differences found in this study may contribute to downplaying the threat of white male gun violence, and to reinforcing fears of Islam and Muslims.  相似文献   
摘要:以参加2015-2016特步中国大学生五人制足球联赛总决赛的8支队伍在小组赛及淘汰赛20场比赛中的 191个进球为研究对象,通过文献资料法、技术统计法以及访谈法对这191个进球时段、进球动作、进球方式、进球场地位置、球入球门的区域进行了分析。主要结论:进球数最多的时段分别是在上半场开局5 min内和在下半场最后5min、进球数最多技术动作是正脚背抽射技术、进攻方式中快攻战术贡献率最大、进球数最多的场地区域是球门前的区域、球入球门的区域中下路明显多于中路进球数。建议在赛前分析对手进攻和防守战术及特点并布置有针对性的战略战术,为良好的开局奠定基础;加强个人运球突破能力的训练;加强两三个人之间的传切配合、策应配合训练,尤其提高定位球的战术配合能力。  相似文献   
在不同竞技水平的篮球比赛中,球员使用的投篮方式也有着差别,它们受球员位置、投篮距离和投篮角度的等多因素的影响.通过对五种不同竞技水平篮球比赛的投篮方式的研究,调查它们中的投篮方式、投篮状态及其影响因素,并分析产生不同的原因.结果显示:成人比赛和青少年比赛之间的投篮方式差距较大;青少年比赛中相对较多的投篮出手是以单脚起跳或单脚站立执行和相对较多的投篮不能被归类,青少年比赛中还会出现较多的运球或内切到篮下完成.在NBA中由于运动员的身体素质较好,与欧洲联赛和CBA相比,扣篮出现的频率较高而勾手出现的频率较低.  相似文献   
青少年射击运动员"Choking"与人格特质的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料法、实验法、问卷调查法、访谈法和数理统计等方法,以11名专业青少年射击运动员为实验对象,测试压力下Choking现象及其与运动员人格特质的关系。结果表明:①高压情景下运动员的射击成绩显著下降;②个人自我意识、期待取胜和竞赛特质焦虑三个变量能有效解释85.8%的Choking指数变异,且对Choking指数均有显著的回归效应,能有效预测Choking现象的发生。  相似文献   
刘海萍 《科教文汇》2011,(3):126-127
射击课是公安院校的一门必修专业技能课。近几年各警察院校先后成立了自己的校射击队,意在培养警察的专业射击能手,为警察大比武、大练兵积聚人才。笔者结合自己多年的专业射击运动生涯,谈一点自己的浅见,希望能给予教者一点启发。  相似文献   
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