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我国中药的研究与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从采控、捕猎到大规模基地种植饲养,从手工作坊到现代化的机械化生产,从传统理论经验探讨升华到现代化科学水平,我国中药研究和生产历经坎坷,终现辉煌。今天,它仍然面临着一系列新的挑战。  相似文献   
本文详细讨论了苄基异喹啉生物碱的生源和进化趋势,化学结构类型的分布规律,植 物来源,药理作用以及它们之间的联系性。研究表明:苄基异喹啉生物碱主要存在于较原始 的木兰亚纲植物群中,阿朴菲型、双苄基异喹啉型、原小檗碱型为普遍存在的结构类型。由于 按生源路线产生的不同结构类型在植物中呈现有规律的分布,因此苄基异喹啉生物碱可作为很好的分类学指标。  相似文献   
  Genus Atractylodes (Fam. Compositae) is the main  source of two important Chinese traditional drugs, “Baizhu”and “Cangzhu”,  both being long used as a stomachic.      After a general survey and taxonomical study, it has been found that “Baizhu” was only derived from A. macrocephala Koidz. (A. ovata auct. Fl. Orient. Asiat. non A. P. DC.), while “Cangzhu” were mainly from A. lancea (Thunb.) DC. and A. lancea DC. var. chinensis Kitam.      Comparison of the components in the rhizomes of Chinese Atractylodes  has been made by TLC and GLC.  The results have shown to be in accordance with their mor- phological features and pharmaceutical merits.      “Baizhu”, A. macrocephala, with its leave pinnately incised, is characterized by the presence of rich atractylon and absence or lack of atractylodin.  As for “Cangzhu”, A. lancea and A. lancea var. chinensis with their leave not incised or only lobed, are cha- racterized by high contents of atractylodin, β-eudesmol and hinesol, but poor in atrac- tylon.      The above conclusion may be of value to both the classification and utilization of this group of Chinese medicinal plants.    相似文献   
One new species  and one  new variety  of the genus  Epimedium (Berberidaceae) are  described   from  China.  They  are  E. enshiense B. L.Guo et Hsiao and E. platypetalum var. tenuis B. L. Guo et Hsiao.  相似文献   
芍药科化学和系统学的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 从栽培的牡丹Paeonia suffruticosa根中分离到7个化合物,它们是芍药甙I,苯甲酰芍     药甙Ⅱ,羟基芍药甙Ⅲ,丹皮酚Ⅳ,丹皮酚甙Ⅴ,丹皮酚原甙Ⅵ和丹皮酚新甙Ⅶ。  用薄层     扫描仪测定了23种芍药科植物(包括19个种和6个变种)根中这7个成分的含量。结果表明     芍药甙在芍药科植物中是普遍存在的,可作为本科的特征性成分; 丹皮酚类成分只存在于木     本类型的牡丹组,在草本类型的芍药组中缺乏。         从化学上比较芍药科和可能相关的15个科,结果表明,芍药科与毛茛目内各科及木兰目     均不相似,而与五桠果科、茶科、蔷薇科相近; 因此建议把它提升为芍药目。这些结果与近来的解剖学、孢粉学、胚胎学的研究结果是一致的。  相似文献   
 As a genus Acronema was first proposed by Falconer, but it was only a nomen nudum.  The genus was effectively established by Edgeworth (1851) on the basis of a himalayan species, Acronema tenerum (Wall) Edgew. (= Sison tenerum Wall. 1828). Bentham & Hooker had placed the genus within Pimpinella in 1867.  C. B. Clarke followed the same treatment in the Flora of British India in 1879. The much detailed systematic work of the genus was done by H. Wolff in Engl.  Pflanzenreich (1927).       The chief distinguishing character of the genus lies in the acuminulate of filamen- tous apices of the petals.      At present the genus contains about 23 species chiefly in the himalayan regions and South-west China, many being found in Sichuan, Yunnan and eastern Xizang.       They are usually growing under the shade of forest, roadside and riverside at the altitude 2100—4800 meters.       In this paper 18 species and 2 varieties are presented, of which 5 species, 2 varieties and 1 combinations are considered as new and three arc first recorded fromChina.  相似文献   
 本文通过对177种(或亚种,变种)杜鹃叶中16种黄酮类化合物和3种其它酚性成分的高效硅胶 薄层阶式层析和聚酰胺薄层层析,发现中国杜鹃属植物中的黄酮类成分的共同特征是存在着槲皮素的多种单糖甙;有的属下类群以几种甙共存或某种甙缺乏为特征;杨梅树皮甙。棉子皮亭甙尽管不是普遍检出的成分,但在某些属下类群中分布较集中,具有独特的分类价值.作者进一步讨论了化学性状的定量或半定量研究对杜鹃属植物化学分类的意义。  相似文献   
罂粟科白屈菜族的化学分类及资源利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The tribe Chelidonieae of Papaveraceae, consists of 8 genera and 23 species in the world.  Most species belonging to this taxon contain dominantly biologically active substances and are widely used as medicinal plants.      A chemotaxonomic study in this tribe reveals that Chelidonieae is linked to the other tribes in the presence of protopine-type alkaloids, and the ubiquitous occurrence of dehydrogenated benzophenanthridine-type alkaloids (ex. chelerythrine and sanguinarine) can be served as a chemical character of Chelidonieae.  Furthermore, our results indicate that Chelidonieae can obviously be divided into two groups:the first group, including genera Sanguinaria, Eomecon, Macleaya and Bocconia, is characterized by the absence of TLC detected aporphine-, tetrahydroberberine- and reduced benzophenanthridi netype alkaloids, and their undulatedly or palmately incised leaves, as well as short capsules.  The second group, comprising Stylophorum, Hylomecon, Dicranostigma and Chelidonium, yields predominately tetrahydroberberine- and reduced benzophenanthridinetype alkaloids, with usually deeply pinnatifid leaves, and long and slender capsules.       As regards the medical importance and the resource utilization of Chelidonieae much attention should be paid to the following alkaloids and the taxa: chelidonine (Chelidonium majus ) , isocorydine ( Dicranostigma ) , tetrahydrocoptisine ( Stylophorum ) , chelerythrine (whole tribe particularly the genus Macleaya) and sanguinarine (whole tribe, particularly Macleaya).  相似文献   
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