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We assessed the effects on basketball free throw performance of two types of verbal directions with an external attentional focus. Novices (n = 16) were pre-tested on free throw performance and assigned to two groups of similar ability (n = 8 in each). Both groups received verbal instructions with an external focus on either movement dynamics (movement form) or movement effects (e.g. ball trajectory relative to basket). The participants also observed a skilled model performing the task on either a small or large screen monitor, to ascertain the effects of visual presentation mode on task performance. After observation of six videotaped trials, all participants were given a post-test. Visual search patterns were monitored during observation and cross-referenced with performance on the pre- and post-test. Group effects were noted for verbal instructions and image size on visual search strategies and free throw performance. The 'movement effects' group saw a significant improvement in outcome scores between the pre-test and post-test. These results supported evidence that this group spent more viewing time on information outside the body than the 'movement dynamics' group. Image size affected both groups equally with more fixations of shorter duration when viewing the small screen. The results support the benefits of instructions when observing a model with an external focus on movement effects, not dynamics.  相似文献   
In the visual perception perspective of observational learning, the manipulation of relative and absolute motion information in visual demonstrations optimally directs learners' search towards appropriate task solutions. We assessed the effect of emphasizing transformational information and removal of structural information using point-light kinematic displays in approximating the model's relative motion patterns. Participants viewed computer-simulated point-light demonstrations or normal video demonstrations before and intermittently throughout 100 acquisition trials with knowledge of results on an underarm modified-dart aiming task. On the next day, all participants performed 20 retention trials without demonstrations. The kinematics of spatial and temporal coordination and control variables were examined relative to the model's action, as well as performance scores. The results indicated that approximation of the model's spatial and temporal coordination and control patterns was achieved after observation of either type of demonstrations. No differences were found in movement outcomes. In a second experiment, the effects of manipulating absolute motion information by slow-motion demonstrations were examined relative to real-time demonstrations. Real-time demonstrations led to a closer approximation to the model's spatial and temporal coordination patterns and better outcome scores, contradicting predictions that slow-motion displays convey intact relative motion information. We speculate that the effect of visual demonstration speed on action perception and reproduction is a function of task constraints--that is, novelty or familiarity of relative motion of demonstrated activities.  相似文献   
论康德的道德自由与德性论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
理性与自由是康德伦理学的重要概念,如若把康德的“理性”概念分为理论理性和实践理性,那么他的“自由”概念同样也可分为理性的自由和道德的自由。理论理性和理性的自由是属于思辨哲学研究的范畴,实践理性和道德的自由是属于伦理学研究的范畴。在康德看来,道德自由是人的道德活动之原因,德性是人的道德活动之结果。因此,在康德伦理学中道德自由与德性之间有着内在的逻辑联系,不仅如此,这种道德自由与德性之内在的逻辑联系恰恰体现着康德理性主义伦理思想的精神内涵。  相似文献   
We assessed the effects on basketball free throw performance of two types of verbal directions with an external attentional focus. Novices ( n = 16) were pre-tested on free throw performance and assigned to two groups of similar ability ( n = 8 in each). Both groups received verbal instructions with an external focus on either movement dynamics (movement form) or movement effects (e.g. ball trajectory relative to basket). The participants also observed a skilled model performing the task on either a small or large screen monitor, to ascertain the effects of visual presentation mode on task performance. After observation of six videotaped trials, all participants were given a post-test. Visual search patterns were monitored during observation and cross-referenced with performance on the pre- and post-test. Group effects were noted for verbal instructions and image size on visual search strategies and free throw performance. The 'movement effects' group saw a significant improvement in outcome scores between the pre-test and post-test. These results supported evidence that this group spent more viewing time on information outside the body than the 'movement dynamics' group. Image size affected both groups equally with more fixations of shorter duration when viewing the small screen. The results support the benefits of instructions when observing a model with an external focus on movement effects, not dynamics.  相似文献   
试论提升当代大学生职业素养之“三从三以”法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业素养是当代大学生核心竞争力的一个方面,是社会评价大学生综合素质的一项指标。通过从"遵纪守法、诚实守信、爱校爱家"做起和以"实习生态度、主人翁精神、亲友的真心"的"三从三以"法给予引导,可以提升大学生的职业素养。  相似文献   
萨蕾  马涛 《图书馆论坛》2013,33(1):27-31,58
文章介绍人物关系挖掘的发展现状,重点分析存在的问题,提出应以名称规范库为工具、围绕人物关系进行信息资源的组织,并具体阐述重构名称规范库的方法。  相似文献   
首次全面论述了全世界黄华属(豆科)植物地理。黄华属是豆科少数几个东亚-北美间断分布属之一。对黄华属5组21种的分布进行了分析,发现本属4个频度分布中心依次是:东亚地区(8种/3组,其中特有种4种),伊朗-土兰地区(7种/3组,其中特有种3种),落基山地区(7种/2组,均为特有种)及大西洋北美地区(3种/1组,均为特有种)。基于以下事实:在东亚地区存在本属最多的组与种;在此区可以见到黄华属系统发育系列;该属最原始的组种及最进化的组种也在该区出现等,可以认为东亚地区是该属的现代分布中心及分化中心。伊朗-土兰地区(中亚东部至喜马拉雅)及落基山地区所含种、组数仅次于东亚地区,而且多倍体现象多发生于这两区,因此可认为是本属的次生分布中心及分化中心。在此二地区,物种分化较活跃且复杂,先后描述了很多新种和变种,也曾进行过较多的归并处理。最近的分子生物学证据不断揭示,在这地区曾被归并的一些分类群存在着较大不同,从而提醒分类学家对年轻区系中物种分化较活跃的类群进行分类处理时,无论是建新分类群还是对某些类群进行归并,应持谨慎态度。作者根据黄华属植物的现代地理分布、形态演化趋势、现有的化石及地质历史资料,推测黄华属植物在中新世之前早已形成,并且在晚第三纪欧亚大陆与北美大陆失去陆地连接之前在两大陆已经存在,很可能是于早第三纪或晚白垩纪在劳亚古陆上起源于一个含羽扇豆生物碱的古槐成员。两大陆分离后,在不同的成种因子的影响下,形成了各自的演化格局:在亚洲,晚第三纪的喜马拉雅造山运动、古地中海消失及第四纪冰川作用引起的旱化、寒化,促进了该属植物的强烈分化;而在北美,第四纪的冰川作用及局部的山体隆起,可能是促进该属植物演化的主要动力。根据黄华属植物的系统演化趋势及原始类群的分布式样分析,东亚地区的中国-日本亚区可能是本属植物的原始类型中心。  相似文献   
信息技术改变了人们的生活方式,同时也改变了教育的方式.计算机辅助教学可以帮助教师更好地拓展学生的创造性思维.教学方法应紧跟时代步伐,不断创新.  相似文献   
航空航天产品属于高技术产品,同时由于其中大多数都属于军民两用的产品,使得航空航天大国通常对两用物项及技术出口实施管制。法国作为欧盟重要成员国,其除本国出口管制法律制度外,还受欧盟法律规定制约。对法国及欧盟航空航天产品出口管制法律制度进行研究对于我国今后完善相关法律制度具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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