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1 Introduction SMP (symmetricmulti processing)andMPP (mas sivelyparallelprocessing)arethetwotypesofstruc tureofparallelcomputing . Symmetricmulti processingsystemshavemultipleCPUsattachedtothesamebusandsharingRAM .Massivelyparallelprocessingisthecooperated pro cessingofaprogrambymultipleprocessorsthatworkondifferentpartsoftheprogram ,witheachprocessorusingitsownoperatingsystemandmemory .ThechoicebetweenSMPandMPPdependsonthenatureoftheproblembeingsolved .Iftheproblemcanbeeasilypartit…  相似文献   
This paper presents a parallel composite local search algorithm based on multiple search neighborhoods to solve a special kind of timetable problem. The new algorithm can also effectively solve those problems that can be solved by general local search algorithms. Experimental results show that the new algorithm can generate better solutions than general local search algorithms.  相似文献   
行固定法是一种基于MPI并应用在高性能计算机系统上的并行算法,该算法很好地运用了矩阵的特性,不论用高斯消去 法解线性方程组、还是对矩阵进行Lu分解或者对矩阵进行m次幂计算的大规模并行计算时,由于该算法将各行的计算固定在 各节点上,有效地实现了计算的局部性,减少了通信开销,从而获得了比较好的加速比.  相似文献   
Computational grids(CGs)aim to offer pervasive access to a diverse collection of geographically distributed resources owned by different self-interested agents or organizations.These agents may manipulate the resource allocation algorithm in their own benefit,and their selfish behavior may lead to severe performance degradation and poor efficiency. In this paper,game theory is introduced to solve the problem of barging for resource collection in heterogeneous distributed systems.By using the Cournot model that is an important model in static and complete information games,the algorithm is optimized in order to maximize the benefit.It can be seen that the approach is more suitable to the real situation and has practical use.Validity of the solutions is shown.  相似文献   
行固定法是一种基于MPI并应用在高性能计算机系统上的并行算法,该算法很好地运用了矩阵的特性,不论用高斯消去法解线性方程组、还是对矩阵进行LU分解或者对矩阵进行m次幂计算的大规模并行计算时,由于该算法将各行的计算固定在各节点上,有效地实现了计算的局部性,减少了通信开销,从而获得了比较好的加速比.  相似文献   
每个人在人生道路上常常会遇到如何选择的问题。路就在自己脚下,走什么路,要自己下决心作出选择。 我曾经是个埋头读书的学生,后来选择了教师职业,多年来的实践表明我选择了一条非常适合我自己的正确道路。静观世界,每个人都会有自己心目中的一份事业,这是历史过程的必然产物。我的事业本已确定,剩下来要做的全部事情就是驾驭好日常生活,健健康康的活着,然后争分夺秒地耕耘在教学、科研的岗位上,既培养合格学生,又攀登心目中已经确立的科学高峰。如果忽略一些因素的话,这应该说是一幅美好的蓝图。 现实生活虽然充分理解我的追求,却只赞同了一半,这是历史的安排。今年四月,我被正式安排到了学院党委副书记的岗位上,分管学生工作。新组建的计算  相似文献   
Clustering is an important technique for analyzing gene expression data. The self-organizing map is one of the most useful clustering algorithms. However, its applicability is limited by the fact that some knowledge about the data is required prior to clustering. This paper introduces a novel model of self-organizing map (SOM) called growing hierarchical self-organizing map (GHSOM) to cluster gene expression data, The training and growth processes of GHSOM are entirely data driven, requiring no prior knowledge or estimates for parameter specification, thus help find not only the appropriate number of clusters but also the hierarchical relations in the data set. Compared with other clustering algorithms, GHSOM has better accuracy. To validate the results, a novel validation technique is used, known as figure of merit (FOM).  相似文献   
1Introduction Inrecentyears,multisensordatafusiontechniques havefoundwidespreadapplicationsinmanytracking andsurveillancesystemsaswellasinapplications wherereliabilityisofamainconcern[1].Multisensor datafusionisdefinedasaprocessofintegratingdata frommulti…  相似文献   
我们计算机学院党委从组建起,就认识到学生工作和学校德育工作的重要性、紧迫性。21世纪崭新的时代即将来临,在空前激烈的竞争中,我们靠什么确立自己的优势地位,主要依靠的不是物质,而是人才,是掌握先进思想和技术的人才。上海正在为21世纪确立“一个龙头,三个中心”的战略目标而奋斗。一流城市必须有一流教育,而作为奠基工程的学生工作和学校德育教育工作不仅是保证人才辈出的必要前提,而且直接影响学生的素质,甚至影响到祖国的未来,上海的未来。 为了开创学院学生工作的新局面,我们坚持育人为本,横向到边,纵向到底,全院上下统一思想和认识,克服种种困难和不利因素,走一条新形势下的探索之  相似文献   
基于蚁群优化的多水平图划分算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Partitioning is a fundamental problem with applications to many areas including data mining, parellel processing and Very-large-scale integration (VLSI) design. An effective multi-level algorithm for bisecting graph is proposed. During its coarsening phase, an improved matching approach based on the global information of the graph core is developed withits guidance function. During the refinement phase, the vertex gain is exploited as ant’s heuristic information and a positive feedback method based on pheromone trails is used to find the global approximate bipartitioning. It is implemented with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) C and compared to MeTiS. The experimental evaluation shows that it performs well and produces encouraging solutions on 18 different graphs benchmarks.  相似文献   
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