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INTRODUCTION Coagulation-flocculation is a major step inthe potable water treatment for removal of colloi-dal impurity. Due to the increase of water pollu-tion, the standards of drinking water supply andwastewater discharge are becoming more and morestringent, and chemical coagulants that are moreefficient in water treatment are more and moreurgently in demand. As well known, the residual Al in potablewater comes from three main sources: natural wa-ter-body, coagulants used in…  相似文献   
在乡村振兴战略实施背景下,根据《高等学校课程思政建设指导纲要》,哈尔滨工业大学开展了高校传统环境工程专业课程思政实施路径的思考与初探。结合传统环境工程专业课程教学内容,提出了模块化教学用于方向引导的策略,深入挖掘了乡村振兴实施背景下高校理论类和实践类环境工程专业课程中的思政元素,从制度、内容和形式上充分做到“三全”育人,将课程思政融入培养服务乡村振兴的优秀环保人才全过程。  相似文献   
河南省洛宁县森林覆被及其变化的分形分析   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
该文应用盒子计数法分别计算了河南省洛宁县森林覆被类型及区域所有森林覆被空间分布的分维值,并讨论了森林覆被及其变化的分形性质。研究结果表明,森林覆被具有统计自相似性,是一类随机分形;分维是表征森林覆被及其变化空间结构信息的特征参数,值域为 < <2,在一定范围内分维值越大表明森林覆被愈复杂、愈不规则;分维值的大小与森林面积、斑块数量和平均斑块面积等项指标没有直接关系,而是三者有机结合的综合表现。  相似文献   
地理信息系统(GIS)具有高效的空间数据管理和灵活的空间数据综合能力,在国内外得到了广泛应用.简要综述了地理信息系统技术及其发展动态,介绍了GIS在水文水资源方面的应用概况,并探讨了在水文水资源领域中应用GIS所面临的一些问题。  相似文献   
水解酸化—生物接触氧化工艺处理有机废水的工程实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
印染废水和酿酒废水同属于有机工业废水,主要含有有机污染物,本文提出采用以水解酸化—生物接触氧化为核心的生化处理工艺分别处理两种废水。两个工程实践的运行结果表明,在必要的预处理或后处理的前提下,该工艺在处理含有难降解物质中低浓度的印染废水和中等浓度的酿酒废水时,具有处理效果稳定、操作方便的特点,处理出水完全可达到国家规定的相应排放标准。  相似文献   
In order to remove the low turbidity present in surface water, a novel metal-polysilicate coagulant was used to treat the raw water taken from Tanjiang River in Guangdong Province. This study on the effects of Al/Fe molar ratio on the performance of a complex compound formed by polysilicic acid, aluminium and ferric salt (PAFS) showed that PAFS with Al/Fe ratio of 10:3 seemed to have the best coagulation performance in removing turbidity and color. Experimental results showed that under the conditions of polymerization time of 15 d, sedimentation time of 12 min, and pH of 6(8, PAFS with Al/Fe molar ratio of 10:3 had the best coagulation efficiency and lowest residual Al concentration. The turbidity decreased from 23.8 NTU to 3.23 NTU and the residual Al concentration was only 0.165 mg/L in the product water. It could be speculated that colloidal impurities and particulate Al were removed by adsorption bridging and electrical neutralization of long chain inorganic polymer coagulants.  相似文献   
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