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Soybean accounts for more than half of the global production of oilseed and more than a quarter of the protein used globally for human food and animal feed. Soybean domestication involved parallel increases in seed size and oil content, and a concomitant decrease in protein content. However, science has not yet discovered whether these effects were due to selective pressure on a single gene or multiple genes. Here, re-sequencing data from >800 genotypes revealed a strong selection during soybean domestication on GmSWEET10a. The selection of GmSWEET10a conferred simultaneous increases in soybean-seed size and oil content as well as a reduction in the protein content. The result was validated using both near-isogenic lines carrying substitution of haplotype chromosomal segments and transgenic soybeans. Moreover, GmSWEET10b was found to be functionally redundant with its homologue GmSWEET10a and to be undergoing selection in current breeding, leading the the elite allele GmSWEET10b, a potential target for present-day soybean breeding. Both GmSWEET10a and GmSWEET10b were shown to transport sucrose and hexose, contributing to sugar allocation from seed coat to embryo, which consequently determines oil and protein contents and seed size in soybean. We conclude that past selection of optimal GmSWEET10a alleles drove the initial domestication of multiple soybean-seed traits and that targeted selection of the elite allele GmSWEET10b may further improve the yield and seed quality of modern soybean cultivars.  相似文献   
啖子本生图盛行于北朝时期,莫高窟与西千佛洞保存着诸多图例。啖子故事以孝道为主题与中国传统伦理道德思想十分吻合,特别是北周至隋代十分流行。本文主要分析啖子本生图,对其构图形式,即横幅多场景画卷形式的展开与样式上的发展进行探讨;并与印度、犍陀罗、克孜尔及麦积山、云冈石窟的例证进行比较,详细验证敦煌壁画中啖子本生的画卷形式、连环画形式及异时同图法等,认为敦煌壁画中的睒子本生并非汉代传统形式的延续,而是在印度·犍陀罗的影响之下所形成的。  相似文献   
运用三台高速摄影机对三名优秀女子短道速度滑冰运动员起跑动作进行解析分析。研究表明:在起跑过程中股关节始终保持着外转位,在整个身体倾斜的状态下发挥着蹬冰力,臀中肌在这样的动作中起到了决定性的作用。在肌电图的解析中,利用足关节的屈曲动作既完成了移动身体重心又保持了身体前倾,在这样的状态下进行蹬冰的过程中,胫骨前肌起到了极其重要的作用。因此,对臀中肌及胫骨前肌,应采取积极的训练。  相似文献   
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