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Our argument in this paper is that the model of literary progression which Bakhtin (1981, 1986) expounds in his writing on the chronotope can generate insight into the processes through which pupils improve their writing. We suggest more generally that there are concepts and clues in Bakhtin's historical model of the development of the European novel and in his theory of dialogue which can be helpful in both the evaluation and teaching of classroom writing.  相似文献   
曹雪芹作为语言艺术大师 ,他在《红楼梦》中通过人物对话直接揭示人物的思想性格。《红楼梦》人物对话高度个性化 ,在中国古代小说中达到了登峰造极的地步。《红楼梦》中某些次要人物的对话主要是为了交代故事情节 ,或者是为了间接刻画主要人物的性格特点服务的。《红楼梦》的对话写作技巧炉火纯青 ,堪称典范  相似文献   
The first natural history collections opened to the public were inspired by a sense of curiosity and wonder about the products of nature. They were ‘cabinets of curiosities’ that offered a first-hand interaction between owner and visitors. Nowadays, these two facets of the museum experience—dialogue and wonder—have been lost, in part, due to the information overload coming via the media and the impersonal nature of the museum visit. This paper offers some reflections on the evolution of the museum visit, suggests some ways to rediscover this ‘sense of wonder’ and provides ideas on how to promote two-way communication with museum visitors. Two examples of exhibitions are offered as illustrations of the points discussed.  相似文献   
This article seeks to critically re-open the closed structure of news coverage of ethnic minorities by proposing a dialogical model of representation, which evokes mutual understanding across differences through well-crafted narratives of minority experiences. Informed by Mikhail Bakhtin and Charles Taylor, it explores the notion of “dialogue” within journalistic narratives and delineates two dialogical approaches, namely the evaluative articulation of moral values and the polyphonic incorporation of different voices. The former suggests that journalists should employ nuanced languages to situate ethnic minorities’ aspirations and experiences in a common “horizon of significance”. The latter challenges the hegemonic monologue of an ostensibly objective narration and accentuates the manifold voices from ordinary people, urging the journalists to rethink their positionality as narrators. Two cases are analyzed to reveal how the dialogic representation can be realized in news reporting, calling for a transition from “ethics of inarticulacy” to ethics of care in journalism practices.  相似文献   
德育的对话教育模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对话是主体双方在平等基础上相互理解和交流的过程,在德育中,教师和学生在相互作用中达到相互理解和精神沟通,从而促进学生道德水平的提高。对话教育模式有助于弥补传统德育中的缺失,提高道德教育的实效性,对于德育建设具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
大学英语的教学目的是“使学生能以英语为工具,获取所需信息”。听车理解,即“听而理解意思”。在考试中要求考生边听、边理解、边阅读、边猜测(推断),边作选择。本文通过对大学生英语CET-4听力理解题的分析谈一些答题技巧。  相似文献   
巴赫金在他的《陀思妥耶夫斯基诗学问题》中系统地提出了“复调理论”,而英国作家福尔斯的小说《法国中尉的女人》,则以解构维多利亚时代小说的写作方式印证了复调理论中的某些观点。本文以复调理论对福尔斯的这部一向被视为“元小说”的作品进行新的阐释。  相似文献   
对话不仅是人们思想交流的一种重要手段,而且也可以促使人们打破思想僵化、促进思维发展。米哈伊尔.巴赫金对此有深入研究,并将这一理念运用于文学创作。他认为真正的文学创作都体现出积极的对话精神,女性创作也不例外,奥斯丁的小说亦遵循此道。她的最后一部小说《劝导》展现了女主人公与父亲的直接对话,以及父亲不在场的情形下父女之间的虚拟对话,从而展示了奥斯丁对当时女性生存状态的反思以及她的女性觉醒意识。  相似文献   
双层叙事的提出意在探求《一个人的遭遇》与《活着》文本审美价值相似性产生的叙事技巧上的缘由。认为两部作品具有双层叙述结构,第一叙述者与第二叙述者的层次使作家能够从题材本身的客观限制中解放出来,从而发掘题材在写作上的最大可能性。这一结构方式能够突破对作家的限制的同时也改变了一般阅读状态下读者的姿态。赋予读者以叙述上的参与与阅读时的对话姿态。双层叙事使读者与第一叙述者展开对话而与第二叙述者保持距离,形成阅读时的第三者角色,一方面参与叙述建构,另一方面保持对叙述的批判与思考,形成一种“间离化效果”,是能够将读者引向深入思考状态的理想叙事方式。余华与肖洛霍夫的这两部作品提供了双层叙事结构的经典范本,同时他们在具体叙述选择上也有所侧重,但在阅读效果与文本审美趣味上却有着异曲同工之妙。  相似文献   
《:生活大爆炸》是时下非常风靡的一部以"科学天才"为背景的情景喜剧,该片荣获了包括TCA奖和艾美奖在内的多个奖项。本文尝试从修辞的视域出发,分析人物对白中的修辞手法,如反语、曲解、反问、用典等,从而剖析其在人物性格刻画中的作用。  相似文献   
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